The Doodlesphere

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Core Frisk was made by DokuDoki!

You can rip multiversal UTY from my cold dead hands.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!

Please enjoy!


It was a well-known fact that the multiverse was a big place. There were many different variants of many different people, and each one was unique - some, of course, more than others. Some of them preferred different types of music or liked different foods, while others dressed differently and enjoyed different hobbies. However, everyone had one thing in common: they had homes. At the end of the day, everyone had a place to go; some had universes, while others stayed in places the multiverse had reserved for those who had lost theirs. A lot of them had families who would care for them, and even if they didn't, there was always someone who was looking out for them. Whether that was a friend, neighbor, or even the protectors who looked after them all! Everyone had a home...

Except one.

It was also a well-known fact that outcodes didn't have universes; they had either simply never had one, or their homes had been destroyed, lost, or otherwise made uninhabitable at some point. The multiverse tried to make them feel welcome, setting aside a few universes to provide homes for those outcodes, and also incodes who had lost their universes somehow. Some simply claimed universes as their own, while others took realms to provide a resting place. Even the one who destroyed universes, Error, had the Anti-Void. His opposite, Ink, however..

He had never really had a place to call home. 

It was ironic, really. Ink was the one who had initially created the universes that now served as homes for those who had none, but he had never..felt right there. When a being known as "Core Frisk" showed up, he had been offered a place in their world, called the "Omega Timeline." It was where he was staying now, still didn't feel right. He lived in a small apartment in one of the many buildings in the Omega Timeline, which had essentially replaced Ink's old universes for the was much more secure, and Error couldn't access it, no matter how much he wanted to. Ink did his best to seem content, however; he was the Creator, after all! The multiverse was his home! He could create whatever he wanted..except a home, apparently. 

Ink usually didn't think about his lack of a universe. He had too many things to do to worry about having anything more than a place to sleep when he was tired; he usully had too many things to do to worry about being tired, too. However, today wasn't a normal day; it was the first day of the annual "Multiverse Days," during which the multiverse celebrated all the different cultures and civilizations that comprised it for a full week. Everyone's origins had a place. Everyone could see their home's mark on the multiverse. Everyone..except Ink. Sure, he was a big part of the celebration, since he had thought of and created most of those cultures and civilizations..but his home wasn't, since..he didn't have one. He tried to convince himself that he was just being selfish, but..that didn't make the fact that he had never had a real home any easier to bear. In light of that fact, he was sitting in his small apartment's smaller living room, staring out the window to see the celebration below.

Monsters and humans converged in the streets to greet eachother or ask about cultures and lifestyles, some even trying to speed through the presentations to see them all before the end (a difficult feat, clearly). Some were enjoying meals with their friends or family, and others were wandering aimlessly, wondering when this would end so the foot traffic would thin out. Ink would have loved to be down there to chat about cultures and civilizations..but he just couldn't. He would have just been a downer at this point; he would go down after he had drained his sadness and had nothing to feel bad about. Unfortunately, he had forgotten what day it was this morning, and he had completely refilled his emotions..leading him to mope. It wasn't long before his absence was noted, of course, and the first knock at his door arrived only a few hours after the celebration began.

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