Getting Through The Good And The Bad (Part 8)

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Later, that evening Sarah got all her stuff and went out of her BFF'S house as Luiz on the other hand, waited for her so they could rush towards Sarah and Jasmine's house."All is lost now you
are now under my control and you can not prevent me from trying to change"."I would if I could get out of these stupid cuffs!"."DON'T YOU DARE THINK YOU ARE GOING TO BE ABLE TO ESCAPE..YOUR IN MY PALACE ENJOY IT OR NOT BUT YOUR ALL GOING TO DIE HERE NOBODY WILL EVER SURIVE!"." are more sadistic and crazy than ever"."Oh is that so we will see when I make a..ANNOYING BRAT BBQ SLICING YOU INTO LITTLE PIECES OF
CHICKEN BREAST FOR ME TO FEAST ON!!"."Ugh..just shut up does it look like I am scared or
intimidated by so just carry on with your dumb and stupid planning"."Well if you look at that we have a sarcastic,ungrateful and impatient girl I would definitely kill you first..START UP THE SLICER DANNY!"."OKAY BOSS!".*Slicer approaching Sophie quickly* "oh wow I am going to die ahhhh..whatever I don't care"."Oh you will care Sophie you will ca.."."MCPD FREEZE YOU ALL ARE UNDER ARREST FOR ATTEMPTED MANSLAUGHTER OF A MINOR"."OH NO!..QUICK GET THE AK-47 AND SAWED OFF SHOTGUN NOW!".*Henchman passing gun to the boss*

Abruptly, a shootout begins and as they were shooting at the officers killing half of them a dark purple SUV appears outside and crazily drives into the building killing the police officers and a quarter of the henchmen and injuring the boss too." now who would drive a SUV into my own..EXPENSIVE MANSION!".*Driver getting out with shattered glass on his head and blood
dripping down from his head* "Exactly it was you wasn't it..YOU UNINTELLIGENT PERSON I WILL
HANG YOU UP WITH THEM TOO!".*Dragging the man as he woke up and kicked the boss in the face with his head with the back of his head making his nose broken and bleed* "ARGHHH! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!"."Well what do you think idiotic douchebag I helped you through killing people for money but you know what I'm done I'm done Chris all of this for just gain and satisfaction no I won't continue so I am going to take you down"."I highly doubt that Frederick you are dying today I mean we do this so we can get money and we can become a evil organisation with creative ways of staying fresh so what do you say?".*Seeing his hand and refusing to join* "no I won't go I will not join your horrible business and planning on killing billions of people for no reason"."But what I am going to do is untie these girls and bring them home".*grunting* "OH NO YOU WON'T! you know what..FORGET YOU! FORGET YOU FREDERICK IF YOU WON'T JOIN

*Laughing sarcastically and frantically while slowly pointing his katana at Fredrick* "Get your hands away from my..GIRLS!".*running towards Frederick waving his his katana around* "Run FREDDY RUN!".As Frederick was running from Chris he tripped over a broken piece of material
while looking over his shoulder as Chris threw his katana at Sarah's boyfriend's head killing him
sadly.*aiming his pistol at Freddy happily ready to kill him* "last chance you want to join the good and new Takeaway Service Organisation?"."umm no thanks"."Knew you would say
that well goodbye then".[BANG] *killing Fredrick at point blank range with no regrets* "You could of done good things Frederick but I guess not".*Frederick creepily moving* "As for you girls I will take you all to the slaughterhouse where you will be shredded one by one..not me though" *crazy laughter* " well time to untie you one by one".*Sophie punching Chris two times (X2) in the face brutally while taking his gun and shooting him in his legs paralyzing him* "OUCH YOU DUMB IDIOTIC BUFFOON WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Chris angrily shouted."Because it is not about you it is about me and my friends also I will tell you why I did that 1.You annoyed me so much 2.Your henchmen killed Sarah's boyfriend with a KATANA I MEAN HE IS BLEEDING NOW! AND NUMBER 3. YOU HAVE HURT ME AND MY FRIENDS SO YOU KNOW WHAT GO AND ABANDON YOUR ORGANIZATION!".*Untying her friends then kicking him in his face while punching him with the gun as he begged her to stop but then she threw him towards the stairs breaking his spine while walking out with her friends and jogging to Sarah's house and telling her the news she needed to hear while leaving Chris paralyzed and broken as he knew he would have a backup plan*

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