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"Come on ladies, let's get to serving, people are coming in!" I look up from my now buckled platform shoes to the club manager, Emilia, who catches my gaze. "You ready to serve VIP tonight, Clementine?"

"I think so," I respond, standing up to make sure the platforms are tightened correctly.

"Clems!" I roll my eyes at her as she gives a wolf whistle. "Look at you!"

Tonight's Playboy night so I'm dressed, much like most of the other girls, in the bunny getup. We're all in different colors, however, and I was lucky enough to get the black one.

"Alright, get to it, they've just ordered some drinks," Emilia shoos me out of the dressing room, fixing my tail before I head out onto the floor.

As expected, it's crowded tonight. All types of people flood the dance floor, watching the shows being put on around them, flirting with staff, and dancing to the music that's nearly deafening. I've worked here for months and it still makes me smile to see all the people just enjoying themselves and letting loose for the night.

I set my sights on the bar and one of the familiar faces who works there, Ira. He was one of the first people I met when I started working here and we've been friends since then.

"Hey Ira," I call his attention to me and he looks over, "the order for VIP one if you don't mind."

"Sure thing Juice." Ira has a thing for strange nicknames. Mine makes sense I suppose, sharing a name with a type of orange and all.

"Here you are angel," he comes back holding a serving tray with four drinks centered on it. The tray is pink and the drinks all come in different shaped glasses. Emilia has a love for unnecessary pompous things, says they attract people and make the drinks taste that much better.

"Thanks," I call to him as he goes to attend someone who walked up to the bar. I then take the tray in my left hand, maneuvering through people, some tipsy and others already loaded, until I get to the silk material that leads to a hall, the mismatch letters over top of the doorframe labeling it VIP. I turn back first and push through the silk, careful to avoid knocking over the drinks before heading to room number one, taking a breath before pushing open the door.

When I enter, there's laughing and chattering in the room, but it partially dies down when the door shuts behind me. I notice that there's already a dancer in the room with them, Delaney, working her magic on the pole centered in the space. My gaze then travels to the people who've booked the room, four men with long, messy hair. I quickly make my way over to them, taking the first drink off the tray.

"Brandy Alexander?" I look at the boys, the one with dark, curly hair taking it from me. Tom Collins, to the man with poodle like hair. The pink squirrel, to the very frivolous looking man who is standing. The final drink, the Golden Cadillac, I hand to the only blond man in the group. With him, I find myself holding eye contact a little longer than intended and a familiar squeeze in my chest, before I'm pulled away by the flamboyant man.

"Darling, might I say you look absolutely fabulous," he says, holding his hand out to me. I take it, pulling the serving tray to my chest as he spins me around to get a full look at my attire.

"What is your name my dear?" The man asks me as I come back to front, releasing my hand.

"Clementine," I respond, giving a trained smile that, for the first time in a while, feels somewhat genuine.

"How exotic," he gives me a look I can't help but laughing lightly at, "I'm Freddie dear."

"A pleasure," I say as he turns to the other boys seated on the couch.

"This here is Brian," he starts with the man with the long curly hair, followed by the man next to him with lighter hair, "this is John, and that's Roger." The last is the blond who gives me this look that I can't quite place before taking me up and down.

"Are you a bunny?" John asks me, taking my attention.

"She's a playboy bunny, Deaky, but you wouldn't know anything about that," Roger informs the man, leaning back farther into the couch with his earned laughter from the other two boys. I give Deaky a scrunched nose apology smile, tucking the serving tray under my arm.

"It was a pleasure meeting you gentlemen," I tell the boys, "if you need a refill, food, an escort to the bathroom or another other area, or anything else,
stick your head out of the door and I promise that within two minutes I'll come through the silks and I can assist you." With that, I give the men a curt nod and exit the room.


"VIP room one hasn't called for me since I had to bring in two bartenders for a big round of drinks. VIP room two is, well, doing fine, they're the only room who's payed dancer time hasn't expired. VIP room three left early because one of them got sick, and VIP room four has found their way to the main dance floor." I look up from my hand that I was keeping count on to Emilia.

"You know I'm not worried about that Clems," she tells me, "are any of them hot? Come on, details details!" I sigh, smiling at her teenage like giddiness.

"One of the men in VIP room one is hot," I say simply, shrugging, "he's got this long blond hair with darker roots and these gorgeous, deep blue eyes."

"Girl, it sounds like you've got Robert Redford in that room!" Emilia shouts, earning a laugh from me.

"Oh, if only," I respond, standing up from the break room couch, "I better get back to check the rooms."

"Don't get distracted," Emilia winks at me and I shake my head at her, fixing my bunny ears before heading on to the floor once more and then to the VIP hall.

When I push open the silks and enter the hallway, I find that the VIP room one door is opening, and it shuts to reveal Roger. He looks to his right first, then to his left, towards me.

"What do you need?" I question, walking up to him.

"The bathroom?" He asks, looking me up and down.

"Oh, yes of course," I gesture for him to follow me, heading back for the silks, "our VIP men's bathroom is currently undergoing renovations, so I'll have to take you to the main one, is that alright?"

"Yeah, fine," he responds. I can tell he's a little bit tipsy, but not quite over the top. Well, not yet anyways.

When we exit the hall, I stop for a moment, looking back at him.

"It's gonna get tight and very distracting and the likelihood of me losing you in the crowd is high so stay close," I say to him, grabbing the wrist part of his shirt and pulling him into the crowd.

The music reverberates in my chest, every beat of bass matching the timing of my heart. Warm bodies surround me, some parting ways and others rubbing and sliding against my own, too drunk to think properly. When I look back at Roger, I find he's mesmerized by the flashing lights and the people dancing all around him and I can't help but smile at his childlike fascination. Maybe he's a little more intoxicated than I thought.

"We're one of the only night clubs that's disco and rock," I say after pulling Roger closer so he can hear. He looks down at me as I let go of his shirt.

"Clementine, was it?" He asks me and I nod in response. "Wanna dance?"

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PRETTY LOVER BOY - ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now