14 - Limbo

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14 – Limbo

As Ether Gopal stood and walked towards the tall and domineering woman, Yasmine gave a quick bow as Kei had followed

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As Ether Gopal stood and walked towards the tall and domineering woman, Yasmine gave a quick bow as Kei had followed. "Grand Priestess... to call me such a name—you must be well affiliated to the royal Arthadel Family." "I am Prime General Gopal. I am the current knight-of-grandis." Ether Gopal said as he knelt before the woman, making her nod as she looked to realize that they were in a secluded room. "I see... summoning me as non-hex, you must be gravely aware of what I am—and still am capable of." She said as her long dress was dragged on the floor, moving towards the nearby page to pick it up. "I am well aware of what I have done. But there are matters to be settled while you are present here, Milady." Ether Gopal stated as she turned towards him, curious of the words he'd offer.

Outside the palace, with the Arthadel family faced against one another, the guards nearby from Maruterra are alerted as they do not know what would happen from the unexpected fall of the barrier. By the borders of Crimoire and Ether-Maru, Kaizo was stood beside Yaya and the Aegis twins. They looked upwards as the rest of the barrier came crumbling to dust. "Stand in defense!" Kotara said as the guards moved, preparing for the upcoming attacks as Kaizo and Tarung went towards the borders. "What are you two doing?" Aegis Strike, Soreille, asked as he went towards them, making Yaya put a hand on their shoulders, looking back with shock. "As we've also done—we are here to help. Now, the shadows by Ether Fang are losing their grip—we must hurry to the front." Yaya said as she let go, lightly floating as they looked at each other, nodding.

As the front of the barricade broke, Kaizo and Yaya soon saw multiple men approaching with weapons out. "Negotiations are no longer applicable—proceed to offensive formation!" Kotara said as she pulled out her whip, Yaya started to float. "Attack!" Kaizo yelled as the men chanted before rushing off to battle, their lives now in no one else's but their own. A large shudder on the floor made Aegis Wing, Sierra, turn alongside Yaya, seeing guards surrounding Ether Tarung. As he was about to punch the off when he unexpectedly got pushed back. He turned to side, seeing Yaya who had just punched him clench her fist harder. "What a punch you have, child." "I'd rather not do this—but you have really left me out of choices, mister." Yaya said as he chuckled, soon pulling out his sword from its sheath. A second passed as they rushed towards one another, Yaya's punches and dodges amusing Ether Tarung as he kept slicing.

Keeping up with the enemy leader, Kaizo looked to see some guards were taken out as the enemy guards were rushing towards the palace. 'What a pain in my back—where the hell is my brother?' Kaizo thought as he rushed, slicing off enemies in his way and slipping pass some obstacles. 'Come on... just a little more...' Kaizo thought as he ran as fast as he could, but the guards were nearing the kingdom. He was shocked when the ground they stepped on suddenly crumbled, making them stuck by their ankles. He stood beside the trapped enemies when a figure soon appeared before him. Kaizo immediately stood in battle stance as the grey-haired male and another green-alien stood before him. "Do not be mistaken, mister. I'm Maruterra's Special Division Leader, Aidan." Aidan stated as he stood properly, his rosy-cheeks making Kaizo recall who he was.

" Aidan stated as he stood properly, his rosy-cheeks making Kaizo recall who he was

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'That kid... so I guess he also has a counterpart here... Panto.' Kaizo thought as he put his weapon down, looking towards the latter alien. 

"I go by Aryan

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"I go by Aryan. General Yurika had summoned all general-leaders to return for this battle. I hope you do not weigh us down." Aryan stated as Kaizo nodded, looking to those on enemies left cowering on the floor. "What are we supposed to do with them—" "Imprison." Elixir stated as he landed, his umbrella by his side. After coming to a consensus, Kaizo and Aidan returned to the battlefield, but Kaizo was shocked when Ether Tarung was able to break-free from Yaya's Gravitational Binds. Yaya felt herself weakened whilst she bent to the ground, panting from overexertion with her powers. "You fought well, but not enough." Ether Tarung said as he rose his sword, about to slice her off when a shield stopped him. "Not on my watch!" Sierra yelled as her strength managed to deter Ether Tarung's slice.

"You little—" "Replica: Twilight Eye!"

As Aidan yelled a familiar spell, Ether Tarung turned towards him, but was shocked when he was seemingly hit with a sleeping spell. Falling to his knees, Sierra peered from her shield, seeing his eyes completely hazed in white. Yaya walked close with cautious movements when her head throbbed, causing her to wince and shut her eyes. Once she opened her eyes however Yaya found herself in a dark space, no path to follow and no light to let her be aware. She felt a gush of wind push her to a certain direction, a quick flash of light appearing as she followed it. 'W-What the... t-this man...' Yaya thought as she soon froze to her feet, seeing a familiar face laid on a stone table, lines carved on the stone. Flowers were growing beside his body as his face looked pale. 'Admiral... Amato...' She thought as she stepped close to the male's unmoving body.

With Yaya's physical body frozen still, Sierra looked back to Aidan who stood beside her. "What is happening to her?" "She's... entering his soul. Looking through his darkest side..." Aidan said as Sierra felt concerned. "She won't be harmed. No user will do anything to harm their mental state." Aidan added as he put a hand on her nape, placing a spell-mark to keep her safe. Yaya stood beside the figure to realize something. 'This worlds Fang said something about Amato... their version of him too... if that's the case and the barrier was taken out by him... that means wherever the real Ethereal Amato's body is... its nothing more than a husk...' Yaya thought as she turned towards the latter Amato with shock.

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