Chapter 4: Seriously?

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Raven's POV

"Welcome to your new home." Lorenzo said and got out of the car. 

I got out of the car along with Angelo and Giovanni with my bags. I looked at the house- I mean mansion in front of me. It is huge, but I've seen bigger than before. I pretended to be surprised and awed because it would've been suspicious to see an orphan that never sees a mansion to not be surprised. I have ever seen a mansion but they didn't know it... yet. I raised an eyebrow at Lorenzo because he is frozen in his spot. I look around the mansion and saw a man hiding behind a tiny tree that is near the door of the entrance. Seriously? They wanted to trick me or scare the hell out of me but that isn't happening. I internally smirked because I know what they are up to. 

"Go ahead, ladies first." Angelo said while gesturing his hands. 

"Okay, thank you kind sir." I jokingly said with a smile. 

As I started walking and I am getting nearer to the door and suddenly, the man hiding behind the tree jumped out and went in front of me, with a pistol pointe to my head. I just stared at him bored, which make the man look at Angelo, Giovanni and Lorenzo in confusion. I used that as a advantage because in less than a second, I swept him from his feet and before he landed to the ground, I grabbed his throat and pushed him down on the ground really hard, adding more pain than just falling usually to the ground. 

I heard him groan and I step on the man's wrist that held the pistol and I took the pistol from him. I pulled the trigger of the pistol and I aimed it to the floor above the man's head and either sides of the man's head. The man looked at me with pure horror, making me want to laugh so hard, but I held it in. Instead, I gave him a look saying 'don't mess with me or you're dead'. 

"Rule 1: Never let your eyes off of your opponent." I said to him and dropped the gun beside the man's head. 

I walked past him and opened the door of the mansion. I walked in without sparing a glance towards Angelo, Lorenzo, Giovanni or the man who tried to surprise me. I bet their faces are priceless. Seeing the Italian Mafia shocked and surprised is something I would pay to see. Who agrees with me? No one? 

Never mind that. I dropped my bags on a nearby couch and I plopped down to the couch. I am sitting with my back leaning against the comfy cream-colored leather couch and I let out a sight of content. It is so good to finally relax. My legs are still a bit stiff, so I cannot really run that quick. I still can kick a man in their balls. So, don't think that I am that vulnerable. Not long after I have laid down on the couch, Angelo jumped to the space beside me and looked at me with an interested look on his face, making me face him. We have this eye staring contest but it doesn't mean that I don't notice my surroundings because I can notice or see my surroundings clearly while doing this eye contest. I noticed Giovanni trying to sneak up on me and I internally chuckle evilly. 

I have a plan to make Giovanni scream like a girl, instead of me getting shocked by him. So, when Giovanni is behind me, I immediately turned to face Giovanni and I could see that Giovanni screamed in shock and I also noticed that my hair slapped him on the face before Giovanni could scream. For the record, Giovanni screamed like a girl. Not a second later, I am already down on the floor, laughing my ass off as the 'incident' repeated in my head. I already have tears in my eyes because of laughing too much and my stomach hurts too. I soon take a deep breath and got a hold of myself. 

"Nice try, trying to scare me Uncle Giovanni." I told him with a jokingly tone. 

"Hardy har har! Laugh all you wa- wait! Did you just call me Uncle Giovanni?" 'Uncle' Giovanni asked and I nodded at him. 

"Yes! She has accepted me as her unc-" Uncle Giovanni shout (that seemed to shake through the whole house) is cut off by a woman's voice. 

"Giovanni, you better shut the hell up before I cut you on where the sun doesn't shine!" The woman's voice echoed. 

I swear I saw Giovanni gulped and his adam's apple bobbed out and I see his face is drained from all the 'bright' colors. I pursed my lips into a straight line as I tried to stop myself from laughing. Pursing my lips doesn't really stop me from laughing, so I bit my bottom lip to avoid a laugh to escape from my throat. Then, footsteps pounded down the stairs and soon, I saw a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and nice hazel eyes. She looks to be an inch shorter than me. I am 5'6", so that makes her around 5'5". As soon as she reached down to the bottom of the stairs, she wasted no time to go straight to Giovanni and slapped the back of his head (in a hard way, as a matter of fact). 

It took the woman a moment to finally realize that I am in this very same room. When she noticed me, I saw her eyes get wider and  bright smile graced up to her face, making her look like an angel. Unexpectedly, the woman ran to me and crushed me into a huge, warm and motherly bear hug. Is this what it is like to be hugged by a mother? 

"Soph, you are... taking the breath out of her." Angelo said slowly, probably being careful to see the reaction of the woman who I realized is Lorenzo's wife, Sofia. 

"Hi! My name is Sophia! Gosh, you look so stunning, even without makeup and those fancy clothes. How old are you? Where are you from? Who brought you here?" Sophia bombarded me with questions, all in one breath. 

"Hi, thank you for the compliment. My name is Raven Scarlett Delilah. I'm 14 and I'm from USA. And FYI, your husband brought me here. He... adopted me from the orphanage." I answered all of her questions. 

"Are you sure you're 14? You look like a hot, sexy and stunning 17-year-old." Sophia said, making me blush bright pink. 

"Soph, stop drowning the girl with those questions of yours." A voice, who I recognize is Lorenzo's came from behind me. 

I spun around to see Lorenzo leaning against the doorframe with a charming grin. I looked back to Sophia to see her basically ogling at her husband's face. I bit my lip and step away from Sophia so that she can walk to her husband. As soon as I did, Sophia has a bright smile on her face and walked towards Lorenzo. Lorenzo got close to her face, thinking that she was going to kiss him, but you know what she did? She slapped him across the face and the look on Lorenzo's face is priceless. 

"Where have you been?! I thought you are gone and dead! I thought you are buried in the middle of the Sahara Dessert! Where were you?!" Sophia angrily shouted and FYI, her shouts are probably heard through the whole country. 

"Easy babe. I thought you like what I brought you here?" Lorenzo asked with a slight pout and I am laughing silently to myself. 

"Oh, I do love her! But never leave me like that again!" Sophia said and slapped him across the cheek again. 

Without wasting any time (to calm Sophia down), Lorenzo kissed Sophia right on the lips and I couldn't help but let out a fake gag, making Angelo, Giovanni and the guy that tried to surprise me let out a chuckle. 

"Stop! There's a child here. Start acting and being like a father." Sophia said after she break the kiss from Lorenzo and she slapped him in his chest, making Lorenzo laugh and hug Sophia. 

God, they look like a happy couple. But then, I realized that Sophia must've been the first to actually slap Lorenzo because I know that no one would dare to actually slap him (except me). So that means, Sophia the first! You know the kids movie right? 

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