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Hello, I am so sorry its been so long .I kinda had a writers block and was worried about a few things .Anyways ,let's just get down to business .Love all my readers .Love your guys !!Thanks for the support !!


I was in class about to leave just 4 minutes left and I still haven't seen Jeff .Nor the other faggots .RING! There goes the bell .

I walked out of the class ,and was going to search for Jeff .I didn't see him around the school and assumed he went home .Hopefully .I didn't have any problems .Until I got outside of the school .I bumped into Randy .Ugh Why couldn't this faggot stay away .And he didn't confront me .He was just standing back there hiding .I started to speed up and once I got half-way home he walked up to me ."Go away! I don't want you near me ,creep !" I yelled ."Come on' you know I won't hurt you !" I heard someone yell behind me .I started to run faster .

Finally ,I got home safe ,but I still felt like someone was watching me .I knew that person was Randy .I wanted to tell my family but they'd dismiss it as my imagination .Dumb parents . They still even considered a 14 year-old girl a kid. Geez .I was worried about Jeff .Wonder if he was okay ?Yeah I'm sure he's fine. Now that you think of it I hadn't seen Liu either ??Wonder where those brothers had gone ?Soon enough I fell asleep on my couch .I was watching a scary movie. Bad dissension on my part ;because I was so scared the whole night .So all I could think was go to sleep .I woke up .Still very tried ,but then I was happy because It was a weekend .I guess I'd just go see Jeff across the street .

I yelled down stairs ,"MOM I AM GOING OVER TO THE WOODS' HOUSEHOLD ," She yelled back ,"Okay ," I got dressed ,and walked outside .It was summer still. Sad because I personally like the winter and spring more . I walked outside and did I mention Randy lived right beside me .Annoying. Come on Jane stop being so fucking perioned .Once I got there it was 2:48 .I rang the doorbell and Mrs. Woods came out ,"Oh Hello ,honey .Here to see one of the boys ?" She asked with her enthusiastic voice .I responded ,"Um Yeah I am here to see Jeff ,"

"OH yay I am so glad he has a friend !He has had some 'trouble' having/getting friends .Let me go get the boy .Oh yes !Come in !"

Mrs.Woods invited me in and served me some cookies which I didn't touch .She yelled ,"Jeff, Jane is here to see you !" Jeff walked down stairs and he had on his causal white hoodie ,sneakers, and a black pair of skinny jeans .He looked hot !Geez Jane ."Oh um.. Hey Jane ," He said in a silent tone ."Hi," I responded .Mrs. Woods said ,"Oh I guess it's time for me to make dinner ." And Mrs. Woods left to go to the kitchen and finish cooking dinner .She left me and Jeff alone to start a uncomfortable conversation ."So... um... Y-you wanna g-go to my room ," Jeff asked cautiously ."Y-yeah sure ," I said .I couldn't seem to keep my mind straight when talking to him .He made my mind kinda puggie .We walked up into he clean ,organized room ."You wanna play video games ?We can invite liu to play ,but he isn't that good ," Jeff asked ."Yeah sounds good ," Already Jeff seems like a snake in the grass .Jeff went and got Liu who from his bedroom .He was still in his pajamas .Man, this kid could sleep .He was so innocent ."Hey Jane ," He said with his causal smile .."Hi," I responded mellowly ."So what you guys want to play ?" Jeff asked ."Jeff all your games are super bloody .I don't think Jane would even want to play those games .Would you?" Liu said ."I actually play those games allot now ," I said ,and I really wasn't lieing .I had and I do .They are one of the only genres of games I play . Jeff got a really big smile on his face .

We played Resident Evil .Jeff played as Leon and I played as Elena .Jeff did really good ,but Liu was some what bad .He did good considering he didn't play much .Obviously .But it was still fun .About 5 minutes in the game .It was my turn to play I played against Liu .Once I was beating Liu miserably Jeff took his remote and played for him in secret .I knew .Those newbs. "Jeff I know you are playing for Liu ," I said jokingly ."What are you speaking of?I am doing nothing of the source ." He complained .Liu and Jeff seemed to have a really good bond .Considering they were twins there personalities were so ... different .After a few hours of Jeff playing in Liu's spot I gave up .Jeff was a boss !He had so much more skill .I mean I had just adapted to these freaking games a few months ago ,but he was crazy good .

We walked outside of the house and Jeff said he had to show us something .We walked behind his house .He grabbed my hand, and we started towards the woods .That was the first time Jeff and I made physical contact .His hand was clammy which was super cute ."Jeff do you kno- " He cut me off and said ,"We're here !" in he monochrome voice .It was an old house ."Wow ,When'd you find this Jeff ," I asked ."I'll tell you later ," Jeff said in secretly ."Ah! But I wanna know now though ," I joked .

"You can wait .Can't you ?"

"Fine *eyes roll*"

"Your cute when you do that ."

Omg!I never expected JEFF to say that .Maybe Liu ,but never Jeff ."Hum? Seems like someone has a crush ??" I joked .I looked back and saw Liu having a jealous face .We walked in the house and there was a table ,windows, chairs, and couches .There was an upstairs . Me and Jeff walked up there .It was a room and it had a bed, windows ,a few paintings ,and ... and a balcony .Nice house .It was really old .Obviously .

Hey hope you enjoyed !P.s I am doing more .I had a few internet problems and some may have noticed but I have to go to school .I don't want to but I want a job. So just to tell you guys .It's weird for me to write these because my dad's name is Jeff .I also work on other stories on my computer .That you all can't see .Well anywho hope you enjoyed !More soon .Oh and COMMENTS PLEASE !!!!!

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