16 - Mother

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16 – Mother

"What do you mean.... If he is dead—wouldn't that mean he's gone...?"

As Yaya voiced her concern, Ether Gopal felt his head turn fuzzy as they both felt weakened. As they opened their eyes, they were back into the real world as Ether Gopal turned to see Mira with her hand lifted, seemingly the cause of their sudden retrieval from the spell. Her eyes seemingly devoid of emotions as the rest felt the tension surrounding her. "I presume you've realized something... General." Mira stated as Ether Gopal swallowed the lump in his throat before slowly nodding. "What... happened next? Why was one of the greatest warlords and kings of the lands killed before a battle he could surely win against...?" Ether Gopal asked as Mira slightly teared up upon recalling the memory. "Before the birth of my eldest grandson, your benevolent emperor, my son made an oath to the Crimoire king at the time for peace—something which the King agreed to. This oath covered factions, no harm will be done and no blood will be spilled if they were to mark enemies with one another—they will break this oath and kill each other." Mira stated as she moved towards the fountain, using its water as a way to tell the story.

"They managed to conceive the perfect heirs... but I had not realized the demonic presence surrounding my own child... as we fought and managed to separate our souls... we became mere-husks... if that wasn't bad enough... our memories of who we were once also became shattered. The benevolence my son held disappeared—and with that came war with Crimoire, killing the king... but sparing his loyal child." Mira said as she soon formed the water into a replica of a familiar face. Ether Gopal was alarmed to see the figure. "T-That person is..." "Indeed... it is your Maruterra's General, Yurika Yinan." Mira said as they all looked amongst each other. "She was the innocent child... who saw her own father killed before her eyes—thank the heavens that the former queen of Maruterra saved her soul, but in-return for saving her... my son and my youngest grandchild were swallowed by the hex." Mira stated as Kei looked down as he felt his heart stung by the reveal of Mira.

"We are husks... and puppets who obey to him... Tarung."

As Mira voiced those words, they were wide-eyed to realize that the reason of the mortal bodies to exist was by Tarung's control. "Because you summoned me, he can't control my son in the same strength as he did before... my son will perish upon a sword piercing his body." Mira said as Ether Gopal clenched his fist. "I-Is there no way to solve this without you disappearing?" Gopal asked as he felt bad for the woman, making Mira look at him with a sad smile, lightly shaking her head. "Please... give us a well rest in peace... General." Mira said as Ether Gopal felt a single tear fall from his face before finally nodding. "I shall send word to the Emperors, Milady." Ether Gopal said as he soon moved out the room, the rest looking at Mira with pity. With the emperors alongside the rest returning to the palace, they were shocked when Marcus appeared before them alongside Ether Gopal. "General, there is a new—" "King Amato has been revived, right?" Ether Gopal stated as his voice turn solemn.

"I will return the Queen to her chambers—she is rather shaken up."

As Marcus and Allen went and aided the Queen, Yasmina went and sorted the guards whilst the five looked towards Ether Gopal. "I will overlook why you know of this news, what has happened for you to turn like this?" Ether Boboiboy asked as Ether Gopal looked towards him with a strict glance. "I revived Grand Priestess Mira... and she informed me... of King Amato's broken exterior... the man—or monster—whoever you met was a mere imitation of his power... he is gone." Ether Gopal said as they were alarmed. "Whatever you are saying, are you sure this is true?" Fang asked as the male nodded, making the twins slightly disheveled. "That person who we saw... was a mere-husk or puppet... is the person who broke the King—him?" Ether Fang asked as Ether Gopal nodded, making Boboiboy slightly confused. "Once I get rid of him... how far will Tarung be pushed back in his ideals?" "A significant amount if I must say, your highness." Ether Gopal said as Zion gritted his teeth.

"I've took so many lives that it cannot be counted... but why is it that I feel remorse for this man?"

As Zion stated, they all stared off to the other end. "I guess we are going to the borders... and finish the battle in Crimoire." Fang said as they all nodded, making the rest feel conflicted. Transporting themselves to the borders by horse, they approached the borders. Passing by and going directly into Crimoire, they were surprised by the earthquake of the area, making them stop their horses and get off. They saw a figure approaching from the mist. "What a sight to see... my sons." Amato voiced as he moved out from the mist with a devious glance. 'Coming to pick a fight with no men... now I see how different he is from my father.' Zion thought as they all stood in battle stance. In mere seconds, the king moved off as he summoned a sword, slicing towards Boboiboy who transformed into Stormstrike and dodged. Surprising Ether Fang and Fang, Amato summoned a pistol in one hand, shooting towards Zion. "Eclipser: Whist!" Zion chanted as he swatted his hand to the bullet, making it disappear—or more accurately removed from space. The battle going into one side or the other, Tarung felt pained as controlling the King was taking a toll on him.

"Shadow Dragon! Attack!" Fang yelled as he summoned the Dragon out while Boboiboy transformed from Stormstrike to Cosmicburst. "Floral Ivy—Pore Burst!" Cosmicburst summoned plants who made a fog-cover for them, allowing Ether Boboiboy, now in his solar form, to attack alongside the Shadow Dragon. Amato was weakened, but before he could anticipate anything a sword pierced his chest blood spreading to his chest. They were alarmed as they saw Zion's shivering grasp onto the sword, pulling into out as Amato knelt. Coughing blood as his eyes flickered from orange to their original brown ones...

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