Star Sanses.

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(you only get notes on ao3 btw so lol)

Ink was overworking himself to get more AUs done. Again, does he not know that affects his mental health? That idiot!

"Ink! You need to take a break once and a while! You are overworking yourself." Dream whispered to him nervously.

"Dream, I have to get this one AU done, okay? Then I'll take a break."

"Thank you, Ink, I'm here if you need to talk to me."

Ink sighed and went back to drawing, all he needed to do was just finish this AU, then they would be proud of him. Right?

Ink looks for someone telling him he did good, but he only ever gets it when he gets his dumb job done. So he overworks himself to the bone so he gets that reward, but it concerns Dream and Swap, he's either in his room or the doodle square.

But that's okay, as long as he did fine, he is fine.


"Dream I've been worried about Ink, he's been doing nothing but drawing today!" Swap worries.

"It'll be okay, he's going to take a break in a bit." Dream assured him, and as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ink walked down the stairs of their house? Castle? House.

"Ink!" Swap and Dream smiled.

"Hi guys!" Ink beamed, he seemed like a whole new person, he was happy and was flashing his signature smile.

"Come on, we should go somewhere!" Swap thought out loud.

"Swap, there's nowhere to go, we can just stay at home." Dream laughed.

"Fiinee, let's watch a movie or something! Can we watch Infinity War™ again?" Swap suggested.

"We watched that already, like 10 times, come on! Why don't we switch it up for once!" Ink complained.

"Okay then. Let's watch The Rise of Skywalker!" Swap beamed.

"That's the worst Star Wars movie but okay." Dream sighed.

It ended in the three of them sitting on the shared couch in their house and watching Star Wars movies, finally a time where none of them was being productive.

Well, one of them was being productive, Ink was still thinking about his work. How the creators would scold him for taking a long break. (that break being however many movies that they watched.)

Why can't Dream and Swap just let him work for a day? Why why why WHY?!

"Ink are you alright? You seem to be spacing out." Dream noticed.

"Oh! I'm okay, just getting tired, it's pretty late at night." Ink sighed.

"Shoot I didn't even look at the time! It's 12:34 am already?" Swap whined, now they had to go to sleep and they all just ate a crap ton of popcorn, well however they eat popcorn.

"Ah, we should go to bed then! I'll see you guys!" Dream smiled, his room was on the first floor, so he walked into his room.

"Good night Ink, please don't overwork yourself so much, we love you." Swap reassured him.

"Thank you Swap."

The two walked up the stairs of their house and went their separate ways, Swap got ready for bed, but Ink, he was writing a letter.

Dear Error,

Would you mind meeting me at Outertale? At that one cliff, you know which one that is.

I'd like to have a chat, no fighting, just a small talk, I need to tell you something.

I hope you come here, and if you aren't Error reading this, give the letter to him or tell him, thank you!

Sincerely, Ink.

Ink put the letter into an envelope and as quietly as possible walked out of the house the three lived in and teleported to the bad sanses castle. He looked for an envelope box, why would they have one? He just slid it under the door and it got enveloped by the darkness.

Ink went back home, and went to sleep.

Stripped of existance. (An Inkerror story)Where stories live. Discover now