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"Yes Freddie, I was on my way out the door before you called," I say into the sage green phone, desperately trying to tame my hair, wearing nothing but a sweater, my knickers, and a pair of socks. I should've been far from my flat by now, headed in the direction of Freddie's parents house for his birthday, but instead I had fallen asleep over a cup of tea that had long grown cold.

"I was job searching Fred, I lost track of time." A lie, yes, but I have been looking for jobs recently, so it's not entirely untrue. Plus, it makes for a pretty convincing coverup.

"Yes, I'll be over shortly," I hang up the telephone, scrambling from the wall to my bedroom, sliding across the faux wood floor. I begin to throw my clothes in a haphazard pile on the floor, searching for something appropriate to wear in front of Freddie's parents that I won't hate to have on. I decide quickly on a colorful patchwork skirt that falls to just above my mid thigh and a yellow long sleeve top, throwing a pair of aviators I had stolen from Roger on and then promptly scampering from the room. I grab my house keys from the kitchen before pulling on a pair of Chucks, shoes Roger had so graciously turned me on to, before I exit the house.

I tromp down the fire escape stairs, calling a taxi once I've made it to the sidewalk and giving him the address, settling into the leather seat. I watch buildings go by, slowly melting into residential housing before I find myself in a neighborhood. We come up on the house and I pay the driver who gives a curt nod before going on his way, leaving me to the home. I quickly make way to the front door, chattering audible though the walls of the house as I brush myself off, knocking on the door. When it opens, I met by a girl I quickly pinpoint as Freddie's sister.

"You must be Clementine," she says, a warm smile on her face, "I'm Kash. Please come in, Freddie's been waiting for you."

I enter the home, Kash shutting the door behind me as I push my sunglasses up on my forehead. The dining room is directly to my left, sharing a room with the living area, and I find that the conversation seems to already be thriving around the table.

"There she is!" Freddie jumps from his seat at the sight of me, walking over and engulfing me in a hug.

"Sorry I'm late, Fred," I reply, returning it, "and happy birthday."

"Yes darling, I forgive you don't worry," he releases me, "you're one of the only people keeping me sane, I couldn't possibly stay mad at you." I shake my head at him, turning my attention towards who I assume is his mother as she walks up to me.

"You must be Clementine," she takes my hands, holding them in her own, "I've heard so much about you, I'm glad I've finally gotten to meet you."

"It's a pleasure, really," I smile and she squeezes my hands gently before letting them go. I then do my rounds, saying hello to the boys and Mary before taking a seat next to Roger.

"You look pretty," he says, toying with the hem of my skirt, "I've never seen you wear this before."

"That's because it's been sitting in my closet," I respond, batting his hand away before pulling my chair a little closer to the table.

"Are those my sunglasses?" I choose to ignore his comment, pretending I didn't hear it at all.

"Mary," Freddie's mom sets a cup of tea which I thank her for in front of me, her attention on Mary, "I cannot tell you how long I have waited for Farrokh to bring him a nice girl like you." I tilt my head, watching Freddie as he looks away from both Mary and his mother.

PRETTY LOVER BOY - ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now