Why I haven't been updating

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Hey guys, it is the author.... I am here to say sorry because I have not been updating for so long. I have received some requests to update, so I promise all of you that I will update the next chapter tomorrow, 10 August 2021.

I celebrated my b'day 2 days ago and I have school. U know, homeworks and projects. It suck!

Oh and also, if any of you like Percy Jackson or Shadowhunters try to read the crossover fanfiction I made! It is in my profile and it is title as 'The Dare'. In a few months, I am planning to write another crossover between X-Men dark phoenix and Percy Jackson.... Although, just to warn you that Percy Jackson isn't exactly Percy Jackson. In the crossovers, I will be writing about Percy's fictional little sister that I created named Perzsea Callista Johnson.

Try to read it please... It will mean a lot to me! Thanks.. and bye! I promise, I'll update tomorrow!

Oh... And thank you for the reads and votes! I love y'all very much! ❤️❤️

Avery Johansen

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