Chapter 18: (Y/N) ~ The Storm, Part 4-"This ends now."

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(Y/N) could only watch, horrorstruck, as Gladion faced his mother and the bullet whizzed by.

Burying itself into Gladion's reflection.

(Y/N)'s head spun. How? What? Why? She stared at the bullet embedded in one of the reflective metal pillars in the hall. Clever Gladion! The Gladion Lusamine and (Y/N) and Hau had seen hadn't been the real Gladion. (Y/N) squinted. She could see multiple Gladions with bullets in their shoulders, one on each pillar. But where was the real Gladion?

Bullets. Death. Experimentation. This game was getting too real.

(Y/N) blew out a big breath. She'd set off on this Island Challenge wanting to remember her brother, Ryota, and become Champion. She'd never envisioned this. Yet she'd never have it another way. She was amongst friends, and she'd never talked so much or been so happy.

She could see the hated Lusamine's eyes popping in shock. Fury bubbled up inside of (Y/N). She'd had enough of Lusamine. Enough. And she knew Gladion felt the same way.


"This ends now."

They both said it.

Hau gasped.

And the battle began.

Gladion turned to Lusamine, his eyes blazing. "Two Pokémon for each me, (Y/N), and Hau, and six for you. All out at once." Lusamine nodded.

(Y/N)'s eyebrows shot heavenwards in surprise—then, unexpectedly, she grinned. This was going to be one amazing battle.

(Y/N) sent out her Lopunny, Bella, and her Decidueye, Ryan (the one who reminded her of Ryota).

Gladion sent out Type: Null (of course) and his Crobat.

Hau sent out his Raichu and his Crabominable.

Lusamine puckered her lips in delight as, with a flick of her wrists that sent six PokéBalls spinning, she sent out Clefable, Lilligant, Mismagius, Milotic, Bewear, and Herdier.

Gladion took charge. "(Y/N), you take Mismagius and Herdier. Hau, you take Bewear and Lilligant. I'll take Clefable and Milotic."

(Y/N) and Hau both nodded. Gladion had chosen well.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. Bella's Fighting Type moves would be super effective against Herdier, since it was a Normal Type and thus weak to Fighting Type, while Ryan's Grass/Ghost Typing made it vulnerable to a Ghost Type like Mismagius, it was the same vice versa, plus Ryan's Dark Type moves would give it the edge.


Ryan flapped his giant wings and dived earthwards, where a cosmic purple hole appeared that he disappeared into. Bella flipped one of her large, puffy ears and, with a squeal, sprang upwards, her leg out, gathering more and more momentum until she crashed feet-first into Herdier at the same moment Ryan hit Mismagius in a whorl of inky Ghost Type power.

Meanwhile, Gladion's Pokémon were doing well, attacking with grace and precision in response to their Trainer's cool and collected commands. Crobat flapped in irregular patterns to avoid Clefable's Fairy Type moves, unexpectedly approached it from behind, and sank its teeth into the pink Pokémon's flesh with a super effective Poison Fang. Lusamine seemed to be toying with Type: Null with Milotic, which was obviously her strongest Pokémon. (Y/N) wished her Pokémon could help, but they were far too wrapped up as it was.

And, Hau, too, was holding his own. His Crabominable leapt forward with a thunderous bellow, and struck at Lilligant with the super effective Ice Type move Ice Punch. Lilligant moved to the side, so most of the move's force was wasted, but still screamed in pain as the blow connected. At the same time, Hau's Raichu gave a snigger and, at his Trainer's command, it used Agility to rescue Raichu as Lilligant used Petal Dance, and put up a Light Screen, which reduced the affect of Special Attacks by half, while Crabominable roared and hit Bewear, which was charging forward with the force of a line of trucks, with a super effective move—Close Combat, a Fighting Type move that left its Defence and Special Defence more vulnerable each time used.

