Flight To Croatia (Part 17)

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"CHRISTOPHER! are you okay?"." I am fine a bit injured I have a few scratches and cuts but I am fine though anyway "."Well that is good I am so happy that that evil son of a gun is gone and is in a mental health institution"."I know Lois but I have to apologize anyway for my horrible and cruel actions towards you and your friends"." Why though I mean you've already changed your ways..haven't you?"."Yes but I have to apologize for my treatment towards you and Sarah, Jasmine,Sophie as well for keeping not all of you but some of you guys in an mansion for torture and trying to kill all you guys"."It is alright..I forgive you and I am sorry for trying to kill your henchmen I just wanted them to be arrested not killed"."You did the right thing to be honest I just wanted a luxuriously, rich lifestyle with my organization being in the top business but I mean you guys did the right thing as they were not even following my instructions so they went off killing many people and robbing stores..so you know what?"."What?".*taking off black suit and shoes and putting on white Nike air force 1's and wearing a blue jumper and brown tracksuit bottoms* "I AM DONE WITH THE TAKEAWAY SERVICE AND I AM SHUTTING DOWN MY BUISNESS FOREVER!"."That's good..say you wanna come home with us Chris?"."Sure why not also I heard you were moving somewhere?"." Oh yeah I was flying to my home country "."Where?"." Croatia"."Wow..I mean that is so awesome and extremely surprising..can you speak Croatian?"."Yeah I can wanna hear?"."Sure"."Okay..
Pozdrav, moje ime je Lois i živim u Marksman Cityju sa svojim prijateljima Sarah, Jasmine, Rosie, Dave, Sophie i mnogim drugima, a ja idem kući s Christopherom"."I can speak way more than that too though"."Jesus that is good what does that mean in english though?"."It means..Hello my name is Maisie and I live in Marksman City with my friends Sarah,Jasmine,Rosie,Dave,Sophie and many others too and I am walking home with Christopher"."Oh okay that is cool too well we are here at your guys house..got your keys?"."Yes I indeed do".*Opening door with her keys*

"And..we are now inside make yourself at home I will cook up some food..what do you guys want?"."Spaghetti"." Fried chicken and chips"."It's settled I will just make both for you guys anyway so there is no argumentative annoyance between either of you guys".*Starting up the fryer to fry the chicken in while she got the chicken out* "Forget it Sarah are you fine with having chicken as I am too tired to make spaghetti"."Yeah Maisie I enjoy chicken more than I enjoy having spaghetti".Everybody came downstairs wondering what was going on as Sophie and Rosie saw Chris and they were agitated as they saw him.*Breathing in heavily* "Lois what Is Chris doing in our house?" Sophie said with agitation and distress as she was about to blows out like a steam train whistle."He is here to stay with us for a while until he finds his own house and also he is calm and he is not going to hurt you so do not be so moody and grumpy"."Oh we are both grumpy alright seeing him here!"."I agree with Sophie but I understand Lois's understandable reason we need to settle"."Alright yes I understand her reason and thank you Rosie for your point...but if you dare be in our house and start annoying me or any one of us I will crush you like a soda can..WITH MY FEET!" *angrily stomping upstairs while she waited for her food* "I hope she is okay should I go speak to her?"."No she is like that that's her personality"." Okay then"."I know you wanted to help but she is going to start destroying this house if you go up there..sadly, she was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age so that why she gets so hot tempered with people she does not like"."Oh my god..I feel so sorry for her"."She is trying to cope with it now so we try not to get involved in her situation and we don't talk to her about it as she gets mad..but anyway the food is ready everybody get a plate and make a line while I serve you with your fried chicken".*Serving everybody except Sophie as she was upstairs depressed and miserably grumpy* "where is Sophie? SOPHIE..SOPHIE!

*Coming downstairs in a depressed state* "what food is it?"."It is fried chicken..are..you okay?"." What is up with you today you do not seem yourself?"."I just feel like that because of how I was extremely traumatized while I was at that guy's horrible mansion and all the nasty things he made us do"."He said sorry to us now eat you are hungry you need nutrition"."WOW!..Lois you didn't tell all of us you could speak Croatian and Sophie could hear your language" Dave asked with excitement."Yeah I lived in Croatia since I was a little girl so it has been incredibly enjoyable as my parents used to speak the native language anyway..I am now going to board my flight but before that let me get my luggage".*going upstairs to get her luggage from her shared friend's room* "okay now that I have my luggage I can now say goodbye to all of you including you Sophie and behave yourself while I am away"."How long are you staying there for?"."Only for 10 days not too long I am just going to visit my family and say hi to them and eat the yummy and delicious food and drink they have and just..enjoy the part of the country with them..well I have to go now bye"."HAVE FUN MAISIE!" everybody yelled out with joy and excitement as Maisie left to get on a flight to Croatia."Man I miss my mom..she now lives in New York City which is pretty surprisingly strange as she use to live close but she told me to move anyway and my other two friends were killed by the organization members so I was extremely traumatized and sad for a couple of months before I stayed with you guys"."Oh my..that is so sad to hear I hope those evil members got what they deserved"."They in fact did as they went to the Marksman City Penitentiary but they escaped and now they are at a maximum security Mental Institution which is pretty nice to hear as they will not escape from there..also I thought you killed yourself Chris?"."I did shoot myself but that cannabilistic psychopathic cloned me and now I am here reliving my life in a positive and not negative way"."Well that is good to hear do you mind as I help Sophie regain her joyful mood"."Sure go right ahead"."Sophie are you alright?"."Yeah why do you ask?"."Oh sorry I thought you were upset"."No I am fine..tell Chris that I am fine with him staying here and that I am friends with him"."Okay..CHRIS!"."YEAH!"."SOPHIE SAID THAT SHE IS FINE WITH YOU STAYING HERE AND SHE WOULD LOVE TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!"."OKAY THAT IS COOL"."Thanks Sarah for everything I mean it..truthfully"."My pleasure all I wanted in my life was to make the people I know happy" *both of them smiling at each other then hugging one another with happiness and positivity*

The End

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