Helping Ink

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"Oh god what the hell happened?!" Swap stuttered out nervously, running over to Ink picking him up.

Swap shook Ink trying to wake him up, but there was no response, Swap immediately thought of the worse scenario.

"Is he dead!?" Swap sniffled.

"What's going on? I heard a lot of ruckus from here...

Oh my goodness Ink! Is he alright?" Dream yelled in terror as he burst into the room.

"I-I don't know?! I heard a loud bang and I went to see what happened and I just found Ink passed out on the ground!" Swap said, rubbing his eye to stop the tears from pouring out.

Swap had Ink held in his arms when he realized they should clean the carpet- no get a new one, the carpet isn't coming back from that. The floor they definitely can clean though.

"We should probably help Ink, he's overheating." Dream said as he put his hand on Ink's forehead.

"Maybe we should give him a bath, he kinda smells bad too, he hasn't washed himself in a long time." Blue said. "But first we should wait until he wakes up, we don't want Ink somehow drowning."

So that's what they did, the two waited for Ink to wake up, which took around 10-ish minutes.

"*cough* ugh... where am I..?" Ink sighed, his voice rough from throwing up.

"Ink! You're awake!! Here, drink some water." Blue offered him

Ink slowly drank the water, he did just wake up from being passed out, but the water did make his throat feel better.

"Are you okay Ink? We saw you on the floor of your bedroom, but don't worry! We're gonna get you a new carpet!" Dream said.

"Oh uhm.. Okay?" Ink didn't really know how to respond, of course they heard you idiot, your skull slammed into the ground!

"Well we should probably give you a bath, you're like.. REALLY sweaty." Blue laughed quietly.

Ink blushed a bit at that but nodded, he hasn't cleaned himself in a while so that seems like a good idea.

"Alrighty then! I'll start the bath, Ink you can get your clothes off yourself, right?"

"Of course I can! What do you take me for, a child?" Ink squealed, ironically, like a child.

Dream laughed at that and then he and Swap left Ink alone.

"Oh, great, now they are gonna be mad at me." Ink sighed.

Ink was slightly annoyed but decided to get undressed, he thought it would be more awkward but he's just a skeleton, he doesn't have his privates out or anything all he has is a pelvic bone and a rib cage.

"Yo, Ink you done?" Dream asked loudly.

"Yup just gimme a second!" Ink yelled back at him.

Ink sighed and then walked out of the room he was in. He was immediately greeted by Dream, Swap probably already finished filling the bath because he couldn't hear water running anymore.

Dream brought Ink into the large shared bathroom which had an unnecessarily large bathtub, Swap was sitting on the ledge of the bathtub that had bubbles in it.

"Hey Ink! Get in, tell me if it's too hot or cold."

"Uh- okay."

Ink gets in the bath, and oh my god, it's perfect.

"Is it nice?" Dream asks him.

"Yeah, it's really warm, I like that though." Ink sighs as he leans back.

"That's nice! Ink can you wash yourself or do you want us to for you?" Swap asks with a bright smile.

"Uhm, can you guys please? My arms kinda hurt." Ink laughed, sitting up a bit.

Swap nodded, struggling to get the soap and body wash (meant for skeletons) off the highest shelf, Ink put it there as a joke because he thought it would be funny to see Swap struggle, Swap being the shortest star sans.

After swap finally managed to get it off the shelf, Ink wheezing in laughter.

"You got water all over the floor! Come on Ink! You know how dangerous that is!" Swap scolded when he almost slipped on the large puddle of water Ink managed to get on the floor.

"Jeez Swap, it's not like your gonna die." Dream laughed at Swaps 'complaining.'

"Can I not be concerned for anyone's well-being in this damn household?!" Swap cried out dramatically, causing Ink and Dream to laugh.

Swap sighed and then smeared an unecessary amount of body wash from the bottle onto his hand. Ink looking at him in disgust.

"Do you actually use that much..?" Ink asked.

"I mean, ya gotta keep clean somehow."

"Jeez no wonder we run out so damn quick." Dream whispered to himself, laughing quietly.

Swap just huffed in annoyance and took off his socks so he could get into the water, his socks already being soaked from the puddle he pretty much slipped in.

Swap helped Ink wash his tattooed bones, washing skeletons was extremely complicated compared to actual humans. You would have to wash every nook and cranny just to stay clean, although the complicated part only had to be done a few times every month. Atleast they didn't have hair to wash. Or skin to keep clean.

Soon enough after washing all the other parts of Inks body he got to his pelvic bone, Ink gave Swap a weird look when he didn't do anything but soon got the note that Swap didn't want to wash him there which he was perfectly fine with.

"You guys can leave, I can do this part myself."

Swap and Dream nodded, leaving the room and probably just stood outside of the door, waiting for him to come out.

Ink quickly washed the rest of his body and drained out the bath.

He grabbed a towel hanging from the door in the bathroom and wrapped it around his body, it warming him up. He turned the fan on to get rid of the steam and get remove the fog in the mirror.

As he walked out of the bathroom he realized he was right, Swap and Dream were just standing outside having a normal conversation.

"Your here! I thought you'd take a lot longer than you did take"

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment or insult?"

"Neither, anyways do you want food or something?"

"Uh sure, can I have chocolate, I don't really know that's all I can think about."

"I was asking about actual food but that's okay I guess."

"Lord, you sound like my non existent dad."

Swap just sighed and went to get chocolate for Ink. Ink already being back in his bedroom, without his carpet. They'd get a new one soon.

Swap walked into Inks room with a variety of chocolates, he doesn't know why they own so much but they apparently do.

The three of them decided to have a calm day and do literally nothing.

But then Ink remembered something.

He sent Error a letter saying he'd come over so they could talk more. Crap he completely forgot that was in an hour.

"Uh guys I've got to go."

"Why?! You should stay here so you can get better!"

"Uh- I have to go see Error- I MEAN-" Ink tried to hide what he just said, but they both heard it. Shit.

"You WHAT!?"

Stripped of existance. (An Inkerror story)Where stories live. Discover now