23 - A Brother's Love

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23 – A Brother's Love

With the group regrouping at the palace, they moved Yasmine to a nearby coffin for a proper funeral as they rest silently mourned for the lost friend. Boboiboy and Fang seemed the most silent as the Generals and Lieutenants gave them a concerned glance, but they remained stationary. "We will be having a proper funeral after this war as to avoid any problems for our lost friend." Yurika stated as the rest hummed in response. "Where did Maskmana head off to?" Kaizo asked towards Allen. "He was talking with Grand Master Aba. He was accompanied by Oliver and Ochobot." Allen stated as Kaizo nodded as they all soon piled out the room, but as they reached the larger halls of the palace, Maskmana came out of a room alongside Tarung and Parker, the robot rift-version of Probe. "Is everyone alright?" Maskmana asked with a serious tone as the TAPOPS members nodded. "Is there something wrong, Sir?" Ying asked as she felt the tension of the male, who soon nodded whilst sighing in his mask.

"I've been discussing about our possible return with Ochobot. However I discovered something that is more alarming than our transport here."

As Maskmana spoke, he soon opened a holographic visual of two spheres which soon seemed to come close to one another. "What is it, Maskmana?" Boboiboy asked as he paid attention to the visual. "As Zion and his brother attempted before---when two people of different rifts stay in the same space, it is dangerous. The rift cannot determine who is from where---therefore concluding to concur one from existence." Maskmana stated, but he saw some were still left confused. Fang heaved a breath. "Are you basically saying that the place we came from and this world are merging?" Fang voiced as the masked man nodded, making the TAPOPS group alarmed. "Why so suddenly? It wouldn't happen so quickly even if there were two in one plane." Yasmina stated as she is well-aware of rifts capabilities. Maskmana closed his visual as he turned towards her. "There must've been too much change while we stayed here---it caused the merging to quicken. And after the tragedy of today's fight—it's safer to assume such." Maskmana stated as the rest sighed, mix of worry and alertness in the air.

"We need to hurry and fix this then..."

As Boboiboy voiced, they all turned towards him, seeing the scary gleam of his eyes. "What are you saying—if you continue to fight you might get even more hurt." Zion stated as he stared towards his rift-self. "We already got this far didn't we? I'm not going back on my words..." Gopal said as they all turned to him, surprised by his sudden bravery. "I might not be from here—but that person was also a friend. I have to owe it up to her... even if it takes my life away." He added as the rest remained silent as Zion stood still---skeptical of his words when someone put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his twin. "I've seen enough... rest assured this war will not end in vain---after all, like Gopal said... our friend suffered greatly to stop it." Ether Boboiboy said as they all heaved a breath, knowing what would soon unfold. "I declare a great war against Crimoire... and bare execution for its ruler---Tarung." Ether Boboiboy said as they nodded, looking amongst one another for assurance. "To war we go, finishing this little game would do my former allies good." Gijimo said as Fang nodded, facing towards Ether Boboiboy. "What's the plan, Emperor?" Jason asked as the male spoke.

As the entire border was in the midst of repair, the group arrived at the new base camp which was mandated by Yurika and Aidan. "Your highness." They greeted to the three who nodded, making them look towards them who wore a serious expression. "Aidan, how long will it take to fully rebuild the walls?" Ether Fang asked as the pale male made a holographic screen appear, typing away. "By what it is---three to five days, your highness." Aidan stated as he retracted his screen while the emperor nodded. "We will be heading into Crimoire. No army will follow other than us." Ether Boboiboy said as the two were alarmed, a bit concerned by the command to refute any type of guard. "We'll manage, for now—let's get going." Fang said as he looked towards his friends. Boboiboy nodded as they soon moved off towards Crimoire alongside their Lostvayne members. Managing to pass through the forest, removing any enemies from their path as they soon see the castle. "Hold on." Boboiboy uttered as they all stop beside the wall, looking back at him.

"Remember what Queen Belle said. We need to help her son---so I encourage you to avoid killing him."

As Boboiboy said those words the rest looked amongst each other and nodded as they soon made their way inside the palace. 'During my rest. I had a premonition---that my son spoke to me with a calm voice. One that belonged to him... he voiced that he is locked, if you manage to cease Tarung's life. Immediately free my son---if he is still alive or not, you must free him.' Yaya recalled from what Belle said before they left the palace. Moving cautiously around the castle, Jason moved forward to peer in, seeing that there were multiple guards surveying each area. "They must've expected such." Karren voiced as they heaved a breath, entering the hall—they faced against numerous enemies as Ying and Yaya broke through, looking around for Ether Tarung. "Where's the girls and Ether Gopal's guys?" Boboiboy asked as he was in his Steelclad form, trapping the enemies onto the floor. "I'll go follow them with Gopal!" Fang stated as he nodded, making the dark-haired male move and follow the two.

As Yaya and Ying searched around, they were surprised to hear a silent pair of steps. They turned to the side to see an unfamiliar woman with a pretty exterior. "Oh my, I didn't expect such an adorable pair to cross paths with me." She voiced with a sweet smile, moving her slightly furry fan to the side. The two remained focus as they stood in battle stance, making her imitate them. "Oh goodness, I haven't introduced myself—hello little fairies, I'm Amina the Shifter... now how about I execute you in a quick and painless way?" Amina stated as she made her fan disappear, her body soon brightening as she seemingly transformed to a large hydra snake and attack the two with a bite. Ying dodged as Yaya flew upwards, avoiding her as she chased after them. Meanwhile, Gijimo and Ether Gopal were looking past multiple doors to see that Ether Tarung wasn't present. "Back off to the throne room, little General." A slightly deep voice said as they turned to see it was Ether Tarung himself, present. 'Does he think we're looking for someone else?' Ether Gopal thought as he stood in battle stance as Ether Tarung summoned his sword.

Karren was searching the castle with the help of defense from Sparrow, sensing a particular fight. Upon realizing that behind the door Ether Tarung was defending---Bentley who was still silently meditating. She looked back to the battle, analyzing what Belle told as she soon realized that he had a binding spell engraved on his shoulder. She opened her eyes to show the red veins shift to pale gold. 'Ether Tarung has a binding spell engraved on his back, if you are able to remove it---it might do what her majesty wishes.' Karren stated as she talked to them through a mind-link. "I can be of use then, right?" Sannan stated as he was stood beside her, making Karren nod as he heaved a breath. "I'll go to them---remain alert, Sparrow." "I will, be careful---he's still a powerful hex-demon." Sparrow said as the hooded alien soon separated from them. 'Breaking such a spell—I will not disappoint you, her majesty.' Sannan thought as he broke past guards who stopped him, fortunately getting closer to the battle—nearly initiating the plan.

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