Finding A Way Through Town (Part 5)

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As the men were extremely angry about not finding the girls they hopped back in the Lamborghini and drove it to a destination not too far where the girls were at."Do you know where we are going?"."Yeah i think maybe the girls went to the police station downtown..i am heading over there now-"."No i do not think so!" *pointing a pistol onto his head* "uh..what..are
you doing?"."Isn't it obvious i am going to kill you".*gulp* "Jk (just kidding) HAHAHAHAHA!".*Laughing nervously* " oh my god you fell for it..anywho the boss is going to
kill us if we do not find these girls".Furthermore, they indeed found the girls their car was parked outside a gas station."YEAH..we got em".*Both shutting the car door* "well hello there
this might hurt a little" *hitting Sarah and Jasmine with a baseball bat* "huh what..who are..what
is thi-"."Good afternoon i hope i did not do something wrong" *giggling* "as always i would like
you two ungrateful brats to get to know me better"."Like i would like to know who you are" Sarah
replying sarcastically.

" you want to be murdered, tortured, cremated?, did not think so..well i would love to
stay and chat but i am going with my henchmen to make the whole world's entire population
decrease drastically so nobody is left standing, so many people will be kidnapped and murdered
kids will cry and beg all of this to be a dream"." You are a..EXTREMELY SICK PERSON!" Jasmine shrieked."Aww..poor Jasmine all angry and upset..well do you know who else is upset..THIS GUY!"."OH MY LORD..that is my boyfriend..YOU PSYCHO! LEAVE HIM OUT OF THIS!".
"NO I AM NOT!. i mean what i will do in the meanwhile is that my personal assistant will slice
him up with a samurai katana into pieces of flesh so if you don't want that i suggest you be quiet!".*sighing with a regrettable face*

"As always i am off to go and kill more people" *hysterical laughter with a evil tone* "you will never get away we will stop you"." Oh i am sure you will..kill them or torture them guys".The henchmen's back were now turned towards the girls hanging from a wall chained with iron handcuffs."Time to have fun then" the henchman said whilst tormenting and hitting the girls
with a whip."OWWWW..I HATE THIS WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ONLY US!" Sarah and Jasmine
screamed together at the same time while crying in pain and agony."SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRATS!
WE ARE ONLY DOING THIS BECAUSE WE GET PAID BY OUR BOSS TO!"."JUST DON'T KILL US"."THAT IS WHAT WE WERE ARE DOING!" the man angrily exclaimed.*A bang coming from the two doors next to them came blasting a assault rifle at the two henchmen killing leaving a bloody mess* "you are bunch of dumb idiots" the unknown man said whilst speaking in a
European accent.He then got a hammer from his backpack and smashed the cuffs breaking them as the girls came down and were freed."Thank you..oh my god thanks mr."."Call me Luiz..Luiz Frederickson".As they were freed the dominican-republic man told the girls what happened
and that there are 12 teenagers that are in danger and need rescuing so they can stop whoever is killing so many innocent people.

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