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"I'm working Rog," I say as he drops his chin down on my head, hands kneading into my shoulders as he pouts at his failure to get me away from my desk.

"Come on, sweetheart, you've been at it for hours now," he whines.

"It's been one hour and it's only morning," I reply, "it's five different shows you know, back to back before I get another break for planning."

"Didn't you say you have to wait on the tech guy anyway to see if the lighting will work?" He asks, moving away from me.

"Yes, but there's other things I could be doing." Roger drops down on the floor, slouching over as I swivel my chair around to look at him.

"Are you throwing a fit right now?" I ask, leaning back.

"No," he replies, crossing his arms.

"You're a toddler," I turn back to my work and I hear him stand once again, groaning as he does. He drapes his arms over my shoulders when he's behind me again, flowering kisses up my neck, all the way till he's made it to my ear.

"Where should I have you?" He whispers, making a chill run up my spine.

"Roger," I warn, stilling my movements.

"On the ground, against the wall, or maybe," he reaches over me, drumming his fingers on the desk, "I'll bend you over this."

"Roger," I repeat, voice wavering.

"Yes, my love?" He turns the chair so I'm facing him, forcing me to look up at him as he towers over me. I get that familiar fluttery feeling in my chest as my breathing hitches.

"Do you have something to say?" He asks, leaning down so our noses are nearly brushing together, hands now gripping my thighs. He hums when I keep my mouth shut, trying to even my breathing as he puts his index finger under my chin, tilting my head up just that much more.

"I guess not." Much to my surprise Roger pulls away from me, turning on his heel to walk away. I quickly reach out, grabbing him by the shirt to make him look back.

"Over the desk," I say, not breaking eye contact with him. A grin dances across his face as he grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the chair. He turns us around, backing me up until I'm trapped against him and the wall.

"I don't like that you're working now," Roger sighs, dropping down in front of me, running his hands over my ankles and then up past my calves. "And teasing me in just your sweater." His hands come to rest on the back of my knees as he looks up at me through incredibly dark lashes.

"It's yours," I respond, pulling the sleeves down over my palms. It's far too big for me, coming down to a bit above my mid thigh, and it smells just like him.

"You do things to me you know?" His hands travel up my thighs as he leans forward, pressing wet, open mouthed kisses to the skin.

"But you like it." He looks up at me once again, a playful smirk on his face.

"Is that what you think?" He tilts his head, one of his fingers dragging up my inner thigh, hooking on the edge of my underwear.

PRETTY LOVER BOY - ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now