As Jasmine and Sarah were in the car as Sarah was driving towards the police station a few miles
away from where they were, Sarah got lost and did not know which way she was going so she
went onto google maps (on her phone) and asked google for directions to the Marksman City
Police Station (not a real place just imaginary) and she told her to drive left for 10 miles and
she would arrive at her destination. "Ugh..this drive is taking forever" Jasmine said in a bored
tone."We will get there do not is just that there is so many turns we have to make"."Turns?"."Yeah turns".A few seconds later, the angry guy at the diner noticed outside that
the girl's car was gone and thought they must of drove away so he called up his daredevil crew
to hunt down and kill them."Got any food i could eat Sarah?"."Uh..not right now Jasmine but i
know there are some nut bars and a bag of crisps under the glove-compartment"."Oh thanks"Whilst the man was waiting for his call to be answered he knew that the two girls were gone a gust
of wind came flying throughout the room suddenly."What the hell, somehow i feel cold?".Everybody was questioning what was going on but the man just got out his axe from his bag and just threw it across the room angrily.*Everyone putting their heads down* "Man why would you do that?, are you crazy"." Do you know who is crazy...YOU BEING ANNOYING I JUST WANT QUIET..BUT NOOOO..I HAVE TO HEAR YOUR ANNOYING VOICES!!" the man bellowed.
Previously, the inmates that were in the Marksman City Penitentiary escaped and got into the city
and they bought weapons and dangerous pieces of liquids they bought off on the dark web.They
then later went into a grocery store and pointed a submachine gun at the cashier robbing him as he gave him $173.42 to the (inmate) robber and shot him reapeatedly as they ran away whilst stealing a Lamborghini Adventador."Yeah i kn..Wait..THATS MY CAR..STOP HE HAS STOLEN MY CAR!" the rich man shouted as onlookers saw as he drove away recklessly running over many people while the person in the passenger seat got a baseball bat and left it open as over 321 people had broken skulls by the hits.The inmate poured arsenic acid on the floor making people walking by slip over and fall on the dangerously, bad acid as many people burned their hands.The cops were alerted about the incidents happening in downtown Marksman City [not an actual place] came but they were
too late they left the only good thing was that they got all the details." this car is so fast and luxurious bro".
"I know but where are we going though?"." To the destination our boss sent us of these two fine ladies"."oh alright" the man grinned as he laughed on.12 minutes later, they saw the car and rammed into a
tree.The people who got out were not the girls just a teenage boy with long hair a puffer jacket, blue jeans, green boots."Oh for..GOD SAKE!" the man cried out while kicking the car in anger
and frustration.
Takeaway Service 2 (Forgotten Until Now) *Completely Finished*
HorrorThese are the last pieces of chapters for the true ending of this book, you will see new characters and descriptions about themselves aswell they will also have differential characterized personalities and traits and the some of the old characters w...