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it's stupid to think that,
you caused so much damage,
i didn't forget what you did,

and here you are,
months later,
after breaking up with your girlfriend for the 4th time,

going on your friends phone,
and having the audacity to show your face to me after everything you put me through

my heart literally shook,
i felt it fall to my feet

how can i still care about someone,
who literally treated me like shit and lied on my name and over reacting to things that didn't need to show an reaction to

it's like your friend lied to me so he can have me in his life again,
but i don't want you in my life

and i have to suffer because i don't want to hurt him cause he's actually a nice person

but you,
you on the other hand are a selfish,

you're trash

but for some reason,
i can't hate you

i literally lost my best friend because of you

how are you coming back in my life after everything you did?

it's like you don't even know what you did to me,

but deep down,
you know i'm not lying either

it's your choice
your loss

i can't believe i stood up for a man after someone accused your friend of stealing something very important to you even though it wasn't true

i can't believe i cried over what happened cause now,
i just cringe and ask myself why i did what i did

you literally wasted my time and i talked with a child all fucking year

2020 was miserable,

but you made the end of the year,
twice as bad as it was

what else you got up your sleeve?

i already lost myself and now i'm rebuilding my wall cause i don't know if i can ever trust anyone again,

or even trust you again,
i don't know if that will happen

i can never look at you the same again,
i trusted you,

and sadly,
i actually thought

this is so stupid,
none of this needed to happen if this what was gonna be the aftermath of everything

how could you?

deception (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now