Chapter 7: Sport Festival

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We all went back to class 1A. Mr. Aizawa and 13 went to recovery girl to heal them. George helped Recovery girl to heal them.

Next Day

"Everyone sit down! Teacher homeroom is about to start!" Lida said. "We are already sitting down. You're the only one up." Everybody said at the same time. "Damn it!" Lida said. "Poor Lida." Jakounang thought and sighed. The teacher opens the door and it was... "YOU'RE BACK ALREADY, AIZAWA SENSEI!?" Everybody said at the same time. "Morning class 1A. Don't concern yourselves over me. After all, the battle hasn't over for you yet. "The battle?" Bakugou asked. "Please don't tell me." Midoriya said with scared. "More Villains?!" Mineta said with more scared. "The UA Sport Festival is approaching." Mr. Aizawa said. We all got happy and nervous about sport festival. "The sport festival UA is the special event in Japan. There are Pro Hero will watch you in Sport Festival. Pro hero will choose to join sidekick. So, everyone be prepare for sport festival." Mr. Aizawa said.

Time Skip (Lunch Time)

"I'm so nervous about sport festival." Sapphire said. "We're also nervous, Sapphire." Jakounang said. Everyone seem excited about UA Sport Festival. "This is our chance to add our names to the ranks of heroes." Lida said. "Yeah, I get that! But..." Midoriya said. "Deku, Lida, Jojo, Sapphire..." Uraraka called us names. We looked over to Uraraka. "What happened to your face, Uraraka?!" Midoriya asked. "What the? You're not looking like Uraraka." Mina said. "Everyone! Let's do our best!" Uraraka shouted with raise hands. "Yeah!" We all said at same time with raise hands. "Midoriya, can we talk in privately." Jakounang said. "Um.. Sure!" Midoriya said. Jakounang and Midoriya walked to place where there is no one in here. "Midoriya! Did All Might changes form?" Jakounang asked. "What are you talking about?!" Midoriya said with scared and nervous. "It's okay Midoriya. Because I saw you and All Might back then. You're trying to help All Might keep his secret between you and All Might. I will keep secret! If you need something or help about secret, just ask me!" Jakounang said with smile. "Thanks Kho." Midoriya said with glad. "Call me Jojo. I think we should go to canteen right now." Jakounang said. Midoriya nodded and run to canteen. All Might called Midoriya to eat lunch with All Might.

Jakounang POV
I looked everywhere and found Tokoyami. Tokoyami sit alone again. I walked to Tokoyami and eat lunch together with Tokoyami. "Hey Tokoyami." I said. "Hey Jojo. You can sit down here." Tokoyami said. I sit down and eat my lunch food. "So, are you nervous about sport festival?" I asked. "I think so." Tokoyami said. "Hey Jojo!" Dark shadow just appeared from his body. "Hey dark shadow." I said with smile. "Dark shadow!! Sorry about him." Tokoyami said. "Haha, it's fine. Dark shadow is kinda like pokemon." I said while pet him. "P-Pokemon?!" Tokoyami said with confused. "I know it's weird. It should be your quirk but also kinda like your pokemon. This type is dark and ghost type." I said. "Wait! Pokemon has kind of type?" Tokoyamj asked. I nodded as yes and explained about pokemon and type of pokemon. The ball was ringing. We all go back to class 1A.

Time Skip (School over)

