Cross My Soul and Hope to Fall

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In all my time in this fandom, I have seen only one fanfic that includes Cross's op power.

So I decided to make one of my own.

This is not a canon version of Cross.

And I am totally bragging when I say that I didn't look up even one of Killer's various nicknames for our Oreo; they all came from my weird mind :D

Even if a few took a while to come up with-

With that said, enjoy your daily dose of Cross being an absolute legend.


They called me Cross. Why? I didn't know. All I knew was a white void and a ghost child who had knowledge of all my power..something that I didn't have. It didn't matter; I would know eventually. The white void was my home, if one could even call it that anymore..I didn't think so. I had once had a visitor who claimed that he would return, and he did, for a while, but the visits just..stopped; I didn't know how long ago that had been. Now it was just me and the ghost child, who was named Chara. Although bound together by soul, we weren't exactly what people would have considered "friends"; in fact, we only stayed together because we couldn't physically not be together! So we just sat in our void - well, Chara floated - and hoped for a way out. I didn't expect it when it finally came, but I was glad about it. It was a normal "day" in what was once a thriving universe, and I was moping; aside from training and moping, there wasn't very much to do with no visitors. Today, however, I was moping harder than usual, adding in an occasional groan with my tears of remembrance and yearning; Chara didn't see how moping was supposed to help us escape our white void, but..

"C-Cross?" He got my attention.

"What is it, Chara?" I sighed, looking up at my ghost acquaintance.

"Can ghosts hallucinate?"

"How should I know?"

"Well..t-take a look over there.."

"Is this one of those 'make Cross look away while I try to take the body' ruses?"

"No! Just look!"

"Ugh, whatever you say." 

With another sigh, I shifted my gaze to the left - the direction that had Chara so scared - and..froze. That..that was a person! A weird..octopus person, but a person, nonetheless! I stood quickly as my eyelights widened, hoping that this being had the power to escort me out of this white prison; I would do anything for my freedom. After wiping some nonexistent dust off of my clothes, I cautiously approached the visitor, noting the weird, possibly slimy..goop that seemed to coat his body. He was a skeleton, but then again, my first visitor was also a skeleton, and I was a skeleton, too; there might as well have been ten million skeletons, for all I knew. I just had to make a good impression - a very good impression. I totally wasn't shaking as I approached the being, feeling an odd sense of..negativity surrounding me. His sole teal eyelight shifted around my being, possibly to study if he didn't know what to say? I assumed that he was waiting for me to enact the conversation, if we were to have one.

"U-uh..h-hello?" I could have stabbed myself right then and there - stuttering was not a good way to make a first impression! I was an idiot!

"Greetings." His voice had an air of elegance to it, despite his outward appearance looking as if he had bathed regularly in a tar pit in an effort to become one. "Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

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