Chapter 16: Meet 3 Big Hero

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"You two did what?!" Hagakure asked. "You two fought last night?!" Mina asked. "You two got lockdown also?!" Violet asked. "Are you guys stupid?!" Kirishima asked. "That explain why last night I got much bad sense..." Jakounang said. "Seriously?!" Jesse asked. "Let me guess... Bakugo started it, right?" Jakounang asked. "What did you say?!" Bakugo asked angrily. "Yep! Knew it!" Jakounang said. "You gotta be kidding me..." Kaminari said. "Shut up!" Bakugo said. Midoriya whispered to Jakounang that Bakugou knew their secret. Jakounang nodded. Class A went to school except Bakugo and Midoriya.

Jakounang POV
"Listen up, everyone! Stay in line and not make a screw, things move to the ground!" Lida said. "You're the one who's not in line." Sero said. "I know... But this is my job as class president!" Lida said. "Fair point..." Sero said. "I heard, Class A..." Monoma said. Class A got attention from Monoma. "Isn't that...?" Kaminari asked. "You mean a clown, yes." I said. "My name is not a clown! My name is Monoma!!!" Monoma said. "Don't know... Don't care..." I said. "Why you..." Monoma said. "Shut up, Monoma!" Kendo said while chopping his neck. "Kendo, you made it in time..." Yaomomo said. "Yeah... Sorry about him... Sorry to hear that 2 of you failed... I hope they're okay." Kendo said. "How sweet that you care... But don't worry, they give the chance to Todoroki and Bakugo to get their provisional license again!" Yaoyorozu said. "I see!" Kendo said. "So... Did you all pass?" Kirishima asked. "Yes, we passed this test." Pony said. "Nice..." Kirishima said. "According to Vlad teacher, we'll have classes together this semester! I'm looking forward to it!" Pony said. "Same!" Sapphire said. "Oh, I can't wait to test out my skills!" Kirishima said. Monoma whispered something to Pony. "I'll beat you up so bad you won't be able to get back up!" Pony said. Kirishima and Sapphire were shocked and silent. Monoma just laughed really hard. "Don't teach her weird phrases!" Kendo said while chopping his neck again. "I'm sorry... for letting you guys down..." Todoroki said. "It's fine, Todoroki! It wasn't your fault!" Kirishima said. "HAhaha! The 2 top students failed! HAhaha!" Monoma said with a laugh. "Shut up, Monoma!" Dark Shadow said. He just got out of Tokoyami's body. "Oh! Hey, Dark Shadow!" I said while petting him. "Hey, Jakounang!" Dark Shadow said. "Oh a little shadow bird... Who do you think that you told me to shut up?!" Monoma said. "You're literally annoying! So shut up!" Dark Shadow said. "Oh shut up! Demon! You're just a demon shadow!" Monoma said. "What did you just say to Dark Shadow?!" Tokoyami asked angry. "I said he's demon shadow! Why? You angry? Of course he's your quirk!" Monoma said. "Monoma! That's too far!" Kendo said. "I don't care!" Monoma said. Kendo tried to chop Monoma's neck but I kicked his face really hard and he got thrown back until it destroyed the wall. "Don't even call them demon ever again!" I said with angry. "Damn... You kicked him really hard and you make Monoma knocked out and destroy the wall..." Sero said. "He deserves it!" I said. "Yeah... Tokoyami, Dark Shadow. I'm so sorry about him! He's really jerk, you know..." Kendo said. "It's fine! It's not your fault." Tokoyami said. "Now! I will carried him into the ceremony right now!" Kendo said while carried Monoma. "Okay!" Momo said. "Hey, Fumi and Dark Shadow! You guys okay?" I asked. "Yeah... Thanks for that, Jakounang." Tokoyami said. "You're welcome. Remember that you guys are not demon! You are human just like us!" I said. "Yeah! Thank you so much, Jakounang!" Dark Shadow said. "No problem! To be honest... I almost wanted to stab him with my sword..." I said. "It's fine... I almost wanted to burn him." Sapphire said. "Me too... I almost got him drown!" Jesse said. "I also wanted give him a shock pulse!" Jiro said. "I also wanted smash him with iron tail!" Ojiro said. "Woah! Calm down! You five are really scary..." Kaminari said. "Hehe! Sorry about that!" Sapphire said. "Hey, we're trying to get through back here." Shinso said. "I'm sorry! Come now, everyone, save your chit chat for later. You're causing other problems for other people also!" Lida said. "Don't show me how lame you guys are." Shinso said. "Isn't that...?" Violet asked. "Shinso..." Tokoyami said. "He's the person who fought Midoriya at the sport festival." Jiro said. "That guy's looks... like it's tougher now, '' Sero said. We all went to field to hear the announcement from Principal Nezu for morning ceremony. "Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, principal! Recently, the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. It's hard for me to take care of it. This is something you can say about humans, too. Even if you have a balanced diet with vitamins, the most important thing is you guys have to sleep. Disturbing your lifestyle is the worst for your fur. So, if you're trying to improve your hair quality, you should get enough sleep! ..." Nezu said. "What the...'' Ace thought. "He's still talking about our health..." George said with sweatdrop. "Yeah..." Jesse said. "As you all know that All Might has retired from hero. But we can't just give up to be a hero. We have to prepare for our future as heroes. We know that the villains are still there, like walking around, killing people, stealing money, or else. The villains can be dangerous but us heroes will stop no matter what happens! Also this applies especially to those of you in the hero course. Including your second year and third years of work study. Going forward, you must be more aware than ever of threats out there." Nezu said. "Work study?" Mina asked. "Perhaps that should be next stepping after the internship we did..." Tsuyu said. "I guess you right." Kirishima said. Nezu already explained his announcement. "All right! Thank you Principal Nezu for explaining his announcement to all of you. Now, we have a few reminders from our school life supervisor, Hound Dog Sensei." Vlad king said. Hound dog stepped up and wanted to talk about something. He talked but... his only growl. "I--" Jesse said. "What was that?!" Sato asked. "I think he forgot how talk like human..." I said. "Seriously?!" Violet said. "Koda, can you translate his word?" Ojiro asked. "He's talking really fast... I can't catch up his words." Koda said. "I see..." Ojiro said. Hound dog stepped down and Vlad King stepped up to translate his words. He talked about Midoriya and Bakugo who fought last night and asked us to control ourselves. "They sure like treating Midoriya and Bakugo like a couple of naughty children..." Yaoyorozu said. "Okay! Everyone go back to class!" Vlad King said. We all went back to class.

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