
76 14 5

September 6th, 2021

She sits, back leaning against a willow tree as she relaxed.

Namjoon is further ahead of her, sitting upon the ledge of the hill they painstakingly climbed for twenty minutes.

It's worth it, she thinks, watching his content smile as he snapped photos of the sea before them.

The view was magnificent from up here and she knows how much he loved the sea.

Loved it as every wave crashed together, melding into one. The sound of it roared in her ears and the salty taste of the breeze is refreshing.

He glances back ever so often, leveling her with a dimpled smile and she grins every time.

Closing her eyes for a mere second she listens to the sound of the seagulls flying about, murmurs of the voice of other people as they passed by and finally the sound of his shoes crunching against the gravel as he approached her.

His scent is pleasant, honey mixed with gardenias, and it engulfs her as he seats himself in the spot next to her.

"We come here so often and yet each time, its beauty still captivates me," he says leaning against her.

There's a pleasant buzzing in her stomach as she nuzzles into his chest, humming in response.

It was so comfortable with him, touching him, talking to him, loving him.

She never believed a day would come where all her worries would dispel and she would be so.. happy.

Her past had been so corrupt, stained in so much blood and pain that any hopes of recovery were but a faraway dream.

"So I've been thinking," he drawls nudging her gently as her eyes flutter open. "We've been together for three years now and I've thought about it plenty, weighed our options, and may have stressed myself out overthinking your reaction multiple times" he chuckles shaking his head as he straightened his back turning to face her.

There's a nervous look in his eyes, he's fidgeting as he struggles to convey his words.

"What is it?" she eyes him curiously.

"How do you feel about the idea of us moving in together?" he says so fast she barely catches it.

She's so taken aback that she forgets to respond, and as a result, he misinterprets her reaction as rejection, his shoulders sag in dejection.

"It's okay if you're not comfortable with it, I understand. I won't force you into anything you're not ready for-"

"No!" she shouts abruptly causing him to flinch.


"Ah- um- I mean yes!" she chokes out wanting to smack herself for confusing him.

"Yes?" he tilts his head.

Sighing, she takes his hand in hers, squeezing it lightly.

"Yes, I would love to move in with you"

The smile he gives her is breathtaking, he's so delighted that he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in for a kiss.

She wants to cry tears of joy.

"We'll find a place near the sea! It doesn't even have to be here we could leave the country if you want" he begins talking excitedly and she laughs simply marveling at the moment.

"As long as you're by my side, holding my hand, anywhere is home".

The drive back from their little trip is peaceful, he has one hand on the steering wheel and another resting in her lap. There's soft music playing from the radio, an instrumental from some famous movie she can't remember the name of and she's gazing out of the open window.

The breeze is warm against her skin and the sky is changing colors as the sun sets on the horizon. It colors the sea in hues of orange and bright red.

Everything felt perfect.

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