New School Year

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Good morning Nishikata said a cheerful Takagi-San that had been waiting for the dark haired boy at their usual meet place just before heading to school.

Oh good Morning Takagi-san. *cheeks turn a little red*

I can't believe how quickly the summer has ended. It feels like just the other night you and I had been to the Summer festival and people had thought that we were on a date huh? Takagi said with a smile.

Nishikata cheeks began to turn red once more as he thought back about the summer festival. The two had become much closer as friends but still nothing changed. Nishikata had still not tell Takagi how he felt about her and Takagi as well did not open up about her feelings.

Hey Takagi do you think we'll be in the same class again this year?

Hmm? Do you want to be in the same class as me ? *Takagi chuckled at Nishikata as his face turned the color of a tomato. it's not like that I was just curious.

So you don't want to be in the same class as me?

I'm not saying that I just really want to know if you feel that we'll be classmates again, Nishikata turned his head the other way as he explained to Takagi.

Hmm *moves close to Nishikata*  I definitely hope that we do Nishikata.

Hey watch it you're too close said a nervous Nishikata that was blushing like mad.

The two had finally arrived at School and Takagi and Nishikata were greeted by Mano and Nakai.

Mano: Good Morning Takagi, good morning Nishikata.

Nakai: Hey Morning guys what's up?

Good morning said the Duo at the same time, causing both to look at each other. A smile from Takagi and a nervous chuckle from Nishikata as the two had realized that the greeted Mano and Nakai the exact same way at the same time.

Mano: Oh that reminds me it's something that I wanted to ask Takagi. You boys mind if we talked alone for a bit?

Nakai: Sure it's no problem.

Nishikata: Uh.. yeah I guess.

*Mano and Takagi walked off*

Nakai: Hey Bud so are you two like dating yet?

Nishikata who was already teased so much during their walked to school responded with a loud No.

A few of the students that were passing stopped walking for a second and looked at Nishikata in confusion.

Students: what was that all about? So loud on the first day.

Nishikata apologized for his loud outburst and told Nakai that he didn't find the courage to tell Takagi how he felt though they did spend a lot of time together over the break.

Nakai: Oh that's too bad.

Well what about you and Mano? Have y'all relationship progressed since the summer? Asked Nishikata.

Nakai: *scratches head* well no not really. We did hang out a lot but some times she would do something and I was confused about what was going on.

Nishikata: Huh what do you mean?

Nakai: well during the summer we had a little picnic and went to see a movie later that night. After we got from the movie I walked her home and she asked me if I wanted to do it again. I had to turn it down though. I'm just not a fan of watching the same movie twice.

Nishikata eyes widened.

Nishikata: Umm Nakai I don't think she meant to watch the same movie again. I think she was just asking you out on another date.

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