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Soon enough me, Jeff, and Liu went home .We'd talk a little bit and did somethings .But nothing to major. I went to sleep as soon as I gt home .I thought that I'd need it and by the way .Me and Jeff's date was tomorrow.

I got up the next day tried and slipped on normal clothing .Just some jeans and a T-shirt .I soon enough got to the bus stop and saw Jeff and Liu sitting on a bench ."Hey Jane !" Liu screamed .Jeff nodded smiling .He looked to be happy, but something seemed to be wrong .I sat down beside them and Jeff said , "Hey Jane ." His light-ish golden hair shimmered. His hair was only a ting of brown and Liu's was WAY darker .Jeff smiled a little .I smiled back ."Jane you look nice today," Jeff said .Liu's face filled with jealously .

The bus ride went well .I sat alone because I wanted to sit by myself .I got off the bus and Randy seemed to think that my outfit was also good. Because , he TRIED to slip his hand down my pants .But retreated when Jeff walked up ."Oh hey Randy .I hope you weren't doing anything " Jeff said full of sarcasm .Jeff was funny that way ."Even if I was what would you do ?" Randy said smirking. "Please .I don't think you'd want to know ."

"That's some fake threat ," Randy said and tried to touch me again ,but this time Jeff's fist was in Randy's stomach which made him puke everywhere. Jeff laughed a little and said ,"We should probably go before he realizes what I just did ," I followed him into our 1st class ,and that went by pretty quick .After the dumb asses realized where there dumb ass king was they came up."Where's Randy ?" Troy asked ."In the nurse ," Jeff said ,"He'd like for his boyfriends to come and check on him too." I laughed under my breathe and Jeff did too. Troy and Kieth frowned and tried to hit Jeff ,but Jeff dogged to like a boss.

I am surprised that the rest of the day went by so fast and easy after that in counter with Troy and Kieth .Me and Jeff went on our date and . . . . . .

~Me and Jeff's date~

Me and Jeff had gotten some food (ice cream)and sat down at the park .We talked a little and we seemed to have fun .Jeff got vanilla and I got the same thing ."your cute ," I said .He laughed, "No I am not ."

"Ugh. Yes you are .Who told you different ?? " I asked

"I just know."

"Jeff, You are a wonderful boy .You smile .You laugh. You are you .Amazing ."I said .

Jeff's eyes filled up like lit up like light bulbs .His face was was so kind ,but you had to know him. "Hoe's Liu doing ?He's been acting weird and I justwanted to make sure he's okay .Were is he now?" I asked ."Oh he's fine and he's at some book club my mom made him go to ," Jeff said with a laugh ."Wow sounds fun." I said with sarcasum. "Wanna see something intresting ??" Jeff asked . "Sure ." I responded ."Let's go." At this point we'd been finished and just talking .Me and Jeff got up and got on the public bus. He payed ."Such a gental man ." I joked ."Yup," He said popping the P. We got out on the curb and walked a little more I checked my watch ."It's 7:00," I said ."Okay ,You ready to go just when we get here ," Jeff said .

We were at the old abandoin amusment park ."Huh." I siad .I remeber being here when I was with friends and family a few years ago ."You likee?" Jeff asked .Because it was summer the sun was just now setting ."Y-Yeah .It's great ," I said .We sat down at the edge of a ride and looked at the park. It got night and started to get actully cold. That's weird .I guess I started to shake because Jeff took off his hoodie and passed it to me ."Thanks," I said ."No problem ," He said ." I am tried." I siad .His hoodie was waarrmm.It acyully made me tried. "Ya' wanna go home ?" He asked ."Nah I'm fine ," I replied. Some how my head ended up on his shoulder .After about an hour or two we decided it was time to go .We got up and walked home .

I went in my room and sat down .Crap! I forgot to give him his jacket! I guess I am going to give it back tommorow. I soon enough fell asleep. 

I woke up still tried ,but me and Jeff's date was supper fun. I really wonder what's wrong with Liu. He seemed to always get jealous when me and Jeff where around each other ,but he was right when he siad Jeff may seem mean but really isn't .I got dressed and walked out the door .Jeff was at the bus stop sitting on the ground with out his jacket .He looked good withou his jacket and with his jacket .Humm that's weird ."Here's your jacket ." I said passing him the jakcet and sitting down beside him ."Thanks ," He said smiling with that beautiful smile .Randy walked up. CRAP! I wish Randy wouldn't always do stuff like this .He ,Randy, sat beside me .Jeff tapped on my shoulder and whispered," Move to the other side of me .I don't trust him," I got up and sat on the other side of Jeff .Randy got mad .He got up and sat beside me again ."No." Jeff mumbled ."Stop moving closer to her ." "WHY?! Nerd!" Randy said ," I Just want to ask Jane to the dance ??" I chuckled ."No," I said still laughing at his funny joke ."Then who you goin with ," randy said ."Learn grammar please .It's "Then who are you going with" ." I said .Jeff laughed ."Yup she's right ," Jeff said still laughing. "SHUT UP!" Randy yelled and punched Jeff ."Hey !" I yelled. Jeff shoved him back onto the bare road and said ,"Get up before a car comes you idiot ," I just realized Jeff hadn't had his hoodie on the whole time .

Randy quickly got up and walked away acting like he still had some respect for his comrades .Liu walked up ."Hey" Liu said ," What happened here .WAIT! Jeff's not wearing his hoodie !?What made him take it off !?" Liu said .Jeff smiled and said ,"Liu ,Thanks for pointing that out ." "Oopsy ." Liu winned .I don't really know how Liu can look so innocent ."So Liu how was book club ," Jeff asked slipping on his hoodie. "How do you think ?" Liu said ." Good." Jeff guessed . I just kinda sat there listening even though I was looking out into the road at some man across the street .I thought it was my imagantion and me just thinking he's there ."Jane." Jeff said ."Jane" He repeted ."Huh?" I finally broke my attention from the man and turned ."What's wrong? What are you looking at ?" Jeff asked ."Oh- Err. Nothing ." I responed. "OK," Then they continued their conversation .

When we got on the bus I kinda lagged behind them trying to think of were I might have seen that man .I felt like I had ."Jane ,I don't think your okay .What's wrong ?What were you looking at ?" Jeff asked .He seemed to care ."No. Nothing ." I siad quickly ."Please tell me ," he winned ."It's nothing Jeff ," I said once more. "Fine. I guess that it's not important ,but I know it is ." Jeff and Liu talked more and we got off the bus .I strayed off from Jeff and Liu .Randy ran in frount of me and stopped me, "Um. Randy can you move ." I asked ."NO shut up." He yelled .I tried going under his arm and he shoved me against the wall. "Please let me through ," I asked ."NO!" Randy yelled .

Jeff came up behind him and pulled him back ."STOP IT !" He said in anger .Randy got scared and walked away ."Thanks ," I said  ."Yeah it's fine ,but you've been acting weird since the bus stop .And you haven't really talked ." Jeff said ," Can you please tell me what happened ?" I rolled my eyes and said ,"Fine , I saw a man looking at me and I think I've seen him before but I don't know .He gave me a look ." Jeff gave me an unsertant look ."I don't like that .At all." He said .

Did you guys like?? I worked one day on this so if it's bad I guess I'll have to edit but I'm so sorry for such long waits .I hope you guys know I did work hard on this it was a supper fun thing to write and I am glad to say that I have started on the next chapter ,but I feel so bad for making you wait so longgg... I love writing this but I have been bussy with school which is about to end .YAY! More time to write !


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