10 - Who Am I

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10 – Who Am I

"The barrier won't hold any longer."

As Ether Fang remained in his spot, holding his hands together whilst fighting back against the frost. Ether Boboiboy gritted his teeth as he soon realized that Ether Fang's arms were starting to shudder as lines were crawling upwards to his neck. "Fang, for now—" "—I'm not dropping it off, unless this is a plan, I won't drop the barrier." Ether Fang said with a firm tone, making the latter sigh, looking towards the tent. Zion was alarmed when his body felt a sudden thud, making him lift his hand to show an ancient mark. 'What... why is it acting up... now?' Zion thought as he looked around, soon Fang rose from the ground. "Fang! How did it go? Ying and the other two?" Ciciko asked as the male swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Gopal is in a 'hex' state. The Queen Dowager is helping with it, but she sent me over to give this."

As Fang lifted his hand, a book banded to him appeared from thin air, making the group look over. "This is—" "—The Queen said it can help Fang with the barrier, but... the spell she gave." Fang uttered, feeling intimidated by the words he heard. 'It's a one-way pass. Once we put it up, the only people who can put it down would be the people who created it.' Belle said, making Fang sigh as Zion got the hint from his expression. "I can't do that spell, I'm unable too—" "I can though." Ether Boboiboy said as he stood by the entrance, making Zion look at him with concern. Ether Boboiboy smiled as he went towards Fang, holding the book's top as he lifted his other hand. "Michelin: The Knight." Ether Boboiboy uttered as his body soon picked up the pace, light flowing upwards. Ether Fang soon realized that his body was recovering from the injuries sustained by the spell, but he heaved and kept his shadow barrier up. "What is this spell for?" Tarung asked with a concerned tone, seeing that the magic wall was rising up.

"A damage-defense spell. It's a special Maruterra spell created by the Former King of Maruterra. It was created for one purpose." Ether Boboiboy said as he turned towards Zion who wore a discouraged expression. "That purpose being containing my powers in one area—ideally my own room." Zion said as he lifted his hand, showing the marks as they were surprised. "What do you mean contain? This spell isn't a simple thing from how I see it." Boboiboy asked as he stepped closer to his rift-selves. "I'm unable to recall most of it... my memories can only date so far." Ether Boboiboy said as Zion looked up towards them, his heart tightening. "There was a point in time... we were also like you—" Boboiboy felt alarmed. "—we weren't originally split. We were born as Boboiboy—blessed with the power of body-replication." Zion stated as the rest looked at the two, sensing the barrier was up.

"Before my reign. My father had gone and went into a battle alongside my younger brother, but they never returned. Tarung's curse had completely made mockery of our plan... and my Grandmother didn't know—she had killed her own son with her careless play in magic." Zion said as Boboiboy felt shocked, his eyes shaking with the realization. Maskmana held Zion's shoulder as the male gave him a quick gaze of gratitude. "The pain too far for my powers to handle, the Shadow element lost control... nearly causing me to kill myself." Zion said as Yaya was alarmed with tears in her eyes, Boboiboy comforting her by the shoulder. "Fang and Gopal had managed to stop me. But that didn't change for the better. I had locked myself in my room—completely overridden with damage-defense spells to avoid the previous incident." Zion said as he gave a low-chuckle to the markings on his wrist.

As Maskmana looked out to the markings, he felt slightly weakened. "Then... what happened...? Why did that Tarung manage to give you all these horns?" Tarung asked as he recalled the previous words of the male, making Zion heave a breath with a smirk. "My older brother won't recall that. I take the worst memories as a bargain for our lives." Zion said as Ether Boboiboy nodded, stepping beside Ciciko. "The original plan—as I recall—was to attack the people attempting to summon that monster. It turns out, he wasn't about to be summoned—he was already there." Zion said as he lifted his hand, showing a bubble of light, showing the battle of Tarung and their army. "After chanting the spell, the army my father had administered with him was overridden with dark thoughts—desires for power, the instinct of animals wanting to overturn their king. Instead of Tarung being circled—they fought amongst themselves... even my brother and father lost when Tarung took their lives." Zion stated as he closed his hand, the bubbling disappearing whilst the room became silent from shock.

"You said you were one before... before that battle you mentioned at our rift... what happened then to lead to you becoming... separated?"

As Fang asked with a concerned glance, Ether Boboiboy looked at him with a small smile. "We had to be separated... and thanks to him, while I live in the dominant body—Zion was removed. It was a precaution to avoid another incident—seeing that my elements were also out of control. That is why my three other elements hold satirical and sadistic tendencies as opposed to my other ones. It was the final option to make sure I didn't go crazy." "And my work paid off, do you not think, his highness?" A familiar voice made them turn to see Marcus who wore a small smile, making them realize that the person who initially saved the twins was none other than Marcus. "Good that you did that. Unfortunate that it had to come to such." Ciciko stated as Ether Boboiboy gave him a small smile, nodding. "The barrier her majesty administered will last no matter who attempted to disarm it. But her majesty apparently had an incident back at the palace." Marcus said as the twins were alarmed.

"It was one of her premonitions... and as General Gopal said, it relates to the Prince."

As Marcus stated those words, the twins were even more disheveled. "With who? This rifts Fang's brother?" Fang asked as that was the only prince he currently knew of. Ether Fang had returned after a complete heal, managing to hear some of Marcus' words. "Not my younger brother. Her Majesty most-likely is referring to Prince Bentley. The Twin emperors' younger brother." Ether Fang said as the group became concerned, after hearing such a story, it can be more dangerous to face with another Warlord like Tarung.

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