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Bakugo sat there bored, he was back to being unnoticed.

Midoriya turned his head around, he was in his old mental hospital room.
Heroes, police, and nurses were all staring at him.

"The anti-depressants...
Mine wore off.

This isn't good"
Midoriya thought to himself as he felt a wave of sadness and stress crash back upon him.

"Izuku Midoriya.
You are in the mental hospital of Tokyo due to the fact your quirk has made you kill 146 people total.
You are here for therapy.

If you pass the sessions you will be welcomed back to school.
However, due to the fact your quirk makes you violent you are legally required to constantly have the quirk cancelling cuff on.

If you remove it and go on to kill people, you will be thrown in tartarus.

You will be fed 3 times a day and supplied with items you may need.

Do you understand?" The captain of the police dept explained.

Midoriya nodded his head dully.



Even though it wasn't your fault that you killed those people, you still have to face a form of punishment.

When you are mentally sane, you will have to do community service for 146 weeks.
A week for each person.


Midoriya again nodded his head, not really caring.

"Alright then.
We'll let the nurses commence with the therapy.
We're out."
The heroes and police then proceeded to walk out.

"Why am I chained down?" Midoriya sighed.

"We were worried you were going to wake up violently.
The cuffs will be removed now" a nurse replied.

Midoriya nodded his head.
He looked down at his body, "I'm still in my villain outfit.
They couldn't figure out how to take it off of me-
Midoriya rubbed his wrists as he finally sat up.

He looked around better, "I can't see Kacchan.

So it was the quirk that allowed me to see him.
It's fine.


The goal here is to go against the heroes and AFO.
Playing by my own rules.

I'm going to be here for a while, this is gonna suck.

There is no security in the bathrooms due to legal reasons which is perfect."

"Alright we'll start off with some basic introductions and questions.

I am doctor Kuro.
What's your name?"

The other nurses exited the room to leave Midoriya with his new therapist.
The old therapist quit because Midoriya was too much to mentally handle.

"Izuku Midoriya" Midoriya replied.
He stared at the ground, his heart felt heavy.
Sadness was clouding him.

"Okay, Midoriya.
Any medicines you remember taking before you were technically kidnapped?
We have some on record but we have to double check with the patient to see if they're actually needed" Kuro asked.


"When was the last time you've taken those?"

"Is today the day of the festival or the day after?"

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