Converted Conversation

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So..anybody know the Phineas and Ferb movie? Yeah, the one with the other dimension. I just watched it again, and guess what? It reminded me of ATE. So I'm going to translate a conversation into ATE format, because that's fun.

Disclaimer: I don't own the original bits of dialogue that this conversation has been adapted from. Disney does. The portions placed in quotation marks are directly translated. The rest is modified.

Context: an Ink that is very similar to ATE!Ink ends up in ATE.

ATE!Ink, pointing to a picture: "So tell me, other-"multiverse "me, what do you see here?"

Other!Ink: "An ordinary" Papyrus.

ATE!Ink, switching the picture: And how about now?

Other!Ink, with a gasp: Dust's brother the Papyrus!

ATE!Ink: "You know, I'm starting to see why you haven't become ruler in your" multiverse.

Other!Ink: "Alright, Mr. 'Eviler than Thou,' just how did you manage to take over the" multiverse, "anyway?"

ATE!Ink, gesturing to his army: "Simple. I used an army of big, scary" judges whom I changed the code of.

Other!Ink: "Wow, that is scary. I tried that" army "thing once, too." I held their Toriels for ransom until they gave in to obeying me..."I think I've said enough. I still don't get it, if we're the same person, why are you so much better at being evil than me?"

ATE!Ink: "True evil is born through pain and loss. You see, when I was a small" corruption cleaner back in the day, I had a best friend named Nightmare. "Then, one day, I lost" him.

Other!Ink, confused: "That's... That's it?"

ATE!Ink: "What do you mean?"

Other!Ink: That's your emotionally scarring backstory? That's your great tragedy? Dude, I was possessed by a literal demon! Forsaken by my friends and possessed by a non-worldly creature! "And you're telling me you lost a" friend? "That's it? That's all you got? Really?" I had to endure torture! I was mentally tormented for decades! None of my friends even tried to help me!

ATE!Ink: "Well, how did you feel when you lost" Nightmare?

Other!Ink: "Well, I never lost" Nightmare.

ATE!Ink: "Well, maybe if you had, you would've done better. Since you have neglected to take over your" multiverse, "I think I'll go over there and give it a shot myself."

Other!Ink: "Great, we can be a team!"

ATE!Ink: "Yeah, right, a team."

Other!Ink: "Wait, was that sarcasm?"

ATE!Ink: "No..."

Other!Ink: "Yeah, right there, I'm pretty sure that's my voice when I'm being sarcastic."

I was gonna do more, but meh. This one pretty much sums it up. 

Sorry I haven't posted much recently; writer's block is going brr. I can make no guarantees on posting at any time. 


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