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The bad sanses were having a normal day, well their normal days are usually chaotic as hell but they consider "not normal days" when the star sanses come to fight them or some other weird shit happens in the multiverse.

Error usually stays in his room all day, hating going out because they always touched him when they knew about his phobia. Sometimes he is able to control or hide his phobia but it's hard to do. But Error also sleeps like, a lot.

The others just roam the castle, annoying nightmare, planning on what to do next to the star sanses, oh yeah, Error hadn't told them about his truce with Ink yet, well, not like he wanted anyone to know, he'd probably get kicked off the bad guys for even mentioning even being friends with Ink or any of the star sanses for that matter.

He hates his job, he hates destroying things, all living things have a soul, even monstrous people like him.

They all just yell at him because he destroys things, they don't even try to stop him, well they do try, but they definitely do not try hard enough.

Yeah Error does love his crew and all, but sometimes they are so annoying and they won't leave him alone. Annoying him all day is all they do. They scream and yell and everything that annoys him to no end, he bets Nightmare feels the same way.

Error lay in his little hammock-like thing, he doesn't really have anything else to do so he just makes puppets, he's already made pretty much every person he knows so now he just remakes people, add some things, fix dumb beginner mistakes, or just change the entire characters outfit.

It's pretty chill until he hears a knock on his door, who is that? He wonders in his head, jeez he can't even have a day to himself. He sighs out loud, stumbling out of the hammock and attempting to walk to the room door after spending like 2 hours sitting doing nothing.

He opens the door and standing there is Killer, looking mediocre as usual.

"Hey Error, so boss kinda wishes to see you- I don't know what the hell it's for but i'm wishing you the best.. Kinda." Killer laughs doing the little finger-gun thing.

"We-welp I'm fucking de-ad." Error sighs under his breath, laughing to himself in defeat.

"Don't be so down dude, maybe it's something good!" Killer attempts at reassuring. Which he isn't good at.

"Uh-huh, sure." Error sarcastically responds.

Error kind of just gives up and pushes Killer out of the way and starts walking to Nightmares office, hunched over, considering he's been sitting in the same weird position for like 2 hours. Error shakes nervously. Chill dude, it's probably something good--hopefully. Errors a few steps away from nightmares office-like area and can already sense his strong negativity, jesus christ how does this guy live like this?

Error gently knocks on the door and waits for a response, when he hears a quiet come in he nervously opens the office door, he grimaces at the wave of strong emotions that pass over him-well, this won't be good.

"Welcome, Error." Nightmare greets, using one of his tentacles to push a chair out from under the desk, giving Error an area to sit.

"Hi-Hello, Nightmare." Error nervously says.

"What you waiting for? Come here, take a seat."

'O-oh uh- okay." Error sits in the little seat set up for him-yes all dark sanses have their own seat, that's what happens when you got lots of differently shaped skeletons in one house, it's quite exhausting.

"Well, Error, nice to see you again- I've got a good question for you; how hard do you think someone has to work to be a Dark sans?"

"Uhm.. a lot..?" Error says, what kind of question was that?

"Well Error, I don't think you are very up to those-standards we've set."

"Oh." Error mumbles under his breath-well fuck. "S-sir, I promise I'll do better.! Please trust me-I can!" He tries to defend himself-he knew he hasn't been trying fucking hard enough.

"Well I'll accept your little "apology", but for now, you can't go out, you're gonna be training for the next few days, Erry~" Nightmare laughs, gaining more power from Error's growing negativity.

"What.? you-you can't do that. No-no.." Error whispers, fuck he has to do more training, he can't do this. Nononono.

"But I can, that's an oopsie daisy on your part, Erry."

"Stop fucking calling me that.!"

Error gets out of the chair, forcing it backwards, he stomps to the door, grabbing the door open with a force, and nightmare doesn't even stop him, all he's doing is feeding on all that delicious anger and negativity..

He feels tears falling down from his eye sockets, he feels so weak, they're all going to stare at him with disgust. They're disgusted by him. He's disgusting.

He walks slowly down the hallway, attempting to wipe his tears to not look like a stupid fucking wimp.

When he finally reaches his bedroom he falls straight onto his bed-bursting out in tears, he has to muffle the sound with his scarf, he lays in the bed, crying-he hates this. Now he has to train for hours, exhaust his body and be in pain.

Once he calms down a bit he hears a knock at his bedroom door; hes too tired to answer the door so he just lays in the bed. Waiting for them to go away, but they just open the door.

"Error? Are you okay?"

Stripped of existance. (An Inkerror story)Where stories live. Discover now