13 - Resist

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13 – Resist

As Amato's eyes rose towards them, a twisted smile made them shudder, unable to read his intentions. "Oh no..." Ether Fang voiced as Amato looked towards the side, seeing Belle standing, fear present in her eyes as she saw the dead rise. The Blood King walked towards her as Ether Boboiboy attempted to come towards him, stopped by Bentley's figure in front of him. Amato stood before his wife, lightly holding her face in his hand, his fearful gaze made Belle stand in fear. "B-Beloved..." Belle called with tears in her eyes, making Amato heave a breath, letting her go. "What a pity that this world has become naïve with hope... I do wonder, if you are the rightful heir—my son." Amato stated as he turned towards the twins, making Zion grit his teeth as he realize the sheer amount of people present.

"Move back." Zion stated as he made the surrounding guards move away from them, knowing full-well what his father is capable of in such a situation. Amato let out a low chuckle as he went towards Bentley, holding his shoulder. "We must not remain here any longer... please listen to me, your majesty." Bentley stated as Amato nodded, looking back to the guards, mixed with fear and bravery. "To the sun, a moon is his other half... what makes it complete... I do wonder... did my father say a word of my life... inside those castle walls...?" Amato said as the group nearby stood in stance as his eyes glimmered red to pale blue. 'Your father...? Grandmaster. What have they been hiding... from my eyes.' Ether Boboiboy thought as he rose his solar sword.

"Halt from movements. You are surrounded, please cooperate for a safe transfer."

As Ether Boboiboy pointed his sword towards the two, Bentley furrowed his brow in befuddlement whilst Amato let out a chuckle, the surrounding guards alarmed. Amato stopped laughing, lifting his hand as a white light became present, soon throwing it upwards. A large shake befell the kingdom's surrounding as Ether Gopal ran towards Mira's study as he felt concerned by what he discovered back at the borders. 'The barrier can only be neutralized to non-existence, this means that the other me from here is the only person who can destroy it—unless someone who created it comes, it should be impenetrable.' Fang said as Ether Gopal recalled the familiar marks on the barrier, moving inside the library. He was soon looking around the beautiful garden.

"There you are!"

As Ether Gopal turned back, he soon saw his rift-self limping towards him with Ochobot and Kei. "What are you doing here? Your wounds have yet to heal—" "—I have my reasons! Now listen. There was an attack that led to me being like this right?" Gopal asked as Ether Gopal turned towards him with a nod, making Kei sigh. "I was put into a spell-thingy that made me see my own memories. There was another guy—and it's a Prince—I don't know the name, but he was off." Gopal said as Ether Gopal turned towards Kei who looked sternly at him. "Pardon his panicked explanation—this man was used as a vessel. Prince Bentley, who was seemingly deceased, used him to get pass the barrier. We are unable to find him, but I presume my brother has met him at one end." Kei stated as Ether Gopal looked to the side, thinking of what had been going on.

"Oh no! The admirals are saying the barriers down! The kingdom might be swarmed!" Ochobot stated as he received a warning signal from Ciciko and Kaizo. Soon, Ether Gopal stiffened as he heard those words, looking towards the library. 'So... once a king... you will remain as one.' Ether Gopal thought as he snapped his fingers, making Gopal float. "I need some assistance. I have to find books created in a time preceding 20 to 30 years from now. Find it in here, use your powers if you must." Ether Gopal said as the rest looked amongst one another, Kei dropping the doll on his sword to reveal the pink-haired woman. "Mina, east. I will be with her." "I'll analyze those ones." "—I guess I'll be with you, other me?" Gopal said as Ether Gopal nodded, moving along.

After scouring the entire library, Gopal floated upwards and started to pull out random books to see their date of creations, but one he had pulled soon made the library shake. "What the—I mean, what the heck is that!?" Gopal stated as he turned to see one of the fountains draining as it recreated itself into a stairwell. "One way to find out, may I?" "Thank you, Mina." Ether Gopal said as they soon went down, Ochobot being held by Kei. Upon the stairs finishing, they were shocked to see a large room filled with ancient markings, cracks and pages plastered on the walls. "This is..." "Grand Priestess' chambers... her magic room." Ether Gopal stated as Mina carefully surveyed the scene to avoid them getting harmed, fortunately no traps were present. "What is that thingy?" Ochobot asked as he pointed toward the center of the room, a pedestal with three book holders present.

'This took her life...' Ether Gopal thought as he recalled Grandmaster Aba's words, making him steadily walk up towards the pedestal, lifting his hand as his usual red-yellow power glimmers were blissfully shifting from red-blue colors. He looked down towards the books, seeing that they were missing pages as he recovered them from the wall. 'Mia min jua zuttore... these words... are what demons in Hex use for summoning...' Ether Gopal thought as he looked behind him, seeing the large glass mirror carved with the same ancient words.

"General! There you are!"

A familiar voice said as they turned to the stairs, seeing a long-haired woman

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A familiar voice said as they turned to the stairs, seeing a long-haired woman. "Yasmine, I see you've been summoned back." Ether Gopal said as she went towards them, an alert expression on her face. "They are us from another rift... regardless of your unannounced entry—I need your help." Ether Gopal said as he gestured behind him, making her look to see the words, slightly ticked to realize what was going on in the room. "You need me to help you summon something, General." "Indeed... and this one will mark as one of your greatest challenges." Ether Gopal stated as Yasmine walked towards the pedestal, lifting her hand to one of the pages. The violent gushes of wind surrounding them, Mina held Gopal and Kei in place as she sensed a dark aura from the page they used. The two summoning soon met the sights of a familiar woman, her brown hair and scar familiar to the Arthadel family. As a loud crash erupted in the room, drawing both back, they looked up to see the woman present in the room, slightly transparent.

"Hello Grand Priestess..."

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