Chapter I The Bad Day and First Day of School ....

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    "Jane it's time to wake up !" I heard my mom yell from down stairs .First I toggled in my bed ; wondering if my mother was going to try and bust in my room .Finally I pulled my body up ,and set my feet on the cold wooden floor of my room .I was wishing there was a rug there to warm my feet .I stepped up ,I was swaying really bad to were I almost fell back to the ground . It was the first day of school and I didn't know if I was glad or sad to see summer end so fast .It was pretty boring considering all my friends where gone on there family trips .Then, I heard my mom yell ,"Hurry Jane you are going to miss the bus ,"I quickly decided on want I want to wear .It was a black shirt with no colors on it .Then my mom walked in and said,"You are not going to wear that on your first day of school are you," I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to put the clothing on .I slipped a hoodie on even though I knew it was going to be really sunny ,but I didn't care enough to even to fight with my mother .I just walked past her and grabbed  my school bag as she yelled ,"Come back here right now,"

       As I began to start walking down to my bus stop looking at the hoard of  students standing on the corner of sidewalk were the bus stop was .I puffed a little because to be honestly I didn't want to go near that many people all at once .I stopped 6 feet away from where the hoard of students where . I just sat down on the edge of the sidewalk .Someone started to walk up to me .He tapped on to my shoulder .I turned around and saw a boy with light brown hair and another with dark brown hair .Both of the boys had looked around 14 ,They looked similar but the boy with lighter hair just looked at the the ground .Finally after a minute or so of complete and total silence .The boy with the darker hair said ,"Hello! My name is Liu and this is my brother Jeff as he pointed to the boy looking at the ground .Liu looked very happy and talked more like a 12-year old child then a 14-year old teen .Jeff said ,"It's very rude not to introduce yourself after someone already has ," 

   "Jeff that's rude !"Liu mumbled slightly turning his head over to Jeff ."Hey I am just telling her .That she needs to tell us her name and hello or some shit like that ," Jeff said out loud .I said ,"Hello, my name is Jane , and by the way you weren't saying much yourself ," "I was beening politer then you were ,"Jeff said. "That's enough"Liu said , as I started to get angry. What I am just telling her the truth about herself which no one has probably done in years "Jeff said in  anonymity .I got up and walked away .They started to really piss me off .Liu tried following me and Jeff said, "Let her leave if she wants to. I say good residence ,"I just kept walking as I got closer to the crowd of people and slipped by a few .A few minutes later the bus finally arrived .I got onto the bus and sat down picking the sit I wanted which I think was near the middle of the bus .No one sat beside me even though Liu's head popped up to talk to me .Jeff said ,"Liu she doesn't care .She obviously wants you to it down ," "Jeff stop being so rude ,"Liu said .Liu slipped over  into the set I was in ."My name is Jane ,"I mumbled .

   "Beautiful name ,"Liu said looking over to me with a smile ."Which one of you are older ?" ."Jeff is ,but only by a little . .We're fraternal twins ." Liu got up on his knees and checked on Jeff ,He sat back down and said ,"Yeah ,He is out .I don't think he got much sleep last night worrying about coming to a new school ,"I hadn't noticed this ,but Liu set his hands on mine ,once he had sat down ,but for some reason I didn't move them .I didn't know why but I didn't .It was about 10-15 minutes before we got to school .I heard the bus come to an complete stop and the breaks turned on .I wasn't glad or sad about the bus stopping .All I knew was that ,that was one of the weirdest bus rides I had ever had in my life time .Liu got up and walked off .I,just like Jeff, stayed seated until everyone was off the bus .

    Me and Jeff were the last people on the bus .I felt a slight touch on my bottom .I turned around and saw Randy .I hadn't noticed he was behind me .I couldn't believe he was right behind me .I honestly thought I was the last person on the bus .Right when I stepped off I felt someone grab my wrist ,and right when I heard these words I was sure it was Randy "Hey sugar ,"Randy was the kid who consonantly bugged me about being his girlfriend .He truly made me sick .He shoved me against the wall and I yelled ,"Let me GO!!!" Then he whispered in my ear ,"No I am going to fuck you and today ,"Randy put his arms around my waste then he went near my face for a kiss .I said "Get away you fag ," You shouldn't talk to your boyfriend like that ,"I moved my face over to try and attempt to avoid his kiss .I saw Jeff standing there in shock .then Randy slipped his hands  under my shirt .I yelped ,and tried harder to get his cold hands out of my shirt .Randy said ,"stop moving it will make it easier for me and you ,"  Finally Jeff got tried of seeing this .Jeff ran up and pulled Randy's hands out of my shirt .Jeff said ,"Who the fuck do you think you are .You can't touch a girl like that .You bastard ," "shut up she wants this .Since I'm such a nice person ,I will give you one chance to run away .so go alone with your lonely day ," Randy said with such a smirk ."No you perverted freak show," He slightly turned his had and said to me ,"Run to class ," I started to run into the school .Once I had got to class to class I sat down and I heard the teacher say ,"Late to school on the first day ,"as he chuckled ."I can already tell this school year will be quiet entertaining as he continued to laugh .About ten minutes into class Randy showed up .Though 90% of the class Randy was throwing notes at me .I couldn't believe that the teacher didn't notice it .

    After class ,I walked out of the class and went to run some eren for my homeroom teacher .I was walking down one of the hallways when .Someone pulled me into the hallway , It was Randy as normal .Randy said ,"I beat up your little friend ." .I screamed "LET ME GO!!! " He said ,"Stop yelling we are going to get caught if you keep yelling like that ," Randy shoved me into the wall and started to unbutton my shirt .I tried to shove him away but his fat ass wasn't going anywhere ."Stop moving!" he yelled into my ear shoving me against the wall harder .Finally someone came .I couldn't believe what I saw ,but I knew it was real .Jeff was standing there .He had gashes on his face .They were barely cleaned up .Randy didn't even notice Jeff was standing there .Randy started to remove my shirt and I yelled ,"GET AWAY FROM ME !" "Turn around ,"Jeff said .Randy turned around and and said ,"What are you jealous ?"Randy always had such an ugly look on his face ; he made me so angry .Then randy said ,"Humf.. you probably haven't even held a girls hand before ," Randy chuckled .Jeff mumbled ,"Shut the fuck up ," "Oh I am sorry did the little nerd get mad ," Randy said while laughing ."Shut up you freak!" Jeff repeated getting louder."Hey you little freak show this is my girlfriend you have nothing to do with it ," Randy said still laughing .When Randy was distracted ,I slipped away and grabbed my shirt and slipped it on ."Hey ,come back her you dumb slut !" Randy yelled ."Don't treat people like that you perverted freak ," Jeff walked over to Randy .Randy pulled out a small pocket knife and aimed it at Jeff's head .Randy said ,"Bring it on you freak ."Jeff pulled the knife out of Randy's hand and threw it onto the ground and said,"Shut up .I could of killer you fag," I ran out of the closet and ran home .

  ---------- Question & a note on story -------------

   Question :Does anyone think that I shouldn't show Jeff's point of view in next update?                 Question: Do you think I should continue with this story or is it cheesy ?                                             Question: Do you like the story?

Notes :I have to at least have 2 votes and 3 sees to continue ! Well as you might notice this will not be a normal Jeff the killer story I hope to make it some what different .I am bad at grammar ..... I hope you enjoy!!! 


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