Chapter 14: Ultimate Moves

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Third Person POV
"As I mentioned yesterday, our primary goal now is to get you your provisional license." Aizawa said. "Yes sir!" Class A said. "Hero Licenses are inextricably tied to the saving of lies, so that means you guys must properly qualify such a heavy responsibility. For the truth, the test is incredibly difficult. Even for provisional licenses, the chance of advantage is 50 percent of success rate." Aizawa said. "So, we have half a chance to get our provisional licenses ourselves..." Yaomomo said. "Is it really hard to get that?" George asked. "Don't worry... That's why today, we are going to make the ultimate moves!" Aizawa said. Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss went in our class. Everyone was happy and cheered up. "Ultimate moves, these are your finishers. Your most unique techniques!" Ectoplasm said. "Internalize these moves. Make them your own until it is successful. Combat is about finding and making use of your particular strengths." Cementoss said. "Nowadays Pro Heroes without ultimate moves are dying indeed. Your ultimate moves symbolize who you are." Midnight said. "Let's move forward with a more detailed explanation and a practical demonstration. Change into your costumes and meet us at gym Gamma." Aizawa said. After we changed our costumes, we went to Gym Gamma or it was called Training Kitchen Lab or TKL for short. "This facility was my idea. Like, I cook up the perfect terrain and objects to fit each student's. I called it ''Hence Kitchen." Cementoss said. "Can I ask a question?" Lida said while raising his hand. "Sure. Go ahead." Aizawa said. " Why must we create an ultimate move in order to acquire our provisional licenses?" Lida asked. "Heroes had to deal with disasters, accidents, and catastrophes both natural and man-made. It's our job to save people from dangerous places. In the licensing test, your ability to adapt in those tight situations will be observed." Aizawa said. "So, will they observe our activity and discussion?" George asked. "You could say that. They will observe your intelligence gathering, decision making, combat prowess, mobility, communication skills, and leadership abilities. The text contents vary from year to another year, but applications are always tested on variety of criteria." Aizawa said. "While the criteria, you can be sure that combat prowess will be heavily prioritized for potential heroes. Be prepared! You've got nothing to fear! These ultimate moves will give an advantage or big impact on whether or not you pass." Midnight said. "If you can keep a cool head and act with decisive stable moves. That means you have a high level of combat prowess." Cementoss said. "There's nothing said that your ultimate moves must be an attack. For example, take Ida's reciprobust. That sort of extreme speed boost on its own is intimidating enough to be called an ultimate moves." Ectoplasm said. "My reciprobust... is really suitable as my ultimate moves." Lida said. "I see... We have to think and come up with moves, so that will give us an advantage at this battle." Sato said. "Yes. But not only one can do an ultimate moves." Aizawa said. "What do you mean by that, Aizawa sensei?" Yaomomo asked. "There is another called team ultimate moves." Midnight said. "Team ultimate moves? Is that even a thing?! I never heard about that...'' Midoriya said. "Agreed... I only heard and saw each heroes used ultimate moves for themselves." Uraraka said. "I will explain it! This needs teamwork that someone who can trust or has a strong bond to make a team work for ultimate moves. Usually, this is really difficult to make because it need a right time and perfect combination for used a finisher moves." Aizawa said. "I see... So, that's why team ultimate moves got called a rare because much heroes can't do it..." Lida said. "Actually there are two students who successfully got perfectly team work and team ultimate moves." Aizawa said. "THERE ARE TWO STUDENT?!" Class A shouted. "Tch. I'm gonna kill them." Bakugo said. "These students are really incredible..." Ojiro said. "I wonder who they are...?" Jiro asked. "These students are..." Midnight said while Class A was waiting for her response. "JAKOUNANG AND TOKOYAMI!" Midnight shouted. Class A were silent and shocked. "WAIT WHAT?!" Class A shouted. "But me and Fumi never make a team ultimate move!" Jakounang said. "Yeah... He's right! We just only work together..." Tokoyami said. "I will tell you. Remember the incident training camp? From what I heard. Jojo used Thunder Sword to slash all his teeth or his quirk (Moonfish) and stall time for Tokoyami. Tokoyami got prepared and used his beast to slam him. However, Tokoyami got control of it thanks to Jojo. After the Moonfish almost couldn't move, they used a finisher..." Aizawa said. "Black Hole Eclipse!" Jakounang and Tokoyami said at the same time. "That's right! They work together really perfectly and it is really rare that they can make a finisher move on a Moonfish." Aizawa said. "I see... So, that means we have a team ultimate moves..." Jakounang said. "That's right. The most important is that you have to trust each other but you two got most trusted and work together like a perfect partner." Aizawa said. "Congrats Jojo and Tokoyami got a team ultimate move." Midnight said. "Man... Jojo and Tokoyami got lucky!" Kirishima said. "I didn't expect this..." Jakounang said. "Honestly the same... But we can make a team ultimate move again right, Jakounang?" Tokoyami said. "Yeah!" Jakounang said. "You two are a really perfect team!" Sapphire said. "Enough chit chat! By the way, your summer camp was cut short, but the quirk training we began there was part of the process of creating ultimate moves. In other words, until the second semester starts. You'll be using the ten remaining days of summer vacation." Aizawa said. Cementoss used his quirk to make many fields for Class A to make the ultimate moves. Ectoplasm made his many clones to practice Class A. "Enhance your quirk and put together your ultimate moves through some extra intense training!" Midnight said. "Also you can upgrade your costume to help you to make the ultimate moves. Use that plus ultra mentality to go beyond your limits. Ready?" Aizawa said. "Yes, sir!" Class A said.

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