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Midoriya ended up falling asleep on those thoughts, leaning against the window.

He woke up the next morning with a very sore neck and body.

He groaned as he stretched.
He could hear somethings pop as he moved.

He woke himself up and got ready for the day.
Soon breakfast came in, he ate up and shortly after therapy began once more.

Over Midoriya's time in therapy he gained the trust of all the staff in the building, he made sure his plan was still in action as well.

He came up with a plan against AFO as well, he wasn't about to be a mere pawn in someone else's game of chess.

He was about to be the one who's truly playing, putting AFO against himself as well as all of Japan.

He was playing on a higher level than both of them.
While AFO thought he was using him to make Japan hell, Midoriya was actually using him...
And while his therapists thought he was getting better, he was exactly the same...

He was playing a mind game upon them all and they didn't even know.

After a month and a half of being in therapy Midoriya finally qualified to return to school.
He'd spend most of his day there and return back after the school day to continue therapy.

"I'm glad to see your doing much better, remember to ignore any comments your classmates may have and to just enjoy yourself" Kuro smiled as Midoriya made his way out of the room.

He was in his UA uniform, his villain outfit was now back in it's hero case.
However, that wasn't much of an issue.
Midoriya had his phone, notebook, and other things he had brought in his pockets.

Midoriya nodded his head as he was escorted out and away to UA.

"Finally out of that place!" Bakugo shouted.

"You realize you could've left at any time, right?" Midoriya whispered.
He was being driven to school.

"And do what exactly?
You're the only one that can see me"

Midoriya sighed as they pulled up into UA's entrance.
Midoriya got out and walked inside.

He was given multiple dirty glares, no one wanted him to be there.

Midoriya looked the best he had looked in a while, his skin was clear, he didn't have puffy/red eyes, he didn't have dark under eye bags, and he looked like a normal kid.

If that kid was insane, but yeah.

He walked into the classroom, class had yet to begin.
The class had been anticipating Midoriya...

"Welcome back, Midoriya...
Take a seat" aizawa said, breaking the silence.
Midoriya nodded his head as he walked over to his seat and sat down.

Bakugo, despite being a ghost, sat down in his seat.

"Class, remember to follow the rules I spoke up previously.
If any of you have an issue with that we'll be talking after school."

What Aizawa had been referring to was the set of rules he announced just a couple minutes before Midoriya walked in.


"Are you kidding me!?
You're letting that villain back here?!" Kirishima exclaimed.

He's a threat to our safety! This should be illegal!" Kaminari added on.
While the 2 of them were expressing anger the truth was that they were actually super scared.

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