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Time is a funny concept.

One that humans never seem to have enough of. They rush about, frantic in their attempts to live to the most of their ability, all the while limited time dangled like a piece of gold before their eyes.

Unattainable, valuable.

Time waits for no one, without looking back, it moves on.

She vaguely wonders if he too would panic if time were to suddenly begin moving for him.

She scoffs at the ridiculous thought, there's no way it would move for someon- no... Something like him, she thinks as her eyes land on his face.

Plush red lips, high cheekbones, a structured jawline, and those eyes, golden-honey eyes that flashed crimson at the mere scent of what flowed in her veins.

He was beautiful, and like all things beautiful there came a price. For hidden behind that angelic mask laid pure evil.

Her hatred for him leaves a bitter taste in her mouth.

She hates the way his lips curve into a smile and his eyes soften every time his gaze lands on her. Her stomach churns in discomfort whenever his fingers would brush through her hair, caressing her back before sliding down to her waist where he would sink his nails into her skin and hold her as though she were going to disappear.

How she wished she could.

Time doesn't exist for him, it never has, it never will.

After all, what is time to a being who has eternity?

"Ye Rin" comes his voice, light, mellow, a complete contrast to what he is. She doesn't answer, merely stares back into his eyes as the red begins to bleed forth.

"Come here".

She no longer protests, no longer screams, kicks, tries to run away. Those attempts drained from her lifetimes ago.

None of it does anything for her, he will always have his way.

Standing up, she walks towards him, taking slow steps. The flickering of the flames upon the many candles placed on the dining table casts shadows across his face. His eyes follow her every move, a feral hunger in them.

She stops in front of him, suppressing a shudder of disgust when he places a hand around her wrist and tugs her down roughly. She falls into his lap, and he wastes no time wrapping his arm around her waist as he pulls her hair to the side, exposing her neck.

His breath is warm against her skin, she shivers the moment his lips press against the nape of her neck, leaving little kisses against it. Tears are brimming in her eyes as she stares blankly ahead.

She should be used to it by now, she thinks as his lips stop in a particular spot.

It always happened like this.

His lips part.

It didn't hurt any less than every other time.

The pain hits her the moment he sinks his teeth into her neck. It shoots across her body, causing her to throw her head back in a pained gasp. She wants to scream, wants to pull away from him, but the grip around her waist tightens, she can feel his nails digging into her hipbone.

The tears slip past her eyes as she exhales the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

She feels his lips pulling in a smirk as he drinks.

The pain disappears just as quickly as it appeared and is replaced with a sense of numbing intoxication. The room begins to spin a haze of fuzzy colors and blurred streaks. She can barely register his voice, soft as it hums something in her ear. The grip around her waist loosens.

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