"What is going on?!" Uraraka asked with confused. I look what happened and shocked that many students gather in front of class 1A. "Guys, what are you doing here for?" I asked. They just chatter everywhere. "You gotta bed kidding me!" I thought. "Move it Extra!" Bakugou said. "Stop calling extra if you don't know them!" Lida said. I sighed and thought "He's gonna make everyone enemy to us!".
Next day
"Where are you going Jojo?" Jesse asked. "I'm going training with my pokemon." I said. I walked to field where no one in there. "This place is perfect to training my quirk and pokemon." I said to myself. "Everyone! Come out!" I said while throwing the pokeball. Noibat, Charmander, Hawlucha, Lightstorm, Windornado, Rockearth, Treecko, Froakie, and Eevee come out from the pokeball. "Ok! Everyone let's go training." I said. The pokemons nodded and training.
Tokoyami POV
"Dark shadow! We better training right now." I said in my mind to dark shadow. "Yeah, sure. But I kinda like Jojo. He always talk to you, kind, brave, and have quirk pokemon like me." Dark shadow said. I sighed and walked to field to training. "Huh?! Is that Jojo?" I said to my mind. "Yes, Jojo is here with pokemon! Hey, why don't we watch them?" Dark shadow said. "Fine." I said. I and dark shadow watched them.
Jakounang POV
"Eevee! Used shadow ball!" I said. Eevee used shadow ball and shoot at Lightstorm. "Lightstorm! Used thunder ball!" I said. "Good job everyone! Get rest everyone." I said. I sit down and feel something weird. "Why I feel like someone watching me?!" I thought. "Who is there?! Show yourself!" I said while holding kunai. "Sorry! It's me Tokoyami!" Tokoyami said. "Tokoyami! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, I was doing training here but I saw you training in here." Tokoyami said. "I see! You want training in here." I said. "Yeah, by the way are these your pokemon?" Tokoyami asked. "Yes, they are my pokemon." I said. I and Tokoyami sit down. I explained about pokemon and told him the name of my pokemon. "What kind of attack that Eevee used? Like Eevee used a ball with color black." Tokoyami said. "Oh! It was shadow ball." I said. "Shadow ball?!" Tokoyami asked. I nodded as yes and explained about kind of attack ang type of pokemon.
"Hey Jojo! Can you teach us using shadow ball?" Tokoyami asked. "I'm not sure about that but I can help you." I said. "Thanks Jojo." Tokoyami said. Dark shadow was happy because he will learn about shadow ball with Eevee. We practiced until night. "I think we should stop here because it's already night." I said. "Yeah." Tokoyaki said. "Fumi this is your chance to ask him number." Dark shadow said to his mind. "Fine! But stop annoying me ok?!" Tokoyami said in his mind. "Ok!" Dark shadow said in his mind. "Hey Jojo! Can I ask your number?" Tokoyami asked. "Sure!" I said. I and Tokoyami shared our number phone. "I better go right now. Bye Tokoyami!" I said and leave. I arrived in my house. "Hey Jojo!" Jesse said. "Hey guys!" I said. "We have two weeks to practice our quirk." I thought.
After 2 weeks
"Finally, today is the day of festival Japan." I thought. "Hey Jojo! Thnak you for the last time." Tokoyami said with smile. "You're welcome." I said. "Is everyone good and ready? This festival about to begin!!" Lida said. "Yeah, we are ready for festival." Class 1A said. "I wish I can wear my hero costumes." Shoji said. "Yeah, but they said that aren't allowed." Ojiro said. "They said we have to fair and wear PE uniform." I said. Suddenly, Todoroki just talked with Midoriya about to fight. "What is wrong with Todoroki?" I thought. We all going to field of UA Sport Festival. "Wow! It's really crowd." I said. "Yeah and I am really nervous. I can't do this!" Ace said. "Calm down Ace! Breathe in and out!" George said. "Thanks George!" Ace said. "Is that Midnight?!" Sapphire asked. "I think so." Jesse said. "Be quiet! Your representative is from class 1A Katsuki Bakugou!" Midnight said. Bakugou step foward and about begin to talked. "I have bad feeling." I thought. "As you know, I'm gonna take first place!" Bakugou said. "I knew it." I thought and sighed. "Now, let's get started with the first event." Midnight said. "What is gonna be?" Sapphire asked. "It's obstacle course race!" Midnight said. "It's a race between all players!" I said. "Racers, to your position!" Midning said. "Good luck Jojo." Tokoyami whispered to me. "You too." I said. "Ready... START!" Present Mic said. We all run but the starting gate is too narrow.
Third Person POV
Todoroki just freeze the starting gate to escape and hold them. "I knew it!" Jakounang thought. Some of class 1A got escaped and catch up to Todoroki. Mineta almost catch up to Todoroki but robot just hit him really hard. "What the?! A robot! They are really huge and many." Jakounang thought. Todoroki just used special move of ice. But robots just fell down and blocked us. "Wind flying!" Jakounang said. Jakounang got landed and some of class 1A got escaped from robot. Jakounang saw Koda got trouble. "Koda!" Jakounang said. Jakounang throw kunai with explosive seal. Robot got exploded and Koda thanked Jakounang.
Jakounang POV
I run and arrived at second gates called fall and you're out! "Are you kidding me!? We have to across. It's really deep to fall." I thought. Tsuyu just jumped and across like easily. "Wind flying." I said. I flying in the air and trying catch up to Todoroki. I saw Midoriya brings part of robot. "Really Midoriya? I guess I have to help him." I thought. I went to the Midoriya. "Hey, Midoriya! Do you need help?" I asked. "Yes please." Midoriya said. I took out pokeball. "Hawlucha! I need you." I said and Hawlucha come out from pokeball. "Hawlucha! Can you help Midoriya?" I asked. Hawlucha nodded as yes. "Thank Jojo." Midoriya said. I tried catch to Todoroki and I saw Bakugou just catch up with Todoroki. I landed and run into third stage called minefield. "Minefield?! I have to be careful! I think I should scan the minefield. I can't used wind flying again." I thought. I pressed my ear technology to scan the minefield. I across minefield really careful. "What are you doing Midoriya?" Jiro asked. I looked back and saw Midoriya gathered something. "Lightning speed." I said. I run really fast. Suddenly, there was a big explosion. I got shocked and looked back. "Midoriya?! Wait, he must gathered a bomb minefield. He used a part of robot to launch himself. He's really good of strategy." I thought.
Midoriya was first place of race. Todoroki in second place and Bakugou in third place. I got fourth place. "I can't believe that I got fourth place. Tokoyami got seventh place. Jesse got tenth place and Sapphire got eleventh place. Even my friends also got move next round." I thought. "Alright! The nest second event is cavalry battle!" Midnight said. "It's look like we have to teamwork but how?" Tsuyu asked. "I'm going to explain. Each group only 2-5 members. This called horse and rider formation. Each rank has differents point. For the first place has 1 million point. "Poor Midoriya. Everyone will eliminate Midoriya." I thought. "You have 15 minutes to make a team." Midnight said. I waited for someone to make a team. "Hey Jojo! Wanna team up with me?" Tokoyami asked. "Of course!" I said. We waited someone to ask for team. "Hey Jojo! Tokoyami! Wanna team up with Uraraka and Hatsume?" Midoriya asked. I and Tokoyami nodded as yes.

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