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NOTE!!: you can always count on me to write the sex scenes better than the actual story :)

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Every thought in my head is only pounding white as Roger takes my face between his hands, kissing me rough and breathless, desire twisting in my chest as we stumble blindly towards the couch. It's Rog that goes down first, our lips parting as he falls back on the armchair, leaving me to rake my eyes down him. It's mere seconds before clothes are stripped, torn off by desperate hands, then finding there way strewn about the room.

As soon as we're both free of our clothing, Roger reaches for my wrist, pulling me down on to him. I slot my knees between his thighs and the arms of the chair, resting my forearms on his shoulders as he captures my lips against his again, tugging at my lower lip. Hot, fiery passion bubbles over into the kiss as Roger slips his tongue in my mouth, swiping it over the inside of my cheek before pulling away, leaving me in a blinking daze.

"The things you do to me." Roger brings his hand up to run his knuckles across my cheek, and I lean into his touch, fluttering my eyes shut.

"I need you," I reply, voice breathy, as Roger presses a kiss to my jaw, continuing along the length of my neck.

"Where?" He asks against the dip of my collarbone, nipping at it gently.

"In me," I say as Roger moves his hands under my thighs, forcing me to sit up on my shins so he can fully slide his hands between my thighs and calves. A gasp escapes my lips as he pulls me farther against him, his hard-on now apparent and pressing against me. Roger hums against my skin at my reaction, dipping his head down just a little to leave a love bite on the sensitive skin of my breast before slipping one of his hands from under my thigh.

I watch him with my head tilted softly to the side as he pulls open the top drawer of the side table. He comes up with a condom, shutting the drawer and making the table lamp shake. I can't help but snort at the comedic nature of it.

"What?" He asks me with a cheeky grin, breaking the seal, "haven't you learned I'm always prepared?" A giggle escapes me as he uses the hand still under my thigh to life me up a bit, allowing him to slide the condom down the length of him. I move so I'm completely up on my shins, rolling forward on my knees a little as I drag forward. With a hand on my waist and the other on his cock, Roger pulls me down on to him.

He has both hands gripping my waist now and he presses a soft kiss to my cheek as I tuck some of his blond hair behind his ears, taking in the dangerously familiar feeling of being around him.

"Are you gonna be my pretty girl tonight?" He asks, hands brushing down my hips, stopping to rest on my thighs.

"Yes," I reply, jaw trembling as he leans forward, pressing his lips under my ear.

"Good." Roger encloses his fingers around my neck, just hard enough to feel my pulse, the pulse I'm sure is running rapidly as I begin to circle my hips on him. A simple rock coaxes a deep groan out of him and I tilt my chin up, gooseflesh spreading across my skin as he releases my throat, harshly grabbing my hips. With one hand back on his thigh and the other gripping his necklaces, I start to roll my hips.

"Fucking hell," Roger groans, his head dropping back. The sides of my knees press into the arms of the chair as I spread my thighs just that much more, pulling at his necklaces so that he sits back up. I move my hands so they're on his shoulders, fingernails digging into his skin as I begin to bounce, the chair creaking under each of my movements.

PRETTY LOVER BOY - ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now