Chapter 2: Gladion ~ Escape

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Gladion snaked through the empty halls and chambers of Aether Paradise, not even needing to navigate. His feet walked him to the room Type: Null was kept in —no, imprisoned in, and wrongfully, though Gladion with a flare of anger— practically all on their own.

As he travelled down an elevator, took a right and picked a path from a fork, he found a particular spot— and stopped dead.

The spot where What Happened to Lillie... happened.

Gladion tore his eyes away, scowling even more than usual, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. Don't think. Don't remember, he ordered himself.

Without further ado, he found the door he was looking for, and shoved his way... right in front of Type: Null.

The Pokémon was beautiful. Why hadn't he noticed that before? Sharply angled features, powerful legs, a steely gaze and a strong jaw. Even its attack pose was flawless. This Pokémon was beautiful for battling. Why hadn't he noticed it before? Gladion contemplated how Lusamine couldn't notice it. His fists clenched, but he was surprised as he saw Type: Null with a meaningful glint in what little of its eye he could see through its mask. Staring right back at him. Examining Gladion's appearance. Have a good gawk, Gladion thought. I ain't got nothing much to hide, at least on the outside.

What a lie.

Gladion studied himself, wondering what Type: Null saw.

He stared at his clothes, intentionally black, ripped, drab, rebellious, punk, slashed and über-goth just to annoy his mother. Wrinkled as though they'd never seen an iron, and had just been picked up from the floor and donned that morning. (Sadly true.) Bleach-blonde hair, tousled bangs in his face. Silver studs glinting in his upper ear. Omnipresent angry expression. A lean, wiry frame. A hard face that hardly ever smiled. Shimmering mint colored eyes, the only feature he liked about his appearance.

Gladion didn't have much faith in what he saw. He was pretty sure Type: Null probably wouldn't either.

But he whispered to it nonetheless, telling it what Lusamine was going to do.

"Come with me," he said. "Be my Pokémon. I can't promise to always be the best Trainer, but I'll always care for you."

Type: Null cocked its head, angling it towards a rack of Ultra Balls nearby.

Gladion knew what he had to do.

He picked one up, touched the button to increase its size to full, and pressed it to Type: Null's nose.

It was just that easy.


Two hours later...

Fury, rage and ire blazed through Gladion's veins, all meant for Lusamine. There was so much he wanted to shout in her face before he left, but he wouldn't. She was Lusamine. She would never learn, never admit she was wrong, never change. It was better this way.

For everyone except Lillie.

Lillie... the thought of leaving his sister behind gutted Gladion, but what could he do? Nothing. Except let the guilt and resentment tear at insides like a beast was trying to claw its way out.

Gladion stopped at the massive doors, blinding white like the rest of the facility. He'd arrived at the exit.

Gladion snuck one last peek at the hated place he'd been forced to call home, with the even more hated person he was forced to call Mother inside, and patted Type: Null's mask. It was trapped in it. He would free it. He'd broken free of his mother. Two very different prisons, but they could help each other. Heal each other.

I'll be back for you, Lillie. Gladion vowed.

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