Chapter 15: Provisional License Test

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The day of training had passed. Today is the day Class A get a provisional license test. "Ok Class! We're already here!" Aizawa said. We went out from bus and took our suitcase costumes. "Ah, I'm getting nervous now!" Jiro said. "I wonder what we'll have to do... I wonder if I can get my provisional license." Mineta said. "Mineta, it's not about wether or not you can. Go and get it!" Aizawa said. "R-right, o-of course!" Mineta said. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will become chicks... You'll hatch into semi-pros. Do your best." Aizawa said. "Yes! We'll be hatch into semi-pros!" Kaminari said. "Let's all call out the usual! Ready, set... Plus!" Kirishima said. Suddenly, one boy student shouted "Ultra!" Class A got shocked. "What the?!" Sapphire asked with confused. "You shouldn't just barge in on other people's huddles, Inasa." Another boy student said. "Oh no. I am... very... extremely... sorry!" Inasa shouted while his head smash into ground. Class A got shocked. "Oh my god!" Sero said. "HIS HEAD?!" Mineta shouted. "What's with this guy trying to get by with just his enthusiasm?" Kaminari asked. "Wait, that uniform...!" Jiro said. "Ah, that's right! It's from that famous school in western Japan. That school is Shiketsu High School!" Yaomomo said. "U.A. in the east, Shiketsu in the west." Bakugo said. "Of the many hero courses, it's an elite school that rivals U.A. is Shiketsu High School!" Midoriya said. "Wait! That school is rival to U.A. High School?!" George asked. "That's right..." Midoriya said. "I wanted to try saying it just once! Plus Ultra! I love U.A. High School! I am extremely honored to be able to compete against U.A. students! I'm looking forward to it!" Inasa said. "Calm down! Your head is bleeding right now!" Jakounang said. "Wait! You're Jakounang Kho! I saw you on sport festival! You had a wind quirk! I'm looking forward to fight you!" Inasa said while give his hand to shake Jakounang's hand. "Um... Sure." Jakounang said while grab his hand to shake hand. Then Inasa shake hand really too fast and Jakounang kinda got dizzy. "Jojo! Are you okay?!" Midoriya asked. "Yeah... I'm fine... Maybe a little dizzy..." Jakounang said. "Oh... More blood." A girl student said. "Let's go." A boy student said. They walked away. Jakounang closed his eyes and went to his mind. "When I was grab his hand, I got past vision again... Let's see..." Jakounang thought. Jakounang shocked and went back from his mind. "Wait what?!" Jakounang said with shocked. "Woah, woah! What happened?" Sero asked. "He has been to U.A. High School before! And then he quit and went to Shiketsu High School." Jakounang said. "Wait what?!" Sato asked. "He's right! His name is Inasa Yoarashi." Aizawa said. "Oh yeah! You were his teacher, right?" Jakounang said. "That's right. He's really strong." Aizawa said. Class A shocked what he just said. "That's right! From what I saw is he's top scores of those admitted through recommendations." Jakounang said. "That's right. But he turn down for offer." Aizawa said. "His name is Inasa Yoarashi? Even though he says he loves U.A., but he threw away his chance to enroll. I don't get it." Sero said. "Right. What a weirdo." Mina said. "He's weird, but he's the real thing. Keep an eye on him. Also Jojo, his quirk is wind manipulation just like your element tornado." Aizawa said. "Jojo! Did you see another his past?" Midoriya asked. "From what I saw... Wait! I heard his mind in past! I heard there's one student who he's really hate... Not only that. I also heard his mind said that he's really hate Endeavour also..." Jakounang said. "Endeavour?!" Midoriya asked with shocked. Jakounang nodded. "But why him tho?" Kirishima asked. "I think there must be reason to hate him..." Jakounang said. "Enough with your past vision. Let's move on right now." Aizawa said. Suddenly, a familiar voice called Aizawa. "Eraser? It's you, isn't it, Eraser?" A woman voice. It was Ms. Joke! Aizawa sensei looked annoyed. "I've seen you on TV and at the sports festival, but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!" Ms. Joke said. "Ah! That's ms. Joke!" Violet said. "That's right! She was your opponent when we took exam practical!" Jesse said. "Let's get married!" Ms. Joke said. "No, thanks!" Aizawa said. "Wuah!!" Mina said with excited voice. Ms. Joke laugh and said "No thanks!? Good one!" Ms. Joke said while laughing. "You're hard to talk to, as usual Joke." Aizawa said. "You two are really friends?" Tsuyu asked. "Yeah, our agencies used to be close to each other!" Ms. Joke said. "We're not close to each other." Aizawa said. "Hahaha! I'm just teasing you! I know your secret." Ms. Joke said. "Don't you dare..." Aizawa said. "What secret?" Ace asked. "You will find out!" Ms. Joke said. "So, your school's here too?" Aizawa asked. "Yes! Come here, everyone! Meet U.A.!" Ms. Joke said. "Oh, it's real thing!" Shindo said. "Wow, that's amazing! I've seen them in TV!" Tatame said. "Ketsubutsu Academy, second years, Class 2! They're my class. Please be kind." Ms. Joke said. "I'm Shindo! U.A. this year's had trouble after trouble, so it's must've been tough!" Shido said. "Um, yeah." Midoriya said. "But even so, you all are still aiming to be heroes like this, huh? That's wonderful! a heart of fortitude is what I believe all heroes should have from now on!" Shido said. "He's really to bright... Merci" Aoyama said. "Ah! There is a Bakugo here! You've got strongest at all! I'm so glad we get a chance to fight you. Today, I will doing my best while learning from you." Shido said while give hand to shake hand but Bakugou slapped his away. "Cut that crap! What you're saying doesn't match the look on your face!" Bakugo said. "Hey! Stop being rude!" Kirishima said. "Yeah! Listen to him, Bakugo!" Jakounang said. "I don't f*cking care!" Bakugo said. Jakounang walked to Bakugo and punch his head really hard. Class A and Class 2 shocked. "Sorry for his rudeness! I will teach him about this." Jakounang said. "U-um, yeah-h. It's okay..." Shido said. "His aura really s-scary..." Shido thought with scared face. "Woah, Jojo! I didn't you will hit his head." Sero said. "Well, he make me lose my patience..." Jakounang said. "Okay then..." Sero said. Aizawa called Class A. "Hey, change into your costumes and go to orientation. Don't waste time." Aizawa said. "Yes, sir!" Class A said. "It's like... contact with people outside of school reminds me..." Jiro said. "U.A. students are actually pretty famous, huh?" Kaminari said. Ms. Joke shocked and asked Aizawa. "Did you... not tell them, Eraser?" Ms. Joke asked. After Class A change into their hero costumes, they went to orientation to hear the rules. "There are so many..." Midoriya said. "This is really too much students!" Uraraka said. "I know..." Kirishima said. "Well then, let's do that provisional license thing... I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commision. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep... Nice to meet you... I've been busy that I haven't gotten much sleep... We're too short-staffed! I'm so sleepy! With that conviction, I will give you the orientation." Mera said. "He's not hiding his exhaustion at all. Is he okay?" Class A thought. "About the content of provisional license thing... Frankly, all 1,540 examinees here will have to win through a free-for-all exercise!" Mera said. "Seriously?! That's not a lot to go on." Sero said. "Yeah... Especially, there are 1,540 total in here." Jesse said. "This is gonna be chaos and more intense..." Jakounang said. "Agreed." George said. "Our society is currently said to be saturated with heroes and ever since Stain was arrested, many have shown doubts about the current state of heroes. Well, as a private citizen, no matter what the motivation, to tell someone risking their lives to save others not to seek any reward is... It's the ruthless story of these modern times... But anyway, whether its for compensation or for your loyalty and courage... the result of many heroes working hard together to help people and defeat villains is that right now, the time from when an incident begins to when it is resolved is so short that it'd make you sick. You all are about to receive your provisional licenses and finally throw yourselves into those rapids. Those who can't keep up with that speed will frankly have it tough. Accordingly, what you'll be tested on is speed! The first hundred to fulfill the requirements will pass." Mera said. The screen show the number to pass 1st test is 100 people. "There are a total of 1,540 people taking the exam! Didn't they say half would pass...?" Yaomomo said. "This means, less than 1% will actually pass..." Tsuyu said. "I'm getting more nervous right now!" Jiro said. "Wait! Jojo, didn't you should getting sense about this?" Kaminari asked. "Actually, I didn't get sense about this... This is really unexpected..." Jakounang said. "Wait what?! You didn't get sense about this?" Hagakure asked. "No at all..." Jakounang said. "Maybe Aizawa used his quirk on you?" Midoriya asked. "That make sense! I just saw Aizawa's eyes were red." Ojiro said. "I see... After Ojiro asked about we have to fight these class... I got sense kinda late... So, perhaps it would make sense..." Jakounang said. "I see..." Uraraka said. "Well, a lot's happened out there in the world, and you know, about luck and everything... So anyway, here are the requirements." Mera said while took out a ball and tag ball. The screen show something and explained this rule. "The examinee will put three of these targets on his or her body. They can go anywhere as long as it's an exposed area. You can't put them on the soles of your feet or in your armpits. Each of examinee will have six balls. The targets are made to only light up if they're hit by balls, and if all three of your target lights up, then you're out of this test. And the person who lights up on your third target will have it count as their defeat. You get through this round by defeating two people. Also if you destroy their three of target, they will out of this test also." Mera said. "So, we can destroy their target, they will get out of this test also? It's kinda strange..." Sero said. "Maybe he's talking about people who used a weapons just like me." Jakounang said. "Wait! You're right! You will used your weapons..." Mina said. "Yes... But be careful! These weapons can be dangerous for you." Jakounang said. "Not only that, we all only have six each ball to pass..." Jesse said. "So, we can't waste our balls..." Lida said. "Alright then. After we open this, we will give you a balls and target and then we'll start one minute after we've gotten to everyone." Mera said. "Open what?" Ace asked. Suddenly something shaking and loud noised. We all looked up, the ceiling started opened and the wall get opened and reveal the area field. After the class A already put their targets, the other already ran and hide. "Everyone, don't get too separated! We have to stick together." Midoriya said. Jakounang got sense again. "I see... I know what're you doing right now. Let's move as group." Jakounang said. "You get sense again right? That mean my conclusion was correct." Midoriya said. But Bakugo and Todoroki already running and Kirishima followed Bakugo. "Midoriya! There's no time! Let's move." Mineta said. "Right!" Midoriya said. Class A ran and follow Midoriya as group. "I don't think it's good idea to go off your own, though..." Midoriya said. "Why not?" Mina asked. "Remember sport festival?" Jakounang asked. "What about sport festival?" Uraraka asked. "You know, they all already knows what power we have." Midoriya. "Of course! Sport festival can show our power!" Lida said. "Yes! When I touch Inasa and Shido, I can see past vision... I already know what their planned right now." Jakounang said. "Does that mean?!" Mina asked. "Don't tell me..." Jiro said. The bell ring and the first test has already started. Class A stopped because the other school got out from their hide spot. "I knew it!" Midoriya said. The other school threw all their balls. Midoriya used One For All Full Cowling Shoot Style to send back a few of balls. Tokoyami used Dark Shadow hands to took the balls. Mina used shoot acid. Sero used his tape to all the balls. Mineta used his chain grape pop off. Uraraka floating and missed by all balls. Momo created 3 shields to protect from her, Hagakure, and Tsuyu. Lida run and dodged all balls. Jovini's hand transformed into shield and protect her, Ace, and George from balls. Jesse and Sapphire used their quirk to destroy balls. Jakounang used thunder shield to protect himself, Koda, Ojiro, and Sato and used Golem Earth to protect Jiro, Aoyama, and Shoji. "Everyone! Let's keep like this!" Midoriya said. "Right!" The rest class A said. Shikkui used his quirk on balls and gave to Itejiro. Itejiro used his quirk on balls and send into underground. "Where in the world are they?!" Midoriya asked. "Get back! I'll take this! Sound Amplification... Amplifier Jack... Heartbeat Distortion!" Jiro said while pressed her hands to ground. She send her pulse loud and make the ground got crashed. The balls coming out. Jakounang sense again. "Mineta! Watch out!" Jakounang said. Mineta looked back and saw the balls toward to him. "Ah! They're coming for me!" Mineta said. "Maximum viscosity and solubility. Acid Veil!" Mina said. The balls got melted by Acid Veil. "Thanks! That's great move!" Mineta said. "It's a defensive move that puts up a melty wall!" Mina said. "Black Abyss!" Tokoyami said. Dark Shadow covered Tokoyami. "It's easier to say and cooler too!" Midoriya said. "Piercing Twilight Claw!" Tokoyami said while his hand Dark Shadow grabbed ball and pressed to Tatami on target but she dodged by folded her body. "They're really grown strong... Hey! Let's used your secret surprise!" Shido said. "A surprise attack?" Jesse thought. They pulled out a fabric on the ground and reveal many balls. "Itejiro now!" Shido said. "They're going to use their quirk on balls again!" Ace said. "Water Mist!" Jesse said. The mist gathered around Class A. "Now they can't see us but we kinda surrounded by them." Jesse said. "It's okay! We need to find out about that man who can control things to targeted Mineta or anyone." Midoriya said. "Leave it to me!" Jakounang said while took out scroll. "Scroll?" Koda asked. Jakounang bitted his finger and make line on scroll. Scrolls realesed a sniper rifle. "Woah, woah, woah! You aren't going to kill them right?!" Sero said. "Who said that this used a real bullet?" Jakounang said while took position for sniper. Class A confused. Jakounang used his sense and located his targets. "Gotcha!" Jakounang said while shoot Itejiro's hand. Itejiro got shot and can't move. "What's happening Itejiro?!" Shido asked. "I got shot! I can't move!" Itejiro said. "Wait! He said that he can't move at all?" Shoji asked. "I used a paralyze bullet to stun them." Jakounang said while shoot to others. The mist got dissappeared. "NANI?! He has a sniper riffle!" Tatami said. "Everyone get back! Their defense seem strong. Break... Maximum Force! Tremoring Earth!" Shido said. The ground got cracked and make class got separated. "They're trying to separated us!" George said. "No! I can't let them separated us! I need to think!" Jakounang thought.

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