Chapter 2: Is this Good Luck or Bad Luck?

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--- Raven's POV ---

--- 15.59 p.m. ---

--- Orphanage Entrance/1st Floor ---

--- LIVINGSTONE Orphanage, New Jersey, USA ---

Currently, I and the Capo, second-in-command and the third-in-command of the Italian Mafia stood right beside me. We have just arrived to the orphanage I called 'home' and Lorenzo is truly interested in adopting. If he adopted me, there could be some great advantages, along with disadvantages. Living with the Italian Mafia wouldn't be easy since I have to keep a clean track.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I welcomed them as we entered the orphanage. 

"Humble abode?" The second-in-command, Angelo Romano, asked in small shock, probably not expecting me to be an orphan. 

I tucked a few strands of my hair to the back of my ear and softly smiled, "Yeah, I've been living here since I was a toddler. And I know everyone here!" Angelo pursed his lips at that and thanked me for my guidance.

"My pleasure." I replied and led them to Grace who is busy arranging schedules for people who wanted to visit and probably adopted the kids here. She must have been tired and stiff from sitting on that god awful chair. 

To get her attention, I cleared my throat, causing Grace to jump from her seat in shock. She calmed down and pushed her fully-circled glasses from the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh of relief after seeing that it was me.

"God, you've the tendency to scare me, as always. Argh... At least you didn't set up any pranks unlike those brats." She said jokingly and I bit my bottom lip, recalling the memory of it. 

But of course, I got out of my flashback quick enough to hear the conversation between Grace and the Italian Mafia. 

"So, how many children are there in here?" Asked Lorenzo as he looked at the shelves, the doors, security cam, etc. 

"So far, there are only... 229. 98 are 13 and above years old, 55 are from the age of 4-9, 50 are from the age of 10-12, and 26 are still toddlers or babies." Grace listed but I stopped listening when Teddy, a five-year-old boy, tip-toed and got a hold of a vase and it AIN'T A PLASTIC ONE! Didn't I tell the boys to keep that vase away from the main entrance?!

"Teddy, no! You aren't suppose to take that." I half-yelled him as I sprinted off, leaving Grace and the Italian Mafia to continue their conversation. Then, I saw the Teddy starting to tilt and trip. Merde! 

--- Lorenzo's POV --- 

I watched as the innocent 14-year-old girl I, Angelo and Giovanni met in the library, Raven, ran off to a young boy who is holding a light blue-colored vase. I heard the caretaker, Grace, chuckle when she saw Raven running to the boy with worry etched in her face. When I saw Raven run, I gotta admit that she is a corridore veloce. (Fast runner)

"If you didn't know, that's Raven, the over-protective big or little sister everyone has in the orphanage. She has been here since she was just a toddler and so far, she is the role model to everyone. She's a sweet girl." Grace told us and I nodded at that - still looking at Raven who is scolding at the little boy who is pouting sadly. They are... adorabile. (Adorable)

"Alright, back to business." Grace said while she clasped her hands, "What type of children are you planning to adopt or foster? I must know the age and gender of the children you wanted to adopt."

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