Chapter 7: Oh, this little-

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Raven's POV 

So, as you people figure out, I am going to have a fight tonight. Death's Angel is my new name. I will be there at 12 a.m. sharp and do my first fight. My knuckles are tingling, meaning that they are waiting to punch something. But, I have to save my energy for tonight. It is only 4 p.m. now and the Valentine's are not planning to go back to their houses/mansions yet. So, they are still inside this mansion, speaking with Sophia and dad. Callahan is either with his father or he is just lurking around the house, trying to find a secret door or room perhaps. 

I found one already. I found a secret room in the library. It is awesome. Technically, you don't pull a book to find the secret entrance of the room, but you have to speak 'Pistole, pugnali, coltelli e famiglie'. Those words means guns, daggers, knives and families. It is an interesting password, but it makes sense. Lorenzo must've made the password. I am just now reading a book called 'Lord of the Rings'. It is amazing. I was in chapter 4 when a knock interrupted my reading, making me want to growl but I hold it in. I was very much having fun being in the fantasy world where there are elves, dwarves, dragons and wizards but that freaking knock disturbed me. Whoever knocked that there will have a black eye. 

I cracked my knuckles and opened the door. I looked forward and saw Callahan who is looking at me with a cheeky grin, which made me huff. 

"What now?" I asked in a boring and impatient tone, which make Callahan faked a hurt look. 

"Oh, what is wrong with me being here? Do I make you nervous much?" He said. 

Oh this little- okay, language. 

"No, I'm just too bored and disgusted to see your face." I said and I tried to slam the door close. 

Keyword 'tried'. Have you ever watched a movie titled 'UP'? And do you see where Russell, the kid from the movie, stuck up his foot between the door and prevented it from closing? Well, that's what Callahan is doing at the moment. His foot it preventing the freaking door to close. I groaned loudly and was about to ask harshly, but Callahan already opened the door open and just barge into my room. I huffed once again and watched suspiciously as Callahan looked around my room, paying attention at every detail. Thank God my room is not pink. 

"Nice room." He shortly complimented.

"What do you want?" I asked him through my gritted teeth. 

"Easy girl, I just want to check your room if it is pink." Callahan confessed, making me growl and pounce at him. 

He talked to me like as if I am a dog. He was caught off guard as I pounced at him and he and I are on the brink of death (notice the sarcasm. I just want to make things more dramatic). We scratched, punched, growled and hit at each other. When we are doing so, we made loud noises and I hope people doesn't think that we are doing 'that'. Well, you know what I mean. My room is basically 78.999% thrashed, which is something not good. Not good at all. 

He was about to punched me but I ducked and rammed into his stomach, sending the breath out of him and I did a judo flip which ended up him groaning and moaning on the floor painfully. I laughed but was caught off guard too when he decided to take my ankle and pulled it, making me fall and my head hit the edge of the table. I groaned and touched the part of my head where I hit the edge of the table. It will leave a bruise. I am  100% sure. Thanks to this idiot! 

We are in the middle of chaos but we are disturbed by Lorenzo, Sophia and Ron who burst into my room while Callahan's head is trapped in between my thigh and Callahan's fist is stopped middle way from punching my face. Callahan and I gulped nervously at the serious face our parents given us. 

"What happened here?" Lorenzo's voice boomed out, making Callahan shake slightly with fear and me giving him a bored look. 

I slowly untangled myself from him and stood up while dusting my pants and looked at the 3 parents in front of me. 

"Okay, so when I was just reading in my bed, this idiot *I whack him on the back of his head* knocked on my door, so I opened it and he just barged in and started blah, blah, blah... I tried to push him out and ask him what he wants and then, the next thing that happened is that we are in our own war. So, it is not my fault that we ended up.... like this!" I explained to them and Callahan just scoffed.

"Did you just barge into my daughter's room?!" Lorenzo asked and unsurprisingly, he drew out his pistol and I have to bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. 

Callahan immediately cower back and hid behind my back. 

"Hey! Get off of me! Callahan!" I basically tried to wriggle out of him. 

So, I did the only think that I thought is the easiest. I jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow harshly and of course, Callahan doubled over and I take that chance to put him into a headlock, trapping him completely. He cannot get out of this death grip of mine and I am internally laughing evilly. 

"Get off of me! I'm just joking." Callahan reasoned and I stopped myself from chuckling bitterly. 

"Oh, yeah? Then next time, don't barge into my freaking room!" I told him as I let go of the headlock. 

"Damn, you fight like a man." Callahan gasped out and I smirked.

"Thanks..." I thanked him and I slithered the letter 's'. 

"Looks like your room is a mess. Tidy it up. Both of you!" Sophia scolded both me and Callahan. 

I let out a low growl that nobody heard except for Callahan. 

"Okay mom. We will be done in a few hours." I said and shooed all of them out of my room. 

"Where do we start?" Callahan asked and clasped his hands. 

I huffed, crossed my arms to my chest and warned him dangerously calm, "The next time you barge into my room, you will have a broken neck and a whole in between your eyes." 

"Is that threat?" Callahan replied 'coolly'.

"No, it's a promise." I said and started to go to the table where most of my things fell down to the floor, while Callahan just started to make my bed. 

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