Chapter 12: Private School, Here I Come

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Raven's POV

"Can't I drive a car on my own?" I asked dad as I washed my plate quickly, not wanting to be ate for my first day of school.

"No! You can't even drive. Callahan voluntarily want to drive his own car to school, so you are going to ride with him. Period." Dad told me while pointing his index finger towards me, ending the argument.

I huffed and nodded my head defeatedly. Great, now I am stuck with blondie in a car that only has 2 seats. You know what, it doesn't matter. We are going to be in the same classes, so there are no differences in sitting in a car with him or sitting in the same class as him. The only thing different is just the... space. Forget about it. I brought my right wrist up to check on the time. It's 6.55 a.m.!

"Callahan! We have to go now!" I basically shouted so that Callahan could hear me from the other room.

"Why now?! It's only... 6.55 a.m.!" He whined and I huffed.

"You need to drive me to a school a mile from here! And I need to get my schedule! And also, I need to have a tour around the school! Now, stop whining and start the car up or I am going to have to sneak up to get you car keys and drive your car." I said threateningly while walking to the room where Callahan is and holding out my hand, waiting for him to give me the damn car key.

"Okay, ease up. I'll drive." He said with a surrendering tone.

I smiled at him and walked out of the room with my bag slinging over my right shoulder. I have a victorious smile on my face, making dad raise up one of his eyebrows in amusement. I give dad a kiss on the cheek and said the usual 'goodbye'. Callahan also said goodbye and dad threatened Callahan if he ever touched me in an uncomfortable way, then Callahan will lose all of his fingers forever. It is a fun sight to see when you see Callahan turn pale. Callahan nodded his head almost immediately and left with me beside him.

We both step in to the front seat, but sadly, I won't be driving. Instead, this idiot will. Just hope that he won't send us both to a car crash that may ended my reputation in the underground.

"Let's go! Chop, chop, you're burning sunlight." I quickly said and Callahan stabbed the key and the engine purred to life.

I wore my seatbelt along with Callahan and he pressed the gas. We are off and ready to go to the private school. Private school, here I come.

"Y'know, I gotta admit that you look kinda hot. So, if any boys touch you, tell me who and I will sure as hell will beat them up." Callahan stated and gave me a pointed look for a second before turning back to the road.

"Cal, it is really nice to have you protective, but I sure can handle myself." I said and readjust my bag that has my school stationary.

Dad told me that my books are at the school's locker, so I don't have to worry about it. Callahan also told me that there are around 5-7 lessons in a day. This school ends at 3.30 p.m. I just hope for the best and try not to get in a fight. People might think I am weak though. Because of my lame 5'6" height. Callahan's 6'2", which made me even more lame in height.

Gosh, why does boys have to be higher than girls. Although, some famous models are around 5'9" or even 6'0". I wouldn't want to be 6'0" tall but I want to be 5'9" tall. Suddenly, my mind went to the mansion-sized cabin that I bought her in Italy 2 years ago. You see, remember when I told you that I wanted to travel around the world? Well, Italy is one of the countries where I want to go and stay, so I bought a cabin that has the size of a mansion and it is 3 stories high. 

In the underground, you can call me as a millionaire. For working and keeping up my reputation in the underground for 4 years, it comes with a fortune lot of money. So, I am technically a millionaire. You must be wondering where I keep all those money. Well, I kept those money in the cabins or houses or mansions that I bought around the world. For example, the mansion-sized cabin that I bought in Italy. As I remember, I asked Eric to hide the money on the 2nd floor of the cabin. In a medium-sized wardrobe on the second floor, there is a hidden door behind it. So basically, you have to enter the wardrobe and later, you will find an automatic sliding door. Although, only I can open it because it uses voice scan, fingerprint scan and face scan. 

Pretty cool, right? Okay, back to the house or cabins or mansions I have bought around the world. I have 1 house-sized cabin and a mansion in Australia, 1 huge-sized cabin in Italy and a mansion in Italy, 1 mini house and a huge-sized house in Hawaii, a mansion in Greece, a bungalow and medium-sized house in Indonesia (I have yet to learn this country's language), a cabin in Russia and a mansion in New Zealand. 

No one knew about it except for Eric. I trust him with my life. I am not being dramatic or anything. I am purely serious. I was brought out of my thoughts when the car comes to a stop in front of the private school. I'd be lying if I say that I am not excited. I know, I am supposed to be bored and not interested in going to school, but this is the first time I get to go to school in 3 years! In the orphanage, I didn't go to school because Grace cannot afford it. She only managed to pay for 5 kids to go to school. The rest of the money are needed to pay the food, drinks and clothes for the orphanage. I have to admit that Grace did try her best to give us what we need and want but at that time, the money wasn't enough. 

"Alright, we're here. You are lucky no one is here... yet." Callahan said casually and got out of the car with me and he locked the car and started to walk towards the school. 

Sorry for the very short chapter. I promise, I will try to make the next chapter longer! Thanks for your support guys! I have 969 views already and 27 votes! I love you guys so much... 

~ Avery Johansen 

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