Kristina - a poem about someone that inspired the world

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Where the ghost of your hand still lingers on my heart,
the sun shines; and a young sproutling
grows —

A fire burns and the grass dances sweetly to the sound of music,
Your smile is sprinkling from the sky where you sway with the Lord —

"amazing grace," — the world seems to say,
at your leaving — although these days seem dark and lonely in your stead,
a strong oak tree with pictures of you stands high in my head

Over the faltering lillies,
we grow,
together, as a family,
stronger and closer — like the branches of that oak reaching for the stars,
where you now dwell
fully alive,
pure and everlasting —

We say we love you in what we do,
no matter how many years may pass,
we will never forget you.

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