"You plan to make those 3 villains?
How?" Bakugo asked."Simple emotional manipulation will do the trick.
Anyways, avoid being spotted during the day.
I'm off" Midoriya replied as he pulled out his scythe."Where are you going?" Compress asked.
"I already told you." Midoriya paused as he pulled out some traps.
"I have to set these up.
It'll take me awhile to go through this forest on foot without being caught so you won't see me til this Wednesday when we attack.Remember.
Once the sun is completely set.
Start.Okay?" Midoriya said as he sat down side ways on his scythe.
They nodded their heads as Midoriya flew off into the forest.He landed on the ground, Midoriya could smell the forest dew.
The ground was cool.
Crickets and frogs were able to be heard from all around."Time to get this started"
Midoriya started to set up the traps."It would be annoying if animals got caught in these but it's useless to worry about that.
These will be useful when Wednesday comes, hopefully Iida, Todoroki, or Tokoyami get caught in one of these or one of the staff.It would make life a whole lot easier" Midoriya thought to himself.
By the time the sun had risen Midoriya only managed to get half his traps set up through half of the forest.
Setting up the traps took a lot of time and walking through the Forest took more time.Midoriya went to sleep in a high risen tree, no one could see him from below.
They'd have to be on the same level as him to see him.It wasn't comfortable sleeping on direct wood but it wasn't the worst he had slept on.
Soon the class woke up and got to training.
Midoriya could hear them through his slumber, they were loud when they complained.At 4pm Midoriya woke up, the class was still training.
"Huh, still training?
At this rate when time comes to attack not only will they be too tired, they won't be able to do anything.This is literally perfect."
His phone suddenly went off.
He pulled it out, Bakugo was calling him.
He had given him a phone."What?" Midoriya picked up on the phone call.
"Where are you?
The rest of the league scattered across the forest to prepare for the attack tomorrow." Bakugo asked."Up a tree"
"A tree?"
"Mhm, it's so I don't get spotted"
"That seems like the most obvious spot to get spotted in"
"Not when I'm up super high.
Now why are you calling exactly?""I don't know where to hide."
"Well that's not good.
Hide in the cave we stood by when we gathered here.
That or hide in a bush""Alright"
The call ended from there.
Midoriya looked around bored, "exploring during the day is risky compared to doing it at night.
But I'm bored and the sun doesn't set for another 3-4 hours.I'm also starting to get hungry, I didn't think about food..."
Midoriya sighed as he reluctantly got down from the tree and began his walk.

Silent Death
Fanfiction"Life is full of surprises, like I never expected to be a villain but here we are." Izuku Midoriya- Quirk- Reaper Status- Number 1 villain? Things were going great... Up until Midoriya noticed his best friend's cause of death... Was himself. (TRIGGE...