The battle was a total blur after the eventful start. (Y/N) couldn't see much at all, only little glimpses. She screamed commands in her head, listening to Gladion, Hau, and Lusamine do the same out loud, and the roars, squeaks, whispers, and calls of the Pokémon in the battle. They, as far as (Y/N) could see, had one advantage: they were three people and had three brains. Lusamine couldn't give each of her Pokémon much attention, which led to missed opportunities and errors—usually. Somehow, Lusamine was doing well—far, far too well.

Beside her, Hau looked panicky. He'd been triumphant a few minutes earlier, when he'd told her that Raichu was holding a Light Clay and thus the Light Screen he'd put up—which had been extremely helpful to the three of them—would last for eight turns instead of five. But now, Lilligant had a sly smile on its face as it wrapped a helpless Crabominable in its leafy garlands and used Petal Dance, over and over, preparing for Crabominable's inevitable end.

(Y/N) steered her gaze toward her own battle, knowing there was nothing she could do and admonishing herself for letting her attention slip, even for a few seconds. Luckily, her Pokémon were doing okay. Both Bella and Ryan were engaged in hand-to-hand combat, which made (Y/N) uneasy. Close range made mistakes and lucky hits more common. And knowing their luck so far, the former would go to them while the latter would go to Lusamine.

Suddenly, the Poison Type move Smog engulfed the entire room. (Y/N) couldn't tell who used it, but it completely blocked her vision. She coughed and hacked. Tears entered her eyes, but she determinedly kept them open, because this battle was a matter of life and death.

Suddenly, Mismagius was there.


It was too late. Mismagius was collecting energy to use Dark Pulse—which would instantly knock out the weakened Ryan, who had a clipped wing, many feathers gone, and most of its health depleted.

The Dark Type sphere of power shot forward. It was coming closer—and closer—and Ryan, so badly injured, shouldn't even move—it was happening—Lusamine was laughing a laugh that made (Y/N) want to rip out her throat—their Light Screen disappeared—and somebody was screaming—but (Y/N) knew it wasn't her, for she had no voice—and she was leaping, running forward, and she needed to protect her Ryan, her Decidueye, her first Pokémon, who reminded her of Ryota—the Dark Pulse was so close it could ruffle her hair—she braced for the pain as she clutched Ryan's white feathers—

It all happened in five seconds

Lusamine cackled and crowed, and she had good reason to. The battle was tipping in her favor.


"10,000,000 VOLT THUNDERBOLT!"

Raichu came in front of (Y/N), with all the speed of the three Agilitys it had used, and used the Electric Type Z-Move out of legends.

Roaring filled (Y/N)'s ears.

Mismagius was down. Ryan was fine and demanded to continue battling. Gladion was gaping. Lusamine's long blond hair was completely singed off. The hall had been demolished. Their Pokémon stopped battling. But all the humans wanted to do was stare at Hau, who was panting and clutching the amazing, amazing, amazing lightning-yellow Z-Crystal on his wrist.

For a long time, nothing came out of (Y/N)'s mouth. Eventually, she took out her Rotom Phone, through which she said: "I thought only Pikachu could do that. And... the legendary hero of Alola."

A grin broke on Hau's wan face. "I guess I'm special."

(Y/N)'s heart thudded as she typed: "Who gave you that?"

Hau bit his lip. "Tapu Koko gave it to me. I've only used it once—otherwise, it's just a regular Electric Type Z-Crystal. Though there's nothing regular about Z-Crystals... But anyway, I know you hate the Tapus for what they did to your brother, but Tapu Koko... Don't be mad, please."

(Y/N)'s head spun, but she managed to tap out: "Mad? You saved my life!" It was true. Ryan would have survived that move, but she, a human, most likely would not have.

Gladion scowled, crossing his arms.

Lusamine was still shrieking over her hair, but managed to screech, "This isn't over! Lilligant, use Giga Drain!"

Crabominable was still in Lilligant's clutches. (Y/N). couldn't believe they'd forgotten it. A sick feeling entered her stomach as the overpowered Giga Drain hit Crabominable, but not before Crabominable used Avalanche and took Lilligant with it into the land of unconsciousness.

And with that, the battle raged on.

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