A Loveless Future | Intro II

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Sighing, a young woman(?) went through the dresses in their wardrobe. They took out a light blue evening gown, and took off the pastel pink one currently adorning their figure. Changing into the blue, they adjusted the corset while looking in the mirror. Content, they tied it up and decided to make some breakfast.

The small kitchen was not too far from their room. They overheard the snoring of their guardian, whose breathing shook the old walls of the ancient castle.

Entering the kitchen, they prepared some bread and jam. With other fruits on the side. They looked over their supplies and took note that they'll have to send a messenger bird to their parents, asking for more food. Afterall, they weren't allowed to leave this castle.

They whistled to themselves as they walked back to their own bedroom. Screams echoed downstairs, and they heard their guardian's footsteps booming. Some poor unfortunate and foolish lad must've decided to take his shot at "rescuing" the "princess".

"And that makes six this week." They noted, out loud. "That bitch is going to get fat if so many men keep throwing their lives away like this..."

After finishing their breakfast, they went about their daily activities. Really just pastimes so they don't simply sleep 24/7. They cleaned, even though every corner of their sector of the castle was already pristine.

They read books, arguably their favorite pastime. Stories and legends and nonfictional tellings of the outside world. Their parents would send them new books once a month.

Hours of reading later, the young woman(?) looked out the window, at the sunset. They sighed, setting their food down and going back over to their wardrobe. They pulled out a blouse, and a pair of slacks. As the fading light of the sun disappeared, so too did their girlish figure. They took off their corset as their waist became less narrow, and their bust all but disappeared. Their legs became longer, sturdier. Their jawline more chiseled.

Now looking in the mirror, was a dashing young man.

He looked back outside, at the night sky and the slight coloration of the horizon. Looking down at himself, his body, he heaved a heavy sigh.

He used to wish one of the men that come here so often would one day succeed. So that maybe, just maybe, he could be rid of this curse.

It's not that he hated being man or woman. But he hated that because of this, his chances of anyone loving him were slim. He was disgusting, surely, in the eyes of society. Having the body of both a man and a woman, at different times of day. No woman would love him, for by daylight he too had the body of a woman. And no man would hold him at night, for at dusk he too became a man.

Now, you may be thinking that this really shouldn't be a problem. That surely, in this world, queer people still existed. Somewhere, there's a lonely queer bitch just waiting for their dream queer liege.

Well. Sorry to break it to you. This was a very cishet world, and queerfolk weren't exactly common, or spoken about. Sure they existed. But other than in a few countries, *cough* Greece *cough*, being queer was strongly frowned upon.

So, our intersex prince was out of luck in the romance field. Even if it weren't for his man-eating guardian Dragonite.

He went to his bed, retrieving a book from the shelf next to it. He sat down on the mattress, and opened the book up. It was the umpteenth time he'd reread it. A true story about one of the greatest knights in the kingdom of Ocleiqua's history. Unfortunately, the story ends with the knight's death. It was one of many books about this knight, though most were children's stories. The one in the prince's hands was certainly not suitable for children.

This knight was one of the few in humankind's written history that had accomplished the greatest test of courage, slaying a dragon. It was no mere Dragonite, as the prince's guardian was. It was a real dragon. The first dragon to be slain in centuries.

If only the knight hadn't died so young, the prince thought. If anyone were to have a chance at getting past his guardian, it was this knight. No living person was as capable.

Unfortunately, the biography of Sir Gonathen Freecss stated that he had died several years ago at the young age of twenty-seven due to a tragedy on the battlefield that wiped out more than four thousand troops.

The bodies of which were never found.

Just to be clear, our liege here goes by he/they pronouns (primarily he/him) and much prefers their male form. While he identifies primarily as male, he isn't 100% uncomfortable in his female body either.

He doesn't label his gender himself, but if you need a label to refer them by, refer to him as a demi-boy, genderfluid (fluctuating between identifying as a male, and not giving a fuck). His sex alters at dusk and dawn, but he does not identify accordingly.

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