Chapter 1: Interested in Adopting

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--- 3rd Person POV ---

--- 6.08 a.m. ---

--- Room 219, 3rd floor ---

--- LIVINGSTONE Orphanage, New Jersey, USA ---

The sun that peeked through the window and assaulted a black-haired and blue-eyed girl's face. Her calm and nice sleeping features broke down when she scrunched her face lightly, hoping to avoid the bright sunlight that destroyed her peaceful sleep. But of course, it didn't work. The young 14-year-old was forced to open her eyes and embrace the sun that shone to her face. She let out a lot grunt and tried to sit up but then she remembered that the 2 of her non blood-related siblings or best friends are sleeping beside her with their arms wrapped around her waist. The young girl, whose name is Raven, looked at her non blood-related siblings or best friends who are still sleeping despite the sunlight shining to their faces.

"How can the both of them still sleep?" She murmured to herself - her voice raspy because she hasn't drink anything yet.

Raven tried her best to get out of the twins' arm grip on her waist but it was too hard to escape. So, she did one thing that she usually do to them. She leaned into one of the twins, whose name is Rocky, and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Then, she leaned into the other and older twin, whose name is Rodney and gave him the same treatment as Rocky. The twins started to shuffle in the bed and soon, they open their sleepy eyes. The both of them yawn while Raven murmured something similar to 'morning breath'.

"Morning, what time is it?" The older twin, Rodney, asked as he is still laying on the bed sleepily.

"It's 6.12 in the morning." Raven answered the twin and properly sat up on the bed as the arms that snaked her waist left.

"Why did you wake us up so early?" Grumbled a sleepy twin, Rocky, who looks like he wanted to sleep more.

"Don't you remember that we have morning chores here, Rock?" Asked Rodney as he used his younger twin's nickname.

"Ugh, I want to sleep more." Whine Rocky even though he is already 15 years old.

"You'll get more sleep when you are done with breakfast and chores. Chop, chop! Get your ass off the bed." Raven, being the mother hen between the 3 (despite being a year younger than them), ordered.

"Yeah, yeah." The twins said at the same time before they got down from their bed.

"Just go have breakfast and do your chores first. I'll make the bed." Raven told them and the twins nodded at her sluggishly since the both are still sleepy.

When they are out, Raven started to tidy up the pillows, bolsters, bed sheets and the blanket. The bed is a king-sized one as it is made for the twins and her so it is quiet huge. After Raven's done with making the bed, she closed the door of the room (since the twins let it open even though the AC is still on) and opened 7 bricks from the wall. As soon as it is open, it revealed a medium-sized duffle bag that has $450 000. Raven took out $20 000 for the orphanage and after that, she closed the entrance of where she kept the money with the same 7 bricks she took out. No one knew about it except the twins. They knew where she got the money and what she is in The Underground since they are involved in it too as hackers. The Underground is the place where dangerous, powerful and rich people (such as the mafias, gangs, racers, businessman and others) gather and place their bets. The bets are for the street fights, street races, street dancers, street singers, street inventions and many others. Street fights are where most people place their bets at. Races and inventions come in second. 

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