Life in the Flames-14

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Chapter 14 

Through Their Eyes

Breezy's POV

My heart thudded in my chest from all of my dancing and from seeing Reid with her. I instantly looked around the ballroom for the only source of blue in the sea of bright fire colors, but Alonia was nowhere to be found.

A warm hand came and clasped around mine at my side, "Breezy, what's wrong?" Thorin asked.

My forehead wrinkled up in disgust as I caught another glance of the green chick hanging all over Reid, who was standing as stiff as a board. "Who is she?"


"That thing draping herself all over Reid?" I asked holding back a gag.

"Oh her, uh yes I'm not quite sure actually. One thing for sure is she's an earth wielder, but what she is doing here and why she is with Reid is unknown to me," he said slightly confused.

"But where has Alonia gone?"

Thorin quickly scanned the ballroom and then suggested, "Maybe she went out into the garden?"

"She could have. I don't think she likes being with all theses people anyways," I said as Thorin and I started weaving our way over to the doors leading to the garden.

As soon as I stepped outside I let my breezes go to search out bodies in the garden. The garden itself was empty, the willow pond, and the bonfire. But when my winds reached the hedge maze, I could sense four bodies inside. Then the sound reached my ears that rode on my winds: heavy foot falls of men, gruff breathing, light thudding of bare feet on the ground, and a girls swishing skirt.

"She's in the maze, and she's not alone," I said urgently. I grabbed Thorin's hand and dragged him behind me into the maze.

 As I ran I grabbed a hold of a few different breezes and sent them flying though the entire maze to help me locate where the people were. By this time Thorin took the lead, because he knew the maze better than I, while I located the closest form just around a corner of the maze.

It was so dark and I could feel the person running around the crook so I stopped in my tracks so I wouldn't be seen. I clenched my fists causing a wall of air to black the passage and it ran straight into it with a thud.

The person was clearly a male all dressed in all black and was wearing a mask so none of his features could be recognized. He turned, saw us standing there, and then muttered a curse in Eldic (earth wielder language.) Next he clamped his fists toward the ground, lifting rocks, dirt, and soil into a solid wall between us

"Come back here you coward!" I yelled as I tried pushing it over with my winds but nothing helped.

Then I realized Thorin hadn't moved from his spot. He lifted up his hand where a ball of sparkling fire grew and then shot up into the air with a grand explosion.

 "What are you doing? We have to catch him!"

"I'm calling the guards and sounding an alarm for intruders. That was an earth wielder inside palace grounds who wasn't accounted for," he said seriously. Then he shot up another firework into the cloudy night sky.

Then the clouds broke to allow the full moon to throw the maze into an eerie silver glow. In the pit of my stomach I knew something very wrong was happening. I started running through the huge spiraling and twisting maze in the direction of where my winds had found three people, leaving Thorin behind.

I kept growing closer and closer to them until I came to a dead end. They were just on the other side of the hedge so I tried to climb through but they were full of thorns and were too tightly grown together for me to break through. I backtracked as quickly as I could and finally found a path to that spot where the people were. I came around the corner to find no one where they had just been standing seconds before.

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