Test results

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This chapter is a short chapter on everyone else grade in the class. Seeing as Nishikata and Takagi both got 100 we get to see what their friends got on their test. It's only a short chapter to build on the side characters. Again nothing long to expect but for sure it adds to the story.

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Takagi: 83 huh phew well Atleast I passed, I got worried for nothing. Can't wait to see what the rest got during the test. I think I may have just 1 up them. *smirks*

Kimura: what's with that weird look on your face? Did you fail the test?

Takao: as if.. I got an 83. As you can see my brain never fails me.

Kimura: oh wow congrats Takao. Well I didn't do quite well but I did got an 85%

Takao: What??? You beat me? And by the sound of it by 1 mark. Sigh. Oh well I bet the others didn't do as good as we did.

Takao: What, you and Takagi both got 100% how?

Nishikata: yeah all of our studying together paid off. *blushes*

Takagi:Nishikata seems so focus when we study together, it's like working with me motivates him. *smile*

Takao: You two study together?

Kimura: why are you acting surprised don't you see them heading to the library after school?

Takao: I mean yeah but I wouldn't have thought that they were actually studying, I thought it was just an excuse to be alone after school.

Nishikata runs ripe red.

Nishikata: it isn't like that.. sigh. Anyway Takagi San do you want to walk home together after school?

Takagi: Sure I'm always up for walking with you.

Nishikata has a light blush as the bell rings for school to end and the two head out of the. Classroom together.

Takao: I would have thought that I could have gotten the highest in the class but that opportunity has slipped well Atleast for the boys but Nishikata and Kimura has done better than me.. wait a minute.. I forgot to ask Hamaguchi I'm sure he hasn't passed or Atleast has a higher grade than me.

Hamaguchi: what are you blabbering about?

Takao: Quick your test score, how did you do?

Hamaguchi: I was hoping nobody would ask but I got a 79%

Takao: great that means I did better than you.

Hamaguchi: that's not great I need to get my grades up if I want to impress Houjou.

Takao: we are getting older and next semester we will be in high school. You really need to let her know how you feel before it gets too late buddy. Oh speaking of Houjou how did she do?

Houjou: I got a 92%

Hamaguchi: Houjou?? Wait were you listening?

Houjou: To and about what?

Hamaguchi: Oh nothing never mind.

Houjou: Hmm well how did you do on the test?

Hamaguchi: I.. *sigh* got a 79%

Houjou: oh, I thought you would have studied for the test mainly because it was really easy and everyone would be trying to get a good grade on it.

Hamaguchi: *turns his head* it isn't that I didn't want to study it's just I've been busy..

Houjou: You have too many excuses. You have to find time to study if you want to get into a good highschool.

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