Beautiful - a poem about finding yourself

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I am... taking a stand,

being careful and being considerate of the things at hand -

"I am," She said, "more capable of being strong than a rubber band."

Think about that for a minute.

Because I've walked in these boots, read this story, searched this soul and watched the Lord spin it -

Created in a silver box, yielded to the secrets unlocked...

                             I've been a ticking time bomb.

How about that?

The girl that you said was too weak (to be loved), too puffy (to be loved), too dumb and too ugly (to be loved) is coming...


And she is, I am, we are, and we will be...

Wrapped in extravagant love; tinfoiled in stardust; crushed in a burning, beautifying crucible to come out remade, refined, and embellished in GOLD.

I am not the slave you once sold -

I am bold.


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