5 | The Hierophant

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(Y/N) didn't visit Akito the next day

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(Y/N) didn't visit Akito the next day.

If it was up to her, she would avoid being near him for as long as possible, but unfortunately, she had no choice but to visit the head of the clan soon.

To avoid being called to his residence that morning, (Y/N) woke up early and rose while the rest of the household was still slumbering. She prepared quickly and left as the sun slowly rose up to take its place in the morning sky.

Akito would probably be upset that she didn't visit, but even thinking about being in the same room as someone who almost killed Rin made her stomach churn.

"No need to be so tense," she imagined him saying. "After all, you haven't done anything to displease me, haven't you?"

She shivered, walking faster.

"(Y/N)-sama had to get to school early," the servants would later tell him. She predicted that he would throw a tantrum and yell at them, and that made her feel a little guilty.

Luckily for her, a driver was up and ready when she called. It seemed like she was making a clean getaway.

"To school, Miss (Y/N)?" he asked, nodding respectfully as she entered the car.

"I have matters to attend to at the Sohma General Hospital before heading to school. Please drive me there."

She hoped he wouldn't be too upset.

"Good morning." (Y/N) greeted as she entered. "How are you feeling, Rin?"

Rin was asleep. Her dark hair fell over her face like a veil, partially covering the bandage wrapped around her head.

The thought that Akito did this to Rin made her chest feel heavy.

(Y/N) slipped in silently, careful not to wake her. She walked to the refrigerator in the room, lifting the plastig bag she brought so it wouldn't make any sound.

She glanced at the sleeping Rin before stowing away the gelatin cups she brought in the room's refrigerator.

Rin was a light sleeper, so (Y/N) had to tread carefully to make sure she didn't wake her.

Maybe she's deep asleep, (Y/N) thought, deciding to speak.

"Hey," she started, speaking softly. "I'm here if you need me, you know that right?"

She received no response except the quiet hum of the machines connected to Rin's body.

"I'm sorry things are like this..." she continued. "I wish... I wish things were different."

She moved towards the door.

"Take care, Rin. Anything you need, I'm here."

She took one last look at Rin before leaving.

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