Moss Patches - a poem about balance

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I wish I could be like the moss,
growing sweetly between the cracks in concrete
Deep alpine green,
soft and bouncy, playful and spongy
Stubborn, always springing back no matter how many times someone has stepped on it
I wish I could be the malleable living organism,
sitting patiently between a small child's hand after they've ripped me from my place in the concrete
Diving towards the ground after the child has grown bored and thrown me
flying through the air, clumps of dirt scattered as I touchdown again somewhere new
I wish I could be like the moss
that somehow makes a home between the grey stones and quick current of the Rockford River
I wish I could be like the moss,
tender yet strong,
easy to persuade yet unyielding

I wish I could be like the moss
where you could find me in places that you would think I could not thrive
where you could find me inconceivably spreading and taking over soil that once was not mine

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