Bad Sanses.

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Why does Ink keep making so many AUs?! Can he even catch a single break?

"Ughhh... why won't Ink learn how to take a single break in his life?" Error said to himself.

He sighed, Ink needs to take a chill pill for once in his life, especially now. Is he thinking the creators are going to scold him for not working? Now that he thought of it, Ink probably does think that. I mean it kind of works the same way for him, if he doesn't destroy something the destroyers get so mad at him, just because he won't destroy something? Its stupid.

Error hates himself because of his job, but what can he do about it? Nothing.

"Error, you seem to be deep in thought. What's the issue?" Cross said, giving Error a heartattack.

"Ho-Holy crap Cross you scared the shit out of me!"

"Damn, sorry buddy, but seriously what's the issue?"

"Ugh, Inks been making so many AUs I feel like I'm going insane!"

"Oh, well would you like to go on a small walk with me? I don't really feel like watching a movie with the others." Cross laughed.

"Ah, they are watching a movie again, let me guess a horror movie? You're glad I'm not a fan of those either."

"Sweet! I get to go on a walk with Error~" Cross sing-songed.

"S-Shut u-p lets just go on the d-damn walk." Error mumbled, glitching way more than he meant to in his sentence.

Cross just laughed and opened the door to go into the long hallway that soon leads downstairs. Maybe it would be nice to have a break.

While they walked to the exit of the large mansion, they could hear the movie playing in the background, Cross shivered.

"Come here, let's just get out of here quickly and we can just go on our walk, ok?" Error reassured him, Cross looked at him in shock, he never knew Error had a soft spot. "I-I mean uh-hh lets just go." Error blushed, crap he embarrassed himself, just like he always does.

Error and Cross left the tall building and walked around the disturbing forest. It always felt like someone would jump out and attack them, but everyone was afraid of them.

"Jeez it's sure pretty damn creepy out here, Isn't it?" Cross laughed quietly.

"Yeah it is, but we will be fine, I'm glad I finally get to take a break for once and a while, but maybe the destroy- I-I mean uh nevermind, lets keep walking." Error stuttered, making Cross look at him in confusion, but he ignored it and kept walking.

They went in a loop around the forest and they swore they heard shuffling in the trees, but they paid no mind to it, it was probably some sort of animal. Are there even animals around the area?

Cross and Error were on their way back, chatting about the star sanses and stuff.

"Do you ever wonder what their next move will be? Like if they want a truce or something?" Cross asks.

"Hah, I do all the time, I'm always on the edge whenever I'm destroying an AU Ink always finds his way to me, somehow." Error sighed.

"Yo, we are back!" Cross cheered quietly as Error groaned.

Cross opened the doors to the mansion and the first thing he saw was an envelope on the ground with the phrase 'to Error' written on it.

"I think I found a letter written for you, here, take it." Cross said while handing the letter to Error.

"Oh cool, thanks I'll read it." Error responded.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, or something, good night Error!" Cross smiled. "Also, the letter is from Ink, I can recognize that guys handwriting anywhere"


When Cross left, Error opened up the letter and read it.

Dear Error,

Would you mind meeting me at Outertale? At that one cliff, you know which one that is.

I'd like to have a chat, no fighting, just a small talk, I need to tell you something.

I hope you come here, and if you aren't Error reading this, give the letter to him or tell him, thank you!

Sincerely, Ink.

A meetup in Outertale? With Ink? Well at least he said no fighting, but what did he want to talk about?

Tomorrow will be an interesting day for both of them.

Stripped of existance. (An Inkerror story)Where stories live. Discover now