A New Beginning (Part 2)

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Sarah and Jasmine were getting ready to go to the funeral set up and planned by Carole and Ava's family."Well i guess we are ready"."Yeah i guess we have to get going now"."Yeah let's head
off then".Sarah and Jasmine then later headed out of their house complex and drove to the funeral to mourn the loss of their best friends.After the funeral, Sarah and Jasmine were in the car and one of them was getting called by an unknowingly, suspicious caller."Um..hello, who is
this?" Sarah asked carefully."Good morning this is David Lane and i am frustrated of how you
snitched your way through my employers" the man jokingly said with a snigger."Employers, what are you talking abo-","i am talking about the way you got my people into prison".
The man stopped Sarah from talking and answered her question.

"Whatever dickhead so what do you want cash, girls, enterprises?"." No i want your stupid-ass
to come down to the Marksman City Library so we can chat"."Oh alright but don't expect nice
things"."oh i wont...*Maniacal and Disturbing Laughter* the call ended with a few second of
silence before Jasmine asked a question to Sarah about what was happening."What was that
about then Sarah?"."Just some spam caller trying to get me to meet up with him"."Oh so..are you
going to do it then?"."What no of course not".Later, they stopped on a long strech of road because
their car broke down and they needed help."OH FOR GOD SAKE WHY HAS THIS CAR STOPPED
WORKING FOR ALL OF A SUDDEN!!" Jasmine vociferously shouted without hesitation."Jesus
Christ.. Jasmine calm down alright it is just a car".Sarah peacefully replied.

"WELL HOW..are we going to get out of this then..HUH!"."I have no clue but shouting will not
help us will it?"."Yeah i guess your right".As Sarah and Jasmine were talking a man from the
nearby came from the forest wielding a sledgehammer and armed with two machetes and a
double-barrel shotgun in a old backpack wearing a mask covering his burns and bruises
with skinny jeans and white trainers with yellow laces that were brand new but covered in
mud and bits of grass.*footsteps coming from the back of the car* " what was that..did you hear
that Sarah..sarah..SARAH!!"."Ahh..god what?".*THUD* "AHHH RUN..GET THE HELL OUT OF THE
CAR NOW!!".Sarah and Jasmine dashed out of the broken down car leaving their keys and other
items.*breathing heavily* "i cannot believe we escaped from that pshycopath" Sarah acknowledgedly said towards Jasmine."i will find a telephone box so i can call the police".Jasmine walked towards the telephone box she found at a diner and called 911.